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SMP Feedback Report Summaries

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Report Number: AM-5
Date Submitted: 10/27/1999

Subject/IMS Table: Problems in the Seasonal Monitoring Program (SMP) temperature data.
Resolved: Yes
Last Updated: 7/19/2001

LTPP Analysis/Operations Situation: Some temperature sensors may fail during the SMP data collection process. These data should be identified and either remedied or removed from the IMS database. The existence of faulty data may influence the data analysis since the user expects data in the IMS to be valid and error free. Temperature data on the following SMP sections may have problems: 01101, 01102, 040113, 040215, 06,3042, 081053, 131031, 133019, 2710118, 281016, 481077, 533813, and 561007. In each case, the SMP section number, dates, and sensors that have suspect data are listed and the type of problems is specified. Most problems relate to sudden shifts in sensor data for a certain time period.

Resolution of Problem/Situation: Suspect data has been removed from database.

Report Number: AM-10
Date Submitted: 11/22/1999

Subject/IMS Table: Problems in SMP temperature probes.
Resolved: Yes
Last Updated: 7/11/2002

LTPP Analysis/Operations Situation: The specified temperature sensor in the following sections is consistently reporting higher values than expected: 831801, Sensor 8 - The daily low and high temperatures are 1 to 3 °C higher than expected for all collected data; 404165, Sensor 12 - The daily low and high temperatures are 1 to 2 °C higher than expected for all currently available data. The collected data for these sensors should either be fixed or set to null. Sensors should be checked and problems fixed to prevent future discrepancies in data collection.

Resolution of Problem/Situation: This feedback report was assigned to the Southern and North Central Regional Offices for resolution. The Southern Regional Office reported that this data (404165, Sensor 12) is collected automatically and it is not feasible to fix the data. The only workable solution is to remove all data from the data base from the suspect probes. This feedback report is resolved.

Report Number: AM-11
Date Submitted: 5/19/2000

Subject/IMS Table: Problem in calculating Virtual Weather Station (VWS) data in table CLM_VWS_DATA_DAILY table.
Resolved: Yes
Last Updated: 5/31/2005

LTPP Analysis/Operations Situation: The daily VWS data for some sections could not be recalculated from raw OWSDAILY.TXT data (e.g. AWS site 200100). This was because not all weather stations listed in the CLM_VWS_OWS_LINK table were actually used when calculating VWS, yet these weather stations were counted when reporting the CONTRIBUTE_WS_NO. It is not known what criteria was used to eliminate weather stations in CLM_VWS_OWS_LINK. The problem is either in calculating VWS data or recording the number of contributing weather stations for daily VWS data. Either revise CLM_VWS_OWS_LINK to reflect the correct number of contributing weather stations, or provide the criteria for screening weather stations, or recalculate daily VWS based on all weather stations specified in CLM_VWS_OWS_LINK.

Resolution of Problem/Situation: We have investigated the problem reported in this feedback report and have determined that the virtual weather station (VWS) temperature, precipitation, and wind data in the LTPP climatic database are correct. However, we did find a problem with some of the "distances between the VWS and the associated operating weather stations (OWS)" stored in the database for some test sites. These errors were corrected as part of the climatic database update and the correctness of those values in Release 18 of the LTPP database has been verified.

Report Number: AM-12
Date Submitted: 6/30/2000

Subject/IMS Table: Inconsistency in some SMP air temperature data in table SMP_ATEMP_RAIN_DAY.
Resolved: NA
Last Updated: 11/13/2002

LTPP Analysis/Operations Situation: Some LTPP sites have more than one SMP installations. Collected daily maximum and minimum air temperature in the SMP_ATEMP_RAIN_DAY table for these sites were compared. While most data were within a close range, major differences in the temperatures of some days were observed. Air temperatures for SMP site 010101 versus SMP site 010102 show differences of minimum and maximum temperatures of 8 °C and more. Similar inconsistency (but less significant) was observed for sections 040113 and 040114. Inconsistency in pavement temperatures had previously been reported under feedback report AM-5 for these sections. Find the source of inconsistency, and remove/remedy any suspect data, if possible.

