USDA Forest Service

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Helena National Forest
2880 Skyway Drive
Helena, MT 59602

(406) 449-5201

United States Department of Agriculture Forest Service.


The Public Affairs staff provides timely and accurate information about USDA Forest Service programs and activities related to the management, protection and use of the Helena National Forest. This staff supports the agency by seeking opportunities to provide the public with information about its programs, which increases understanding about natural resource management, and strives to make Forest Service information equally available to all news media.


2008 News Releases
2007 News Releases

2006 News Releases
2005 News Releases

Related Information

Region 1 Newsroom
USDA's Newsroom
National Video Library


H-04-01— date signed: 03-29-04
H-04-02— date signed: 05-12-04
H-04-03— rescinded: 09-27-04
H-04-04— date signed: 05-27-04
H-04-05— rescinded: 08-02-04
H-04-06— rescinded: 05-30-07
H-04-07— rescinded: 07-30-04
H-04-08— rescinded: 08-02-04
H-04-09— date signed: 08-02-04
H-04-10— rescinded:: 06-29-05
H-04-11— date signed: 08-04-04
H-04-12— date signed: 08-04-04
H-04-13— rescinded: 09-08-04
H-04-14— date signed: 09-07-04
H-04-15— date signed: 08-31-04


H-08-01 - signed: 05-05-08
- signed: 03-31-08
- signed: 07-01-08
- signed: 07-15-08
H-08-05 - signed: 08-05-08
H-08-06 - rescinded: 08-22-08
H-08-07 - rescinded: 09-05-08
H-08-09 - signed: 09-02-08


H-07-01 - signed: 03-15-07
H-07-02 - signed: 04-18-07

H-07-03 - signed: 06-11-07
H-07-04 - signed: 06-18-07

H-07-05 - rescinded: 08-01-07
H-07-06 - signed: 07-17-07
H-07-07 - rescinded: 08-04-07
H-07-08 - rescinded: 09-10-07
H-07-09 - rescinded: 09-20-07
H-07-10 - signed: 08-29-07
H-07-11 - rescinded: 09-12-07
H-07-12 - rescinded: 9-24-07
H-07-13 - signed: 09-12-07
H-07-14 - signed: 09-24-07
H-07-20 - rescinded: 09-12-07*

*Special order numbers 15 - 19 were inadvertently skipped


H-06-01 - rescinded: 01-11-06
H-06-02 - rescinded: 01-11-06
H-06-03 - rescinded: 04-13-06
H-06-04 - rescinded: 05-22-06

H-06-05 - date signed: 04-21-06
H-06-06 - date signed: 04-21-06
H-06-07 - rescinded: 06-18-07
H-06-08 - rescinded: 06-30-06
H-06-09 - date signed: 06-13-06
H-06-10 - date signed: 07-01-06
H-06-11 - rescinded: 07-14-06

H-06-12 - rescinded: 11-20-06
H-06-13 - rescinded: 07-27-06
H-06-14 - rescinded: 09-20-06
H-06-15 - rescinded: 09-14-06
H-06-16 - rescinded: 08-16-06
H-06-17 - date signed: 08-14-06
H-06-19 - rescinded: 08-25-06
H-06-20 - rescinded: 09-14-06
H-06-21 - date signed: 09-19-06
H-06-22 - date signed: 09-29-06
H-06-24 - date signed: 12-03-06
H-06-25 - date signed: 12-19-06
H-06-26 - date signed: 12-28-06



H-05-01— date signed: 04-27-05
H-05-02— date signed: 06-03-05
H-05-03— date signed: 05-02-05
H-05-04— date signed: 05-03-05
H-05-05— date signed: 06-14-05
H-05-06— rescinded: 08-04-05
H-05-07— rescinded: 09-02-05
H-05-08— date signed: 06-29-05
H-05-09— date signed: 07-11-05
H-05-10— date signed: 07-12-05
H-05-11— rescinded: 09-13-05
H-05-12— rescinded: 08-29-05
H-05-13— date signed: 08-18-05
H-05-14— date signed: 10-14-05
H-05-14 (map): — 10-14-05
H-05-16— date signed: 12-05-05



Each year the Helena Forest produces a newsletter detailing the past year's accomplishments and activities. To view the whole newsletter, please click on the link below.
(Note: The entire document may take several minutes to load)

2004 Helena National Forest Update

To view the individual articles, please click on the links below.

2003 Helena National Forest Update

To view the individual articles, please click on the links below.


USDA Forest Service - Helena National Forest
Last Modified: Tuesday, 09 September 2008 at 15:25:11 EDT

USDA logo which links to the department's national site. Forest Service logo which links to the agency's national site.