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BLM>New Mexico>Taos Field Office>El Monte Roads ROW EA
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El Monte Roads Right-of-Way Environmental Assessment

The Final Environmental Assessment and Final Decision Record/FONSI (Finding of No Significant Impact) is a decision to authorize legal access for roads and utilities to the lands of the El Monte Roads Association in Santa Fe County, New Mexico.

Also included is:

  • The final record and comment resolution for comments received over the 60 days when the final environmental assessment was made available to the public from June 15 to August 15, 2004;
  • A modified map for Figure 2.1 with the boundaries of the subdivisions and all principal roads identified on the map per Santa Fe County GIS information;
  • The Settlement Agreement No. CIV 98-01110 SC/DJS-ACE between Lawrence J. Burke and Gabrielle Burke, Plaintiffs and the United States Department of the Interior, Bureau of Land Management; The Board of County Commissioners, County of Santa Fe; Eloy and Suzanne H. Garcia, Defendants. Dated April 3, 2000; and
  • Information about the appeals process.


Reader Letter

Final Decision Record/FONSI

Response to Public Comments on the EA

Revised Figure 2.1 Overview Map

Errata Sheet for Figure 2.1 Map

Settlement Agreement between Garcia, Burke and BLM

Information on Appeals from Final Decision

Part 1: Chapters 1-2 (13MB)

Part 2: Chapters 3-6, (19MB)

Appendix A: El Monte Roads EA Scoping Report