Resolution of Problem/Situation: Referred back to originator for more information. The originator never responded, and the report was removed from the unresolved list on 11/13/2002.

Report Number: AM-13
Date Submitted: 6/30/2000

Subject/IMS Table: Suspect data in SMP daily air temperature table SMP_ATEMP_RAIN_DAY.
Resolved: Yes
Last Updated: 9/04/2001

LTPP Analysis/Operations Situation: Different problems in daily Seasonal Monitoring Program (SMP) air temperature and precipitation data, SMP_ATEMP_RAIN_DAY for some SMP sections are suspected. These problems are: Entire Data for Section Suspect, Zero Minimum and Maximum Temperature, Maximum and Minimum Temperature Time Both Set to Midnight, Unreasonable Temperature Change and Unreasonable Daily Temperatures. Examine the suspect data and similar problems to remove or remedy data, if possible. Thirty instances were reported.

Resolution of Problem/Situation: This feedback report was referred to the Regional Offices for resolution. Suspect data has been corrected as necessary.

Report Number: BRE-29
Date Submitted: 8/19/1998

Subject/IMS Table: Repeat data sets for single test point/time on some SMP test sections.
Resolved: NA
Last Updated: 11/13/2002

LTPP Analysis/Operations Situation: Data Analysis/Operations Feedback Report BRE-29 addresses the problem of multiple drop sets for a single location at a number of SMP sites. According to the report, the drop sets are fairly close in time, and are likely a result of rejected tests being saved instead of deleted. For SMP sections, multiple passes in a given day are not uncommon. This results in multiple drop sets for a given day, though there is often an hour or more between them. However, there should not be more than one drop set stored in the database for a given FWD pass.

Resolution of Problem/Situation: All of the record sets that were identified with a station and a date were investigated to determine the extent of the reported problem. Of the 14 different stations listed, only two currently contain records that appear to be from the same FWD pass. Due to the magnitude of data associated with each SMP section, the Feedback Report originator has been asked to provide more specific identification of problem records/data sets. The originator did not respond, and the report was removed from the unresolved list on 11/13/2002.

Report Number: CAR-4
Date Submitted: 12/18/1997

Subject/IMS Table: Unclear meaning of null value in table SMP_WATERTAB_DEPTH_MAN.
Resolved: Yes
Last Updated: 12/04/2003

LTPP Analysis/Operations Situation: Table SMP_WATERTAB_DEPTH_MAN for site 091803 has records existing at level E for which the fields PIEZO_DEPTH and WATER_DEPTH are null. The supporting documentation gives no indication as to how this should be interpreted --i.e., is the water-table depth truly unknown, or is it known to be greater than the depth of the piezometer? The latter situation is assumed to be the case; otherwise, there would not have an even record. Data collection documents indicate that a depth of 9.99 m is to be entered if the piezometer pipe is dry, but it is not clear how this is translated in the upload of data to the IMS. The data dictionary should be revised to clearly state the correct interpretation of a null value in these fields. If necessary, revise the quality assurance (QA) checks to eliminate records where the water-table depth is truly unknown.

Resolution of Problem/Situation: Resolved.

Report Number: CAR-10
Date Submitted: 4/1/1999

Subject/IMS Table: Duplicate data in table SMP_MRCTEMP_AUTO_HOUR.
Resolved: Yes
Last Updated: 6/17/1999

LTPP Analysis/Operations Situation: Table SMP_MRCTEMP_AUTO_HOUR (NT 2.2, Data Release 9.2) has duplicate data for site 271018. For example, two identical records exist for CONSTRUCTION _NO = 1, TEMPERATURE_TIME = 1100, and THERM_NO = 1and 5 for most, if not all values of SMP_DATE. It is suspected that the problem is more extensive, but this has not been verified. Review Table TMP_MRCTEMP_AUTO_HOUR for duplicate records, and delete duplicates as appropriate. Evaluate need to modify quality control (QC) checks to identify duplicate records.

Resolution of Problem/Situation: The Southern Regional Office examined the ACCESS database table that was sent relevant to the subject Feedback Report. There were in fact duplicate records for section 271018 in the file, but not in the IMS. It is uncertain why/how duplicates were present for just that section. Primary keys will be placed on all ACCESS database tables to ensure this does not happen again.

