The Nineteenth Century in Print: Books

Title Index

FromThe A B C of finance; to Arctic explorations :
FromAre we a nation? to Chicago: past, present, future
FromChildren in heaven; to The deluge in the light of modern science
FromA denominational press to Florida: its scenery, climate, and history
FromFlower and thorn; to Historical discourse delivered on the quarter-centenial anniversary of the University of Mississippi on Wednesday, June 25th, 1873
FromAn historical sketch of Knox County, Nebraska to Jottings of a year's sojourn in the South;
FromJournal and proceedings of the Missouri state convention to The low value set upon human life in the United States:
FromLowell lectures on the application of metaphysical and ethical science to Myth and romance;
FromThe myths of the New world; to Our national discipline:
FromOur triumph and our new duties to The powers of the world to come:
FromPractical illustrations of the principles of school architecture to Report [of the Select committee of the Senate appointed to inquire into the late invasion and seizure of the public property at Harper's Ferry
FromReport and evidence of the Committee on arbitrary arrests, in the state of Indiana to Royalty in the New world;
FromRubaiyat of Doc Sifers to Speech of Hon. C. C. Clay, jr., on slavery issues
FromSpeech of Hon. C. L. Vallandigham, of Ohio to Triumph of equal school rights in Boston
FromTrue democracy--history vindicated to Yale college:
FromYamoyden to Zophiel;