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Women's Rights National Historical ParkWesleyan Chapel
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Women's Rights National Historical Park

"Never doubt that a small, group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has."                        Margaret Mead

Park Mission       
To preserve and interpret for the education, inspiration and benefit of present and future generations, the nationally significant historical and cultural sites, structures, and events associated with the struggle for equal rights for women, and to cooperate with national, state, and local entities to preserve the character and historic setting of such sites, structures and events.

Park Significance                                                      
The formal struggle for equal rights for women was ignited by the people and events that generated and surrounded the First Women’s Rights Convention held in Seneca Falls in July 1848.  This struggle is one of the most critical and influential social movements in North American history starting in the 19th century and continuing today.                     

The Declaration of Sentiments, ratified at the 1848 Convention, is a document of enduring relevance, which asserted that equality and justice should be extended to all people without regard to sex.

Park Focus                                          
The First Women’s Rights Convention, held in 1848 in Seneca Falls, was the formal beginning of the Women’s Rights Movement.  The Convention expanded the meaning of the Declaration of Independence, demonstrated that a few people can affect many, and advocated the need for human rights for all.        

1. The First Women’s Rights Convention held in 1848 in Seneca Falls was a pivotal event that changed history. It marked the formal beginnings of the continuing struggle for equal rights for women. The rights and benefits we enjoy today are a direct result of the efforts of the men and women who participated at the first convention. 

2. The relationships among the early reformers of the 19th century were pivotal in bringing about the First Women’s Rights Convention and the reforms related to women's rights.

3. The historic structures, landscapes and artifacts allow visitors to occupy the same space as the organizers and participants of the convention, and to appreciate more fully the enduring qualities of these special places.  

4. By 1848, religious, political, social reform movements and economic/educational conditions were right for bringing together in Seneca Falls, social activities, political reformers and interested neighbors to decide on a course of action to achieve equal rights for women.

FY 2003 Annual Performance Plan 


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The Wesleyan Chapel as it appears today.
Learn what happened in the Wesleyan Chapel in 1848
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Statue of Frederick Douglass in the park visitor center
Men for Women's Rights
In 1848 Frederick Douglass and many more men came in support of equality
Wesleyan Chapel, site of the First Women's Rights Convention, as it is preserved today.  

Did You Know?
Did you know that one of the organizers of the First Women's Rights Convention in America, Martha Coffin Wright, frequently housed fugitive slaves in her kitchen?

Last Updated: February 12, 2007 at 17:00 EST