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Differences among avian, seasonal and pandemic flu

About pandemic flu

Pandemic influenza occurs when a new type of human flu virus spreads quickly throughout the world, affecting a lot of people. Currently, scientists are concerned that avian (bird) influenza virus (H5N1) might become easily transmissible among people. Since it would be a new virus to people, no one would be immune, and a pandemic could occur. Influenza pandemics have occurred several times in the 20th century, including 1918, 1957, and 1968.

About seasonal flu

Seasonal flu is caused by several different flu viruses circulating among people. It is called seasonal because it usually occurs each year in the late fall and winter, continuing into spring. For healthy children and adults, influenza is typically a moderately severe illness. For people with chronic health problems such as diabetes, asthma, heart or lung problems, influenza can be very severe and even fatal. That’s why flu shots are recommended for many people.

How are avian flu and pandemic flu different?

Avian flu and pandemic flu are not the same thing. Avian influenza, or “bird flu”, is a virus that affects birds. Pandemic flu is human flu that would affect millions of people all around the world. Very rarely, an avian flu virus will infect a person. However, a human pandemic will not happen unless the avian flu virus changes in such a way that it is easy for people to spread the virus from person to person. Scientists are worried that the influenza A virus (H5N1) that is currently making birds sick could mutate, making it possible that people could spread it to each other. That would be very dangerous, because people would not have any immunity to this new (to humans) virus. It would take months to develop a vaccine for people for this new virus. Pandemic flu could kill millions of people world wide.

Will the presence of avian flu in our region increase the risk of a pandemic?

No. The risk of a pandemic will increase if the H5N1 virus mutates and becomes easily transmitted from person to person.

Will the presence of avian flu in our area increase the risk that a person could get avian flu from a bird?

Yes. Limited bird-to-human transmission has occurred it parts of the world where there are outbreaks of highly pathogenic avian flu in birds. More than half the people who are known to have contracted avian flu from birds have died, so if avian flu is found in our region it will be important to follow precautions to limit interaction between wild and domestic birds and people.

I have a bad case of the flu. Should I find out if it is avian flu?

The highly pathogenic form of avian flu is not currently in our region and unless you had close contact with infected poultry in a country where avian flu is circulating, you would not have been exposed. If you have the flu, only visit the doctor when you would do so under regular circumstances. If you have not traveled recently, there is no need to visit your doctor out of concern about avian flu. If you became ill within 10 days after returning from a country where avian flu is occurring in birds or people, see a health care provider and tell him or her about your travel history.

Will getting a flu shot this fall help protect me from avian flu?

No. The vaccine available in the fall and winter is for seasonal flu. Seasonal flu vaccine does not protect against avian flu. It is always a good idea to check with your health care provider about getting a flu shot, even if it does not protect you from all influenza viruses.

How are seasonal and pandemic flu different?

Pandemic influenza is caused by a virus that is new to the human species, so the population does not have immunity to it. Seasonal flu is caused by one of many subtypes of influenza A and B viruses that circulate each year.