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November 7, 2008

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CHANGE Announces New Senior Associate for Research and Analysis
Monday, November 3 - CHANGE is pleased to announce that Dr. Carmen Valenzuela-Dall is our new senior associate for research and analysis. In this role, she will guide CHANGE’s efforts in monitoring the impact of U.S. policy and funding on the sexual and reproductive health and rights of women and girls overseas. Dr. Valenzuela comes to us from Catholics for Choice, where she has served as the senior international program officer for the last two and a half years. Dr. Valenzuela received her medical degree in her native Guatemala, and is a public health specialist with a focus on maternal and child health. We look forward to Dr. Valenzuela’s contributions to our research-based advocacy efforts.

Global Health, Policy Experts Ask USAID to Rescind MSI Decision
Thursday, October 23 - Today, more than 140 leaders from Africa, Asia, Europe, Latin America and North America - including Members of the European Parliament, development experts and leaders of HIV/AIDS, human rights, faith-based and reproductive health rights organizations - submitted a joint statement calling on the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) to reverse its recent decision to interfere with Marie Stopes International's (MSI) access to contraceptive supplies in Africa.

Read the letter to Kent Hill, Assistant Administrator for the Bureau for Global Health at USAID
Press Release

Making U.S. Foreign Assistance Work for Women
Thursday, October 16 – Today, CHANGE issued a policy paper which positions sexual and reproductive health and rights at the core of U.S. foreign assistance policy and global development efforts. Women’s rights affect every aspect of global development, from societal to economic outcomes. Making U.S. Foreign Assistance Work comes at a critical time as experts are proposing reforms for U.S. foreign aid and just prior to a political transition that will determine the future direction of U.S. foreign policy. The paper fills gaps in current proposals and includes recommendations for the next presidential administration.

Download Making U.S. Foreign Assistance Work: Sexual and Reproductive Health and Human Rights as Key to Global Development
"Achieving Global Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights" by Serra Sippel
"Candidates Must Address Global Reproductive Health in First Debate" by Serra Sippel
ABA Magazine, Winter 2008

Center for Health and Gender Equity Condemns U.S. Action to Deny Contraceptive Supplies in Africa
Thursday, October 2 - Today, CHANGE strongly condemned the Bush administration for its efforts to ban contraceptive supplies donated to national governments from reaching Marie Stopes International (MSI). MSI is a UK-based organization that supports sexual and reproductive health programs globally. Serra Sippel noted that the action undermines the decision-making processes of sovereign governments and is yet another example of the Bush administration sacrificing women’s health to pander to its ultra-conservative political base.

CHANGE Press Release
Press Release from Marie Stopes International

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