Report Number: CAR-12
Date Submitted: 6/21/1999

Subject/IMS Table: Improved SMP Data.
Resolved: Yes
Last Updated: 1/8/2001

LTPP Analysis/Operations Situation: Both the literature an analysis of the SMP data suggest that the depth to ground water will be an important factor in understanding seasonal variations. While piezometers have been installed in all of the SMP sites, the depths of the wells at several of the sites (91803 and 131005) are not great enough to monitor the full extent to which water-table depth varies. That is, there are times when the water-table is lower than the bottom of the well, but it is unknown how much lower. For those sites to be included in SMP-II, where the well has been reported to be dry on one or more occasions over the monitoring period, explore the feasibility of installing a deeper well to provide more complete information on water-table depth.

Resolution of Problem/Situation: Water-table depths for North Central Region SMP-II sites are collected manually from stand pipes about 4 m deep. Depths of standing water in the 276251, 313018, 390901, and 831801 sites are typically between 1 and 1.5 m, with no reported dry readings. The watertable for 310114 was measurable on only 3 of the last 16 visits. This indicates that a deeper well would be useful. However, the site is expected to be closed out soon, and installation of a deeper stand pipe would have limited value. No water has been noted in the 4-m stand pipe for 460804, and the depth to the water table is expected to be up to 10 m. Replacement with a deeper pipe or a sand point can be done and may be useful for the 460804 site, if the effect of the water table at this depth on pavement performance is expected to be appreciable.

Report Number: CAR-14
Date Submitted: 10/5/1999

Subject/IMS Table: Table SMP_DRY_DENSITY.
Resolved: Yes
Last Updated: 10/4/2000

LTPP Analysis/Operations Situation: Testing to populate the referenced table was completed for only a fraction of the SMP sites. However, the average user has no way of knowing this, leaving the appearance that there are missing data. Amend the table description for this table to indicate that the testing was completed for only part of the SMP test sections and make it clear that a non-standard field test procedure was used to obtain the data.

Resolution of Problem/Situation: In order to clarify the contents of table SMP_DRY_DENSITY as recommended in CAR-14, the definition was changed to: Subgrade dry density field measurements performed on one sample of subgrade material for Time Domain Reflectometer (TDR) probe installations after 5/95. Sample compacted to AASHTO T-99 specifications at in-situ moisture content.

Report Number: ERES-BW-1
Date Submitted: 2/5/1996

Subject/IMS Table: Missing readings for soil temperature and resistivity for SMP data for 18 GPS sections.
Resolved: Yes
Last Updated: 8/23/2004

LTPP Analysis/Operations Situation: A subset of SMP data for 18 GPS sections as been reviewed and the following observations were made 1. Soil temperature data were missing for 71 days, during which resistivity data were available. 2. Section 481077 had only one set of resistivity data and no temperature data. 3. The expected number of resistivity records per date is 33, 66, 99 or any multiplication of 33. The record count of some sections (dates) were less than 33, or a number that is not a multiplication of 33. (Missing readings) 4. The expected number of soil temperature records per date is 18 (average daily temperature). The record count of some sections were less than 18 (missing readings).

Resolution of Problem/Situation: Data has been corrected or removed from the data base.

Report Number: ERES-BW-2
Date Submitted: 11/25/1996

Subject/IMS Table: Table SMP_ERESIST_AUTO contains only voltage data, not current data.
Resolved: Yes
Last Updated:

LTPP Analysis/Operations Situation: In an analysis of electric contact resistance data, it was observed that the automated resistance data (table SMP_ERESIST_AUTO) contains only the electric voltage. This would be enough if the electric current was constant. Looking at contact resistance data, it appears that the electric current is highly variable. In this case, if resistance, or resistivity (V/I), is indicative of the state of the subgrade, then voltage drop alone should not be used in interpreting frost depth. The manual tables, which, contain the voltage, the current and the calculated resistance, should be used in the determination of frost penetration. The use of the current automated contact data, in analyzing the frost penetration, will lead to erroneous results. In future data collection, it is recommended that both the electric current and the voltage drop data be saved.

