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Speeches by Secretary Elaine L. Chao

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Remarks Delivered by
U.S. Secretary of Labor Elaine L. Chao
National Urban League Grant Announcement
Dayton, Ohio
Friday, October 20, 2006

Thank you, Willie, for that introduction. And thank you for all that you do to help others access opportunity as President and CEO of the Dayton Urban League.

Before I begin, I would like to recognize Senator Mike DeWine. Senator DeWine led the effort for getting the Older Americans Act legislation passed. This bill reauthorized the Senior Community Service Employment Program (SCSEP) so that money could be put towards programs like the National Urban League.

He is a member of both the Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions Committee AND the Labor-HHS-Education Appropriations Subcommittee — both of which have jurisdiction over the Department of Labor, so I have an opportunity to work closely with him on many issues facing America's workers.

We are also joined by Mr. Don Bowen [Senior Vice President of Programs, National Urban League]. It's great to see you again. I would also like to recognize Ms. Janet Zobel, National Director of Senior Programs for the National Urban League; County Commissioners Charles Curran, Dixie Allen, and Jane Marshall. And Mr. Thomas Holton, Chairperson of the Board of Directors for the Dayton Urban League. Thank you all for being here today.

This morning, Willie escorted me on a tour of this wonderful facility, and I saw firsthand many of the programs and services available here. We walked through a computer lab where classes are held to help young men and women improve their proficiency in math, science, and reading comprehension. We talked with some of the adults pursuing their GEDs — and others taking advantage of the vocational assistance and job placement programs.

And we met with several of the seniors gaining skills and experience through the Senior Community Service Employment Program. Once their training is complete, they will start work at various non-profit and public facilities, such as hospitals, schools, daycare and senior centers. Our overall goal is to help them gain confidence and experience — and then assist them in moving out of these positions and into jobs in the private sector.

Today, America's workforce includes over 25 million men and women age 55 and older. This is part of a national trend. Americans are living longer and healthier lives. Many older workers are choosing to remain in the workforce. Employing seniors not only benefits workers, but employers as well. I agree with Senator DeWine that older workers are reliable, hard working, and knowledgeable. They can be a tremendous source of experience and knowledge.

This year, 18 organizations successfully competed to receive SCSEP grants. Grantees were selected through a competitive process based on merit. The competitive element is vital. It enables us to ensure the most qualified programs receive funding. This ensures that the best services are provided to our seniors. And Congress agrees. Both the House and Senate recently approved legislation supporting this competitive process as part of the Older Americans Act Amendments of 2006. President Bush signed this legislation into law earlier this week.

Today, I will present a check for $8.7 million to the National Urban League. $1.29 million of that will fund programs right here in Ohio. This funding will help make a real difference in the lives of low-income seniors within this community.

The United States is a land of abundant opportunity. But with opportunity comes responsibility — to help others around us who may need a helping hand. The numerous employment, education, and leadership programs offered by the Dayton Urban League are great examples. You are helping people of all ages in your community take that first step on the road to a brighter future.

By working together, we can ensure that everyone has the opportunity to pursue his or her dreams. And by doing so, we can make a lasting, significant contribution to the economic security of our workforce and our nation. Thank you for inviting me here today, and thank you for the important work you do through the National Urban League and here in Dayton in support of our seniors.

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