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Agricultural Research Service United States Department of Agriculture
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Programs and Projects


Location: NWISRL, Kimberly, Idaho

Project Number: 5368-12000-005-00
Project Type: Appropriated

Start Date: Apr 21, 2001
End Date: Apr 20, 2006

1. Spectral reflectance-based determination of soil surface wetness. 2. Soil C storage, trace greenhouse gas release and DOC movement studies. 3. Tillage, irrigation & residue management for irrigated cropping systems. 4. Runoff infiltration and erosion management and prediction under irrigation. 5. Soil crusting and sealing emergence amelioration. 6. Improved nutrient management practices. 7. Soil-plant-animal nutrient interactions, fate and transformations in irrigated agricultural production systems. 8. Develop and evaluate management practices to reduce air emissions from animal feeding operations.

Soil surface wetness will be remotely sensed using spectral reflectance measurements for use in precision agriculture. Effects of irrigated management systems on soil carbon, greenhouse gas release, and DOC movement will be determined. Effects of tillage, residue management, soil amendments, and cropping systems on infiltration, erosion, and runoff water quality will be determined for irrigated management systems. Effects of weather and amendments on crusting and seedling emergence will be determined for sugarbeet. Crop nutrient needs, cycles, and uptake will be determined for sustainable irrigated crop production. Nutrient fate, transformation, uptake, and harvest timing effects on forage production and quality and animal weight gain and milk production will be determined for irrigated production systems. Emissions from livestock production operations will be measured at selective sites and process models developed to predict emissions across a range of management systems and conditions. Best management practices to reduce or eliminate emissions will be developed and tested to demonstrate effectiveness. FY02 Program Increase $216,000. Add .50 SY (.50 SY to5368-13000-006-00D). FY03 Program Increase $178,830.


Project Team
Sojka, Robert - Bob
Bjorneberg, David - Dave
Lehrsch, Gary
Lentz, Rodrick - Rick
Leytem, April
Project Annual Reports
  FY 2006
  FY 2005
  FY 2004
  FY 2003
  FY 2002
Related National Programs
  Soil Resource Management (202)
  Water Resource Management (201)
  New Slow-Release Fertilizer
Last Modified: 10/22/2008
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