Resolution of Problem/Situation: Problem has been resolved as recommended.

Report Number: ERES-BW-4
Date Submitted: 11/3/1997

Subject/IMS Table: Negative temperature range for subsurface temperature in table SMP_MRCTEMP_AUTO_DAY_STATS.
Resolved: Yes
Last Updated:

LTPP Analysis/Operations Situation: In a review of subsurface temperature data in table SMP_MRCTEMP_AUTO_DAY_STATS, it was observed that, in some records, the daily maximum temperature was smaller than the daily minimum temperature (i.e., negative daily temperature range). Also, in some records, the average daily temperature was smaller than the minimum daily temperature. There were about 1135 records with negative daily temperature range. The total number of records in the table was approximately 400,000, most of which (99.9 %) were at level D. Recommended Action: Investigate the program in which the calculations of daily temperature statistics are performed.

Resolution of Problem/Situation: This feedback report has been resolved as recommended.

Report Number: ERES-BW-6
Date Submitted: 6/18/1997

Subject/IMS Table: Misrepresentation of electrode arrangements in table SMP_ERESIST_MAN_4 POINT.
Resolved: Yes
Last Updated: 1/21/1999

LTPP Analysis/Operations Situation: In table SMP_ERESIST_MAN_4POINT, there appears to be a misrepresentation of the electrode arrangements. According to the circuit diagram (attached and copied from SMP instrumentation guide) and to the 4-point resistivity data sheet, four consecutive electrodes are used to read the electric the electric current (amp) and the inner two are used to read the voltage (volt), For instance the first and fourth electrodes are the start and end amp-meters, respectively and the second and third are the start and end volt-meters, respectively. The above table, however, indicates that the outer electrode measure the voltage and the inner ones measure the current.

Resolution of Problem/Situation: It was found that there was an error in the variable descriptions and definitions in the SMP_ERESIST_MAN_4POINT table. The electrode number variables EAMP_* and EVOLTAGE_* were inadvertently reversed. The SMPCheck program was reviewed and found that all of the computations are correct. The only error is in the labeling of these quantities in the database. The TSSC submitted the proper paper work to SAIC to have this corrected in the database.

Report Number: ERES-BW-7
Date Submitted: 7/9/1997

Subject/IMS Table: Problems with resistivity/resistance calculation in SMP_ERESIST_MAN_4POINT.
Resolved: Yes
Last Updated:

LTPP Analysis/Operations Situation: Table SMP_ERESIST_MAN_ 4POINT contains the measured volt and current and the calculated resistivity. The following problems were observed: some cases showed a non-zero resistivity and zero volt and/or current; about 9% of resistivity records had zero resistivity; some records had a zero resistivity readings while resistivity (V/I) values were in thousands of Ohm-m. The zero resistance problem was also observed in table SMP_ERESIST_MAN_CONTACT. There could be a calculation problem within SMPCheck. However, some of the problems are caused by rounding. It should be noted that the more common unit for measuring resistivity is Ohm-Cm, which is a much smaller unit. The conversion between Ohm-m to Ohm-Cm is not a direct one, it involves integration. Since the readings involve a rather small volume (2-inch spacing) it may be more accurate to use a geometric factor of 64 Cm and resistivity units of Ohm-Cm. Certainly, this will solve the rounding problem.

Resolution of Problem/Situation: This feedback report has been resolved.

Report Number: ERES-BW-25
Date Submitted: 4/23/1998

Subject/IMS Table: TDR traces that cannot be interpreted in table SMP_TDR_AUTO.
Resolved: Yes
Last Updated: 6/13/2000

LTPP Analysis/Operations Situation: There are about 8% of the TDR traces in table SMP_TDR_AUTO table that are not interpretable and should not have been uploaded into the IMS database. Double check the questionable traces and remove them from IMS database as necessary. A list of TDR traces with an error code assigned was provided with the feedback report. Error code "a1" represents traces with error associated with first inflection point. Error code "b1" represents traces with error associated with the second inflection point. Error code "OT" represents traces with other abnormality.

