United States Department of Agriculture
Natural Resources Conservation Service
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Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) Support for Hispanics in Agriculture

Updated 10/16/2008

This web site contains material prepared for the The National Organization of Professional Hispanic Natural Resources Conservation Service Employees (NOPHNRCSE) Conference in in Fort Worth, TX, June 25-27, 2002. It started with a presentation at the prior NOPHNRCSE meeting Washington, D.C., June 26-30, 2000 by Dr. Fen Hunt  and
David Buland, (NRCS) Economists. Since we are continuing to work and this topic and moving toward a journal publication, please include the word 'DRAFT' with any reprinting of the work.

NRCS Hispanic Data - Paper / Presentation / Posters in various formats

The following documents require Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Word, Adobe Acrobat, Microsoft PowerPoint, or a Zip Utility.

File Name Description
nrcs_supp_hispf.pdf (PDF, 3955 KB)
nrcs_supp_hispf.ppt (PPT, 7716 KB)
nrcs_supp_hispf.doc (DOC, 9794 KB)
nrcs_supp_hispf.zip (ZIP, 4877 KB)
NRCS Support of Hispanic Farmers, By the Numbers
ra174h.pdf (PDF, 176 KB) Who Owns the Land? Ag. Land Ownership by Race/Ethnicity

In ERS RuralAmerica, Winter 2002/Volume 17, Issue 4, By Jess Gilbert Spencer D. Wood Gwen Sharp

hispanic1c6.pdf (PDF, 1932 KB)
hispanic1c6.ppt (PPT, 1239 KB)
Twelve Trends of Hispanic Operated Farms (Poster)
irca6d.pdf (PDF, 1932 KB)
irca6d.ppt (PPT. 1239 KB)
Hispanics in Agriculture, Pre and Post Immigration Reform (Poster) - Updated
hisp_in_ag4.pdf (PDF. 4649 KB)
hisp_in_ag.ppt (PPT, 6353 KB)
hisp_in_ag4.doc (DOC, 8371 KB)
hisp_in_ag4.zip (Zip, 7191 KB)
Number and Percent Hispanic USDA Employees, by State, 1997

NRCS Hispanic Data - Source Data

File Name Description
resnod_principal_ops.xls (XLS, 1117 KB)
resnod_principal_ops.zip (ZIP, 228 KB)
NEW PRMS Baseline Data from undisclosed 2002 Ag. Census counts on the 'Principal Operator (10/27/2007)
coagclnt.xls (XLS, 1100 KB)
coagclnt.zip (ZIP, 283 KB)
PRMS baseline data from undisclosed 1997 Ag. Census; Actual 1997 counts of farmers by county, race, Hispanic origin, and sex.
ustables1617b.xls (466 KB)
ustables1617b.zip (ZIP, 100 KB)
1982 to 1997 Ag. Census Minority and Hispanic Data for the US
table1617.xls (XLS, 7241 KB)
table1617.zip (ZIP, 1981 KB)
1982 to 1997 Ag. Census Minority and Hispanic Data by State (Public Data)
hisp_cnty_numfm.xls (XLS, 4506 KB)
hisp_cnty_numfm.zip (ZIP, 797 KB)
1982 to 1997 Ag. Census Hispanic Data by County (Public Data, missing counts less then 3)

