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Quote and Thoughts

"These are times when true business leaders adapt, look for efficiencies, cut non-essential costs, exercise outstanding entrepreneurial skills and capitalize on opportunities as they arise."

- Governor Lingle, expressing her optimism for the economic future of the state in a major address to the Hawai`i Economic Association. Read more about this address. 


"I encourage you to spend at least one minute every day thinking about where the men and women of our military are, what they are risking to be there and what they do every day for your safety."

- Governor Lingle, sharing her support for Hawai`i's men and women in uniform and encouraging Hawai`i residents to do the same at the Military Appreciation Month kick-off ceremony. May is Military Appreciation Month in Hawai`i. Read more about this event and a proclamation from the Governor and Lt. Governor.


"Building robots has become a growth industry in Hawai'i high schools: The number of teams participating in FIRST Robotics jumped from 4 to 25 this year. And that's a good thing considering the role science and technology plays and will continue to play in our global future."

- An excerpt from the Honolulu Advertiser editorial, "Congratulations to Waialua robotics team."


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