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Speeches by Secretary Elaine L. Chao

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Remarks Delivered by
U.S. Secretary of Labor Elaine L. Chao
2007 DOL Combined Federal Campaign Kick-off Rally
Frances Perkins Building, Washington, DC
Thursday, October 25, 2007

Thank you, Brad [Campbell, Assistant Secretary, Employee Benefits Security Administration]. And thank you for serving as the Department of Labor's Vice Chair for the Combined Federal Campaign this year.

I'd also like to give a big thanks to our CFC Campaign Manager, Thomasina McPhail; Co-Campaign Manager, Donna Childs-Speight; this year's Loaned Executive, Sherrye Fowler, and all of the Agency Chairs and key workers. Thank you for all that you do to make this program such a success. Finally, I'd like to thank Elaine Tucker, National CFC Associate Director, and Vince, Chair of the Local Federal Coordinating Committee for the National Capital Area CFC, for being here today.

The Combined federal Campaign is dedicated to supporting and promoting philanthropy. It has become the world's largest and most successful annual workplace charity campaign. During the 2006 campaign, Federal employees and military personnel in the National Capital Area raised over $59.7 million — exceeding the previous year's record receipts by more than $2 million!

The Department of Labor also had a record year in 2006. We raised $1,074,416, which was 110 percent of our goal! Because of the generosity of DOL employees like you, the Department received the Summit Award for achieving a 3 percent increase in giving for the second year in a row. And for the fourth year in a row, we received the Million Dollar Circle Award for raising more than $1 million. Out of the more than 153 participating departments and agencies, the Department of Labor was one of 76 that received the Summit Award, and one of 24 that received the Million Dollar Award. So you did an outstanding job, and I commend your generosity!

I am confident that 2007 will be another record year for the CFC here at the Department of Labor. Our goal is to raise $1,000,000. The theme for this year's campaign remains the same as last year, "Be a Star in Someone's Life! Support the CFC." This theme highlights the important role that mentors and philanthropists play in the lives of the people around them. We have all encountered people like this in our own lives — perhaps our parents or grandparents, teachers, coaches, or members of the clergy. These stars invested their time, money, and energy into our lives, and we are better for it. That is one of the great things about the CFC — it allows us to pass on this legacy and become a star in the life of someone who needs extra help.

Charities and relief organizations play an important role in giving people hope and support as they overcome challenges. There are more than 3,600 charities qualified for the CFC this year — 200 more than last year. These charities rely on the goodwill and generosity of people like you to carry out their missions of hope and service.

Having served as President and CEO of United Way of America, I can assure you that your contributions make a real difference in the lives of others.

And the great thing about the CFC is that you can customize your giving. You can choose a specific charity or type of organization, determine the amount you would like to give, and either set up an allotment or make a one-time payroll deduction. There are well-trained CFC coordinators within each organization who can help answer questions or provide any assistance you may need.

I would like to kick-off this event by making a contribution on behalf of the employees here at the Department of Labor. Last month, DOL employees raised $3,000 dollars at our annual DOL Day. And I am delighted to be able to present a check for this amount to Vince Micone.

We have all been blessed with so much — whether it's our health, our jobs, or our families. We can all find something in our lives each day to be thankful for. No matter how small, each act of giving is a precious treasure that will touch another life and make it better. Added together, these individual gifts create a tremendous reservoir of hope that will lift up our entire community.

So thank you for everything you are doing to make the CFC a success. And I look forward to celebrating another milestone with you at the end of this campaign.

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