NCBI News, a quarterly newsletter, informs the biology community of
our research activities and the availability of new database and software services.
It contains announcements of services, as well as tutorials, frequently asked
questions, profiles of staff members, and a bibliography of recent staff
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On-Line Issues
January 2008 (PDF)
dbGaP; Web BLAST Interface Redesign; Genome Builds and Map Viewer; New Protein Cluster Database; GenBank Release 164; RefSeq Release 27; BLAST Lab
Fall/Winter 2006/07 (HTML, PDF)
PubMed Abstract Plus; CDTree & Cn3D; Whole Genome Shotgun; New BLAST View; New Genome Builds; UniGene; RefSeq Release 22; GenBank Release 158; NCBI Courses; Submissions Corner; PubChem Grows to 15MM
Summer 2006 (HTML, PDF)
Influenza Database and Tools; Trace Archives at 1 Billion; Entrez Nucleotide Split Database; Third Party Annotation Database; RefSeq Release 18; 1918 Killer Flu Virus; UniGene; GenBank Release 155; Mammoths and Moas at NCBI; Recent NCBI Pubs; NCBI Papers Most Cited; NCBI Courses; BLAST Lab; Genome Builds and Map Viewer.
November 2005 (HTML, PDF)
OMSSA; Probe Database Debut; New Structure Link from Protein; BLAST Download Update; New Microbial Genomes; Nucleotide Database Splits; NCBI 4-Pack Course; RefSeq Release 14; New Organisms in UniGene; GenBank Passes 100 Gigabases; New BLAST Formatter; Splign Alignment Tool; GenBank Release 150; New Genome Builds; Submission Corner
May 2005 (HTML, PDF)
GENSAT; My NCBI; Influenza Virus Resource; NCBI Toolkit; New Microbial Genomes; Iceman Preserved; RefSeq Updates; RefSeq Release; UniGene; GenBank Release 147; New Genome Build; CCDS Database; NCBI Courses; PubMed Corrects Spelling; BLAST Lab; LocusLink Retired
Summer/Fall 2004 (HTML, PDF)
Entrez E-Utilities; PubChem; GenePlot; New NLM Catalog; New Genome Builds; New Microbial Genomes in GenBank; Whole Genome Shotgun Project Page; New Format Option Web BLAST; Trace Archive Grows; New Organisms in UniGene; RefSeq Version 8; Submissions Corner; Predicted Records; GenBank Release 144; BLAST 2.2.10 Released; Recent Publications
Spring 2004 (HTML, PDF)
Transitioning from LocusLink to Entrez Gene; New Cancer Chromosomes Database; HomoloGene's New Look; BLAST Link (BLink); Debut of the HCT Database; 350KB Sequence Length Limit Removed; New Eukaryotic Genomes; Environmental Samples; HIV Protein-Interaction Database; e-PCR and Reverse e-PCR; New Organisms in UniGene; RefSeq Accession Numbers Get Longer; FieldGuidePlus Course; RefSeq Release 6; GenBank Release 142; Entrez Tools 'Hot Spot'; BLAST Lab; New Microbial Genomes; Entrez Quiz
Fall/Winter 2003 (HTML, PDF)
Entrez Query Goes "Global"; Register Your Genome Project; New Genome Builds; Entrez Gene Database;
Recent Publications; New Microbial Genomes; KOGs and COGs in CDD; Submission Corner; GenBank Release 139;
UniGene Adds Four; RefSeq Version 3
Summer 2003 (HTML, PDF)
Reference Human Genome; SARS Coronavirus Resource; Gene Expression Omnibus (GEO); Major
Histocompatibility Complex (dbMHC); RefSeq Release 1; GenBank Release 137; New Microbial
Genomes; Sequence Revision History; BLAST Lab
Spring 2003 (HTML, PDF)
Field Guide to GenBank; Human Reference Sequence; UniGene Expands; Rat Genome Assembly; Taxonomy
Browser; Search the NCBI Web Site; Recent Publications; New Genomes; Entrez Quiz; Submission
Corner; GenBank Updates; GenBank Release 135
Fall/Winter 2002 (HTML, PDF)
Plasmodium falciparum Genome; Third Party Annotation Database; Map Viewers; Structure Similarities; PubMed
Central; The NCBI Handbook; BLAST Lab; New Microbial Genomes
Summer 2002 (HTML, PDF)
Cn3D 4.0; SNP Population Grows; Viral Reference Sequences; New Genomes in GenBank; Mouse Genome Resources;
Mosquito Genome; Sequin MacroSend; BLAST version 2.2.4
Spring 2002 (HTML, PDF)
Model Maker; Virus Reference Sequences; New MapViewer Displays; Mouse Genome BLAST; Organism-Specific BLAST; ProtEST;
