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Table 9. Testing location and main reason for seeking HIV test, by race/ethnicity and sex of participants, Supplement to HIV/AIDS Surveillance, June 1997–December 2000
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  White, not Hispanic   Black, not Hispanic   Hispanic   Overalla
Men   Women Men   Women Men   Women Men   Women
Number % Number % Number % Number % Number % Number % Number % Number %
Testing location                              
Hospital, inpatient 229 15.0 53 17.3 630 26.0 286 23.1 334 29.7 67 19.6 1,238 23.5 421 21.7
Counseling & testing site 392 25.6 46 15.0 365 15.1 149 11.9 257 22.9 73 21.4 1,064 20.2 270 13.9
Private physician or health maintenance organization 422 27.6 73 23.9 292 12.1 133 10.6 172 15.3 44 12.9 908 17.2 258 13.3
Clinic, not specified 147 9.6 20 6.5 254 10.5 151 12.1 105 9.4 34 9.9 536 10.2 213 11.0
STD clinic 108 7.1 19 6.2 305 12.6 179 14.3 75 6.7 15 4.4 501 9.5 216 11.1
Correctional facility 37 2.4 28 9.2 236 9.7 60 4.8 37 3.3 16 4.7 316 6.0 106 5.5
Blood bank 49 3.2 9 2.9 76 3.1 30 2.4 17 1.5 3 0.9 152 2.9 43 2.2
Drug treatment clinic 24 1.6 10 3.3 67 2.8 43 3.4 20 1.8 5 1.5 114 2.2 59 3.0
Otherb 123 8.0 48 15.7 196 8.1 216 17.3 106 9.4 85 24.8 444 8.4 356 18.3
Total 1,531 100 306 100 2,421 100 1,250 100 1,123 100 342 100 5,273 100 1,942 100
Main reason for HIV testc                              
Illness 590 38.5 84 27.4 1,109 45.8 469 37.6 606 53.8 98 28.8 2,383 45.2 667 34.4
In at-risk group 357 23.3 31 10.1 252 10.4 74 5.9 152 13.5 38 11.2 796 15.1 145 7.5
Sex partner at risk for HIV 208 13.6 70 22.9 246 10.2 184 14.7 78 6.9 66 19.4 557 10.6 325 16.8
Test offered at clinic 25 1.6 28 9.2 165 6.8 148 11.9 53 4.7 40 11.8 249 4.7 218 11.2
Recommended by health care provided 74 4.8 17 5.6 117 4.8 73 5.8 44 3.9 24 7.1 247 4.7 119 6.1
Jail screening 23 1.5 11 3.6 164 6.8 44 3.5 27 2.4 8 2.4 217 4.1 65 3.4
Otherd 254 16.6 65 21.2 367 15.2 257 20.6 166 14.7 66 19.4 826 15.7 400 20.6
Total 1,531 100 306 100 2,420 100 1,249 100 1,126 100 340 100 5,275 100 1,939 100
Note. STD, sexually transmitted disease.
a Includes Asian/Pacific Islanders, American Indian/Alaska Natives, and persons who indicated multiple races.
b Includes prenatal clinic, family planning clinic, TB clinic, emergency room, AIDS clinic.
c Test that produced positive result.
d Includes blood donation, preparation for surgery, amnesty program, insurance exam, needle stick, military recruitment.
Last Modified: August 9, 2006
Last Reviewed: August 9, 2006
Content Source:
Divisions of HIV/AIDS Prevention
National Center for HIV/AIDS, Viral Hepatitis, STD, and TB Prevention


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