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NPS FireNet provides information about fire management in the National Park Service

National Interagency Fire Center provides latest information on wildfires

Fort Collins Interagency Wildfire Dispatch and Aviation Service Center serves the northern front range with a wide variety of fire related information

Rocky Mountain Area Fire and Aviation Management serves Rocky Mountain geographic area with a wide variety of fire related information

Web Sites with Information to Help You Protect Your Property

Firewise provides information for people who live and vacation in fire prone areas of Colorado

Colorado State Forest Service provides information on how to obtain assistance to protect your property from the threat of wildfire

Federal Emergency Management Agency information on how to protect your property from wildfire and wildfire victim assistance

10 tips to help protect your home

  1. Thin tree and brush cover
  2. Dispose of slash and debris left from thinning
  3. Remove dead limbs, leaves and other litter
  4. Stack firewood away from home
  5. Maintain irrigated greenbelt
  6. Mow dry grasses and weeds
  7. Prune branches to 10' above the ground
  8. Trim branches
  9. Clean roof and gutters
  10. Reduce denstity of surrounding forest

Fire education programs

Heart of the Rockies provides information on how to request Rocky Mountain National Park staff to present fire programs for students

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