Resolution of Problem/Situation: The Regional Offices reviewed the TDR traces in question and removed those deemed to be not interpretable.

Report Number: ERES-BW-29
Date Submitted: 6/15/1998

Subject/IMS Table: Suspect electrical resistivity data. SMP_ERESIST_MAN_CONTACT table.
Resolved: Yes
Last Updated: 1/7/1999

LTPP Analysis/Operations Situation: Suspect electrical resistivity data were identified. Two categories are defined: erroneous data which are clearly at error, and suspicious data which are exhibiting irrational trends. Voltage records were obtained from table SMP_ERESIST_AUTO. Contact resistance records were obtained from table SMP_ERESIST_MAN_CONTACT. Resistivity records were obtained from table SMP_ERESIST_AUTO_MAN_4POINT. All records were at level E and were obtained from release 8.2.

Resolution of Problem/Situation: IMS QC was changed and instructions issued on correction of errors prior to the November 1998 upload. Obvious erroneous data was replaced in the IMS.

Report Number: ERES-BW-62
Date Submitted: 9/1/1999

Subject/IMS Table: SMP section 491001 is missing new depth records due to CONSTRUCTION_NO(CN)2 in table SMP_ERESIST_DEPTH.
Resolved: Yes
Last Updated: 10/21/1999

LTPP Analysis/Operations Situation: SMP section 491001 is missing new depth records due to CN 2 in the table SMP_ERESIST_DEPTH. An extra 0.4 inches were added to the pavement structure as a result of CN 2. The first CN 2 SMP_ERESIST* monitoring record was reported for survey conducted on 11/12/96. Add new depth measurements to the table SMP_ERESIST_DEPTH for the section 491001, CN 2. Disregard records in the tables SMP_FROST_PENETRATION and SMP_FREEZE_STATE for the section 491001 reported for 11/12/96 and beyond.

Resolution of Problem/Situation: Appropriate changes were made in sensor depths. QC were run and data is at level E.

Report Number: ERES-BW-63
Date Submitted: 9/1/1999

Subject/IMS Table: In the table SMP_FREEZE_STATE wrong BASIS values were entered for three records.
Resolved: Yes
Last Updated: 11/12/1999

LTPP Analysis/Operations Situation: In the table SMP_FREEZE_STATE wrong values for the BASIS field were entered for three records. BASIS values of "A2" should be changed to "A1" for the following sections: 231026-1/17/95, 871622-12/13/93, and 871622-12/13/93.

Resolution of Problem/Situation: The upload file conforming to the IMS specifications and containing corrected replacement records was sent for upload at the end of September 1999.

Report Number: ERES-BW-68
Date Submitted: 10/22/1999

Subject/IMS Table: Missing TDR probe information in table SMP_TDR_DEPTHS_LENGTHS.
Resolved: Yes
Last Updated: 6/26/2000

LTPP Analysis/Operations Situation: In reviewing the information for table SMP_TDR_DEPTHS_LENGTH, it was determined that the TDR probe information for section 370201 was not available for TDR probe number 1. Have the Regional Offices check and input the information in IMS.

Resolution of Problem/Situation: The data was in the IMS, however it was at level D because the thermistor probe was installed below the TDR probe during construction of this SPS-2 project. The data has been manually upgraded to level E.

Report Number: ERES-BW-90
Date Submitted: 9/21/2000

Subject/IMS Table: Results of QA review of the interpreted SMP I TDR traces. Tables SMP_TDR_AUTO_DIELECTRIC and SMP_TDR_AUTO_MOISTURE.
Resolved: Yes
Last Updated: 2/04/2003

LTPP Analysis/Operations Situation: The Data Analysis Technical Support (DATS) team performed a QA review of the automatically interpreted SMP I TDR traces. The quality of 65 TDR traces was determined to be not good enough to identify as accurate inflection points as other "good" traces. As a result, the computed apparent length and subsequently dielectric constant and moisture contents are also considered to be not as accurate. A list of the affected records in IMS tables SMP_TDR_AUTO_DIELECTRIC and SMP_TDR_AUTO_MOISTURE was provided. Note that the 65 records listed account for only about 0.26% of the total records in these tables.

