Canada Certificate Guarantee Procedure

  1. The original certificate will be stamped "refused entry" by CFIA. At the request of the U.S. exporter, the CFIA import inspector will release the refused original certificate and a copy of this certificate should be sent to Ottawa.

  2. The replacement certificate must be processed through CFIA/FAOD Import Control Centre in Ottawa. A copy of the "Guaranteed Replacement Certificate Form" (enclosed), along with the preverification form "Notification of Intent to Export Meat Products to Canada" and the replacement USDA export certificate to be verified must be submitted.

    The signature of the representative of the exporting U.S. establishment will be accepted in all cases as the proof of guarantee that the original replacement certificate will be delivered to:

    Canadian Food Inspection Agency
    Foods of Animal Origin Division
    59 Nepean, Ontario K1A 0Y9
    C/O Ms. Maria Blair, Supervisor
    Import Control and Data Information Centres
    Rm 2101 W/O

    within 30 working days from the signing date of the guarantee.

  3. The replacement certificate must comply with FSIS Directive 9000.1, including a statement in the "remarks" section indicating the number of the certificate that it is issued "in-lieu-of", since the shipping cartons will have that number stamped on them.

  4. CFIA will stamp the guaranteed replacement certificate with a special stamp, identifying the certificate as having been guaranteed.

    Note: There is no difference in information between the original replacement certificate and the verified, guaranteed replacement copy of the certificate.

  5. The verified guaranteed copy of the certificate is to be delivered (by facsimile, if desired) to the place where the shipment is being detained.

  6. In the case of a skip lot, the shipment can be released at the border upon presentation of a copy of the guaranteed replacement certificate.

  7. In the case of a full inspection, the shipment will be allowed to proceed to the place of reinspection and released if found to be acceptable.

  8. The original guaranteed replacement certificate must be received at the CFIA/FAOD/Import Control Center in Ottawa within 30 working days from the signed date of the guarantee.

  9. If any guaranteed certificate is not delivered within the 30 day restriction, NO other guarantees will be accepted from any other U.S. exporter until the offending original guaranteed replacement certificate is received. The TSC will be notified of all guarantee violations, as well as the resumption of the privileges as they occur.