Trace Archive Expands; Find Out "About NCBI"; New FTP Hierarchy; Barbara Rapp Leaves NCBI
Winter 2001 (HTML, PDF)
COGs Update; Plant Genomes; LinkOut; Investigator Profile: Stephen Altschul; GenBank News; Expanded Bookshelf;
BLAST Enhancements
Fall 2001 (HTML, PDF)
Using TaxPlot to Compare Genomes; New RefSeq Accession Numbers for Curated Genomic Regions; GenBank News; DART Targets
Protein Domains; Evidence Viewer Facilitates Analysis of NCBI Human Gene Models
Spring 2001 (HTML, PDF)
Human Genome Map Viewer; Investigator Profile: Eugene V. Koonin; Mouse Genome Resources; UniSTS Integrates Markers;
GenBank Mirror Sites; New BLAST Features
Fall / Winter 2000 (HTML, PDF)
The Human Genome Sequence; BLink Enhances Entrez Exploration; Human Gene Nomenclature; Standalone
BLAST Additions; Mirror FTP Site for GenBank
Summer 2000 (HTML, PDF)
Conserved Domain Database; Enhanced Taxonomy Access; New Human-Mouse Homology Map;
Gene Expression Omnibus; GenBank Adds a Pair of Pathogens; Protein Molecular Weight
in Entrez; OMIM in Entrez; Web Server Software for BLAST; PSI-BLAST 2.1; Address Change
for FTP Server
Spring 2000 (HTML, PDF)
Dazzling Graphics with Cn3D 3.0; BLAST Offers Taxonomic Views; HomoloGene: Clusters of Clusters; Fly
Genome Deposited in GenBank; Drosophila Finds New Home Page; Human Genome Map Viewer
Winter 2000 (HTML, PDF)
Entrez Genomes; IgBLAST; BLAST 1.4; PubMed Central; Mitochondria Energize RefSeq; PSI-BLAST Profiles; Textbooks Linked to
PubMed; BankIt 3.0; Mouse and Rat in LocusLink; Malaria Menace Mapped
Fall 1999 (HTML, PDF)
Enhanced Entrez; New Home Page; Cn3D 2.5; News Briefs; GenBank Contig Division; VecScreen; BLAST Lab
Summer 1999 (HTML, PDF)
Decade of Data; LocusLink; QBlast; Cn3D 2.5 Released; RefSeq; Exhibits and Workshops; Coffee Break
Spring 1999 (HTML, PDF)
Human Genome Resource; Sequences from Times Past; Sequin 2.90; SAGEmap; Profile: PSI-BLAST Team; BLAST Lab; Protocol for
EST Submissions
Winter 1999 (HTML, PDF)
Submitting Alignments; Compound Accession Number; HIV-1 Subtyping Tool; Changes
to BLAST Output; UniGene for Rat; BLAST Lab: Standalone BLAST; Profile: CASP3
November 1998 (HTML, PDF)
GeneMap '98; Cn3d 2.0; PHI-BLAST; Submitting
Identical Sequences from Multiple Sources; Authorin No Longer Accepted; Genes and
Disease Web Site; Flexibility Added to BLAST; dbSNP; NCBI Marks 10th Anniversary
July 1998 (HTML, PDF)
Complete Genomes in GenBank; Unfinished Microbial
Genomes; Tracking Human Sequencing; BLAST 2 Sequences; GeneMap '98; New Network
Clients; Malaria Genetics Web Site
February 1998 (HTML, PDF)
BLAST Version 2.0; COGs; GenBank Submissions; High Throughput Sequencing; GenBank
Reaches One Billion
August 1997 (HTML, PDF)
PubMed Launched; Using Sequin; Structure Neighbors; ORF Finder; Electronic PCR; CGAP
Revolutionizes Research
August 1996 (HTML, PDF)
See in 3D: New Entrez Release; UniGene Collection; Entrez CD-ROM Discontinued; QUERY
E-mail Server; Human/Mouse Homology Map; Images in OMIM; Genome Survey Sequences;
Sequin Quick Guide; New BLAST Services
March 1996 (HTML, PDF)
OMIM Database Available; Entrez: Graphical Views of the Genomes Division; Sequin
Pre-Release; Entrez in Secure Environments; BLAST Service Update; Entrez CD-ROM
September 1995 (HTML, PDF)
GenBank Enters Megabase Era; Entrez Takes Graphical View; GenBank Taxonomy; BankIt
Submissions Mount
March 1995 (HTML, PDF)
GenBank Offers BankIt; GenBank Receives Merck Sequences; Entrez on the Net;
Molecular Modeling Database; GenBank Fellows
August 1994 (PDF)
Mosaic Adds dbEST/dbSTS; Entrez CD-ROM's Third Year; Repository CD-ROM Service
Ends; GenBank Fellows; Entrez Replaces NCBI-Sequences; GenBank Flat File Expands;
Profile: Dan Graur; Special: GenBank Services
February 1994 (PDF)
GenBank's Taxonomy; Access NCBI Through WWW; New STS Database, Division;
CD-ROM Entrez Expands; GenBank: Focus on Quality; NCBI's Board; NCBI Services
Revised: March 31, 2008.