Other Links to Hispanic and Agricultural Census Data


Some of the following documents require Adobe Acrobat.
  1. Buland, David, and Fen Hunt, 2000, Hispanics in Agriculture and Opportunities for Resource Conservation.
  2. Census of Agriculture, 1978, 1982, 1987, & 1992. Bureau of Census, Department of Commerce. http://www.census.gov
  3. Census of Agriculture, 1997. USDA-National Agriculture Statistics Service. http://www.nass.usda.gov/census
  4. Choices, Fall-Winter 2001, American Agricultural Economics Association
  5. Demographic Trends, 1990-2000, US Census Bureau, 2002, http://www.census.gov
  6. Dismukes, Robert, 1997. Characteristics and Risk Management Needs of Limited-Resource and Socially Disadvantaged Farmers. USDA-Economic Research Service, Agriculture Information Bulletin, No. 733.
  7. Durand, J., D.S. Massey, & F. Charvet, 2000. The Changing Geography of Mexican Immigration to the United States: 1910-1996. Social Science Quarterly, Vol. 81(1), University of Texas.
  8. Economic Research Service, USDA, “Farm Labor: Farm Labor Data”
  9. Economic Research Service, USDA, RURAL CONDITIONS AND TRENDS, Vol. 11, #2-47, Economic Research Service, USDA, “Farm Labor: Farm Labor Data, ” Almost Half of Hired Farmworkers 25 Years and Older Earn Poverty-Level Wages”
  10. Effland, A.B.W., and K. Kassel, 1998. Hispanics in Rural America: The Influence of Immigration and Language on Economic Well-Being. In Racial/Ethnic Minorities in Rural Areas: Progress and Stagnation, 1980-1990, L.L. Swanson, ed., USDA-Economic Research Service, Agricultural Economic Report No. 731.
  11. Effland, A.B.W., R.A. Hoppe, & P.R. Cook, 1998. Minority & Women Farmers in the U.S. In Agricultural Outlook, USDA-Economic Research Service, AGO-251.
  12. Fimmen, Carol, Burton Witthuhn, Jeff Crump, Michael Brunn, Gloria Delaney-Barmann, Debi Riggins, Maria Gutierrez, Dan Schabilion, and Britta Watters, 1998. A Spatial Study of the Mobility of Hispanics in Illinois and the Implications for Educational Institutions. Julian Samora Research Institute, Working Paper #43.
  13. Gutierrez P. and J. Eckert, 1991. Contrasts and Commonalities: Hispanic and Anglo Farming in Conejos County, Colorado. Rural Sociology, Vol. 56(2), pp. 247-263.

    HispanicAndAngloFarmingInConejosCounty.pdf (PDF, 337 KB)

  14. The Hispanic Population, Census 2000 Brief; US Census Bureau, 2002.
  15. Hoppe, Robert A. and James M. MacDonald; America's Diverse Family Farms: Assorted Sizes, Types, and Situations; USDA-Economic Research Service, AGO- No. 769
  16. Huffman, W.E., and J.A. Miranowski, 1996. Immigration, Meat Packing, and Trade: Implication for Iowa. Iowa State University, Staff Paper #285.
  17. Kraft, S., 1993. Pilot Study of Limited Resource Farm Operators in Southern Illinois: Alexander and Pulaski Counties – Final Report. Submitted to the Illinois State Office of the U.S. Soil Conservation Service and the Shawnee Resource Conservation Development Council.
  18. Money Income in the United States: 2000, US Census Bureau, 2001
  19. Mountjoy, D.C., 1995. Outreach Efforts: The Elkhorn Slough. Small Farm News, University of California at Davis.
  20. Mountjoy D.C., 1996. Ethnic Diversity and the Patterned Adoption of Soil Conservation in the Strawberry Hills of Monterey, California. Society & Natural Resources, 9:339-357.
  21. Natural Resources Conservation Service, 1996. Process for Identifying Limited Resource Farmers and Ranchers. Social Sciences Team, Technical Report, Release 2.1.
  22. Natural Resources Conservation Service, 1997. Working with Asian and Hispanic Limited Resource Farmers and Ranchers. Social Sciences Team, Technical Report, Release 4.1.
  23. Natural Resources Conservation Service, 1998. Conservation in the 1996 Farm Bill: Social Factors Influencing Program Implementation. Social Sciences Team.
  24. Natural Resources Conservation Service, 1999. Social and Economic Data Access Web Site. Social Sciences Team.
  25. Natural Resources Conservation Service, 2000. Performance and Results Measurement System Parity Report. Strategic and Performance Planning Division.
  26. Perry, J., with B. Hoppe, et. al., 1998. Small Farms in the U.S. In Agricultural Outlook, USDA-Economic Research Service, AGO-251.
  27. Rochin, R.I., 1989. The Changing Nature of American Agriculture and Its Impact on Hispanic Farm Labor: Topics for Research and Analysis. Michigan State University, Working Paper No. 3. http://www.jsri.msu.edu/RandS/research/wps/wp03abs.html
  28. Rogers, Carolyn C., 2000. Age and Family Structure, by Race/Ethnicity and Place of Residence, Rural Minority Trends and Progress. In Rural Minority Trends and Progress, USDA-Economic Research Service, AGO-731.
  29. Runyan, Jack L.; “The Number of Hired Farmworkers Increased in 2000 and Most Now Come From Minority Groups”, in RURAL AMERICA, Fall 2001, V16, I3, p.44
  30. Taylor, J. Edward, Philip L. Martin; “For California farmworkers, future holds little prospect for change” in California Agricultue, Jan-Feb2000
  31. U.S. Growth and Change in the 1990s, US Census Bureau, 2002, www.census.gov