Resolution of Problem/Situation: Resolved as recommended.

Report Number: ERES-BW-117
Date Submitted: 10/12/2001

Subject/IMS Table: Error in SMP_TDR_AUTO table
Resolved: Yes
Last Updated: 2/06/2003

LTPP Analysis/Operations Situation: While processing TDR traces in SMP_TDR_AUTO table using the Level E Information Management System (IMS) data release (12.2/NT 3.0), we found the following possible error: Field DIST_WAV_POINTS in table SMP_TDR_AUTO normally takes a value of 0.01 m, but in this upload (as well as in release 11.5, which was used in DataPave 3.0), this value is commonly 0.5 or 0.25 for the TDR traces dated after 12/99 (about 90%). This appears to be wrong because the effective TDR waveform length should be less than 2 m.

Resolution of Problem/Situation: We have found that the problem occurs only on the SMPII continuous moisture measurement test sections. SMPII test sections monitored using the mobile data acquisition unit do not have this problem. The number in question is read directly from the output file from the data logger. It appears that when the new program for SMPII continuous moisture measurements was introduced, the output data file was altered for TDR measurements. (We need to confirm this.) We have spot checked a few of the traces with the large value for DIS_WAV_POINT and find that the traces look reasonable and appear to have been collected using the standard 0.010m setting, that is, they do not look like they were collected using a value of .25 or .5 meters. The number that appears to be stored in the database is the DIST/DIV setting for the display on the cable tester, which was not included in the old data output format for TDR data.

Report Number: ERES-BW-118
Date Submitted: 1/04/2002

Subject/IMS Table: Questionable data in the SMP_ERESIST_AUTO_ABF table for section 36-0801
Resolved: Yes
Last Updated: 7/11/2002

LTPP Analysis/Operations Situation: While processing ER data from the new SMP_ERESIST_AUTO_ABF table using the Level E Information Management System (IMS) data release (12.2/NT 3.0) received on September 28, 2001, we found the following possible error: when resistance and voltage data for the site 36-0801 were plotted on a time scale, the time trend looked very questionable — the ER trends for the winter months were flat and the values were unexpectedly low.

Resolution of Problem/Situation: After an extensive review of the data, it was decided to perform an equipment check to verify the equipment is collecting valid data. After the check, we have no reason to believe that the equipment is faulty or that the data is in error. The North Atlantic Regional Office will continue to monitor the resistance equipment/data from this site to validate the quality of the data. At a future date, we will re-visit this data and determine if changes need to be made. No changes have been made in the IMS.

Report Number: ERES-BW-123
Date Submitted: 2/05/2002

Subject/IMS Table: TDR Computed Parameter Table QC Changes SMP_TDR_AUTO_DIELECTRIC
Resolved: Yes
Last Updated: 7/02/2002

LTPP Analysis/Operations Situation: This feedback report suggests changing the Level D QC for SMP_TDR_AUTO_DIELECTRIC.INFLECTION_A and INFLECTION_B to allow values up to 5 m.

Resolution of Problem/Situation: The suggested changes are a result of incorrect settings used on only a handful of sites. Keeping the range checks at their current values provides a more robust check on the majority of data collected using the correct settings, and by not changing the allowable range, problems with this data will still be flagged by the QC program. No action necessary.

Report Number: NCR-1
Date Submitted: 06/28/2005

Subject/IMS Table: Tipping Buckets with no electrical power
Resolved: Yes
Last Updated: 6/15/2006

LTPP Analysis/Operations Situation: Two sites in Kansas and two sites in Missouri were not connected to an electrical source in the past and thus the precipitation data collected during freezing temperatures is suspect.  The data collected at these sites during the winter months should be reviewed and deleted from the database if warranted.

Resolution of Problem/Situation: After reviewing the data, it can be concluded that the precipitation data is still valid. Quality data is still collected, just a few hours late at times. On a few occasions, the accumulated rain data is collected a few days late. If necessary, a user can use the hourly solar radiation and relative humidity data to obtain a more accurate representation. No deletion of data has been done.

