United States Department of Agriculture
Natural Resources Conservation Service
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Nebraska Comprehensive Nutrient Management Plan (CNMP)

Introduction and Explanation

The Nebraska NRCS Comprehensive Nutrient Management Plan (CNMP) webpage contents are divided into five sections.  This webpage is intended to provide blank forms, templates, and example information that can be customized for use on actual CNMPs by NRCS and Technical Service Providers.  Not all information will be necessary on an individual CNMP. The portions that are needed can be utilized and customized as appropriate to meet NRCS standards, as well as Nebraska Department of Environmental Quality (NDEQ) regulations and other federal, state, and local regulations.

CNMPs must consider six basic elements:  Nutrient Management, Land Treatment, Manure Handling and Storage, Manure Transfer, Feed Management, and Other Utilization Options (composting, energy production, off-site uses of manure and manure by-products).  The first four elements must be addressed in the CNMP.  The remaining two (Feed Management and Other Utilization Options) require specialized assistance and not required as part of a final CNMP.

Section I includes guidance documents and inventory job sheets for the development of CNMPs.   Section II of the NPPH State Supplement provides a checklist that addresses each CNMP element.  The Inventory Job Sheet (NE-CPA-73) provides a format for gathering information that can be used during the planning process to ensure that all the elements of a CNMP have been addressed.   In cases where the operation does not own the land application sites, example agreements for land application of manure have been provided.

Section II includes tools and information needed to analyze the collected inventory (livestock and production site, storage structures, manure transfer, and application sites) and formulate alternatives to meet the long-term goals and objectives of the client.  This section includes conservation plan maps, P-Index Risk and N-Leaching Assessment used to determine appropriate manure management techniques, and conservation practices to limit off-site movement of nutrients.  The conservation plan is a grouping of conservation practices and management activities.

Section III includes Engineering Components and related information.  A link to the electronic Field Office Tech Guide (eFOTG) is included so that practice standards and practice documentation requirements can be accessed.  NDEQ’s permit application and a link to information on monitoring wells is also included.

Section IV includes specialized plans and other permit information that may be applicable to AFOs.  Plans include sludge and sediment removal, emergency response, closure, odor management, mortality, chemical management, and operation and maintenance (O&M).   Examples of a Table of Contents and the applicant disclosure form, which are necessary for applying for NDEQ animal feeding operation (AFO) permits, are also included in this section. This section provides links to county, state, and federal websites for other applicable permits that the customer may need to obtain.

Section V includes annual O&M procedures and record keeping for the conservation system, storage structure, etc. in the CNMP.  This section also includes various tools for nutrient management record keeping.  The record filing section includes pertinent information that can help ensure that the CNMP is being implemented properly and that it meets NDEQ record keeping requirements.

Other Nebraska CNMP Sections:

        Introduction and Explanation
  I.    General Information
 II.    Evaluation of Resources and Development of Plans
III.    Engineering
 IV.   Specialized Plans and Other Permit Information
  V.    Annual Operations and Maintenance of CNMP (Record-keeping)

Last Updated 03/24/2008