Report Number: TSSC-21
Date Submitted: 1/31/2000

Subject/IMS Table: TDR fine grain gradation moisture equation.
Resolved: Yes
Last Updated: 8/23/2004

LTPP Analysis/Operations Situation: The researchers were unable to replicate the solutions for VOLUMETRIC_MOISTURE_CONTENT contained in SMP_TDR_AUTO_MOISTURE where VOLUMETRIC_MOISTURE_MODEL = 4, using the equation published in the report Analysis of TDR Data from LTPP Seasonal Test Sections - Final Report, FHWA-RD-99-115. Model 4 is the fine grain gradation model. It is suspected that there is a problem with either the published values of the coefficients or some undocumented transforms applied to the variables. Included is a simple spreadsheet which illustrates the problem.

Resolution of Problem/Situation:There is a typographic error (wrong sign for coefficient a6 for "Percent passing No.4")  in the TDR report, page 34, as following: Incorrect: coefficient a6 = 5.1516, should be Correct : a6 = 5.1516. Once this error is corrected, the computed Vw's in the spreadsheet attached to the feedback report become the same as published. An errata sheet was be submitted to FHWA regarding this error.

Report Number: TSSC-22
Date Submitted: 2/7/2000

Subject/IMS Table: Errors in SMP_TDR_MOISTURE_SUPPORT table.
Resolved: Yes
Last Updated: 8/23/2004

LTPP Analysis/Operations Situation: Many systematic errors were found in the population of the SMP_TDR_MOISTURE_SUPPORT table. These errors need to be corrected so that development of an automated method to populate the SMP_TDR_MANUAL_MOISTURE table can proceed.

Resolution of Problem/Situation:The upload file submitted by the DATS team was compared with the same tables in the IMS_Q4 1999 database and DataPave 2.0 program. Both tables in Q4_1999 and in DataPave 2.0 are completely different from what the DATS team submitted in October 1999. The upload file's contents appear to be correct. Uploading this table correctly into IMS should resolve most questions raised.

Report Number: TSSC-23
Date Submitted: 2/21/2000

Subject/IMS Table: Errors in SMP_TDR_MANUAL_DIELECTRIC table for sites in Western Region.
Resolved: Yes
Last Updated: 5/5/2000

LTPP Analysis/Operations Situation: From the SMP data contained in the DataPave 2 database, entries for two records do not comply with the rules for interpretation of manual TDR traces as contained in Directive SMP-28. For TDR of trace type 2 (shorted) only a single value for APPARENT_LEN_MIN should be entered. Site 081053, TDR_NO=7 has a value for both *_MIN and *_MAX. For site 308129, TDR_NO=8, values are reported for both *_ANALYSIS and *_MIN.

Resolution of Problem/Situation: Corrections have been made as necessary.

Report Number: TSSC-24
Date Submitted: 2/21/2000

Subject/IMS Table: Errors in SMP_TDR_MANUAL_DIELECTRIC table for sites in the North Central Region.
Resolved: Yes
Last Updated: 1/29/2001

LTPP Analysis/Operations Situation: From the SMP data contained in the DataPave 2 database, many entries were found in the SMP_TDR_MANUAL_DIELECTRIC table for sites in the North Central Region which do not comply with the rules for interpretation of manual TDR traces as contained in Directive SMP-28. See attached memorandum for description and identification of the errant records.

Resolution of Problem/Situation: Corrections have been made as necessary.

Report Number: TSSC-27
Date Submitted: 9/22/2000

Subject/IMS Table: Inappropriate data in table SMP_DRY_DENSITY.
Resolved: Yes
Last Updated: 1/29/2001

LTPP Analysis/Operations Situation: It does not appear that the record for section 308129 should be included in the SMP_DRY_DENSITY table. The following inconsistencies were found: install date for the 308129 record is 8/12/92, nearly three years before the directive pertaining to the collection of this dry density measurement (SM-11) was issued; installation report makes no mention of on-site dry density measurements; SMP_DRY_DENSITY.COMMENTS states that no field proctor was performed (this dry density measurement is supposed to be taken in the field).

Resolution of Problem/Situation: Corrections have been made as necessary.


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United States Department of Transportation - Federal Highway Administration