Browse Collection by:
- 115 Mine (1)
- 1826 (1)
- 1850s (5)
- 1850 (2)
- 1880s (3)
- 1890s (1)
- 1891 (1)
- 18th century (1)
- 1900s (early) (1)
- 1900s (2)
- 1906 (1)
- 1910s -1930s (1)
- 1910s (8)
- 1920s (17)
- 1920 (1)
- 1921 (4)
- 1930s (27)
- 1931 (2)
- 1940s (13)
- 1950s (9)
- 1960s (5)
- 1970s (3)
- 1980s (6)
- 1985 (1)
- 1989 strike at Beckley Mine (1)
- 1990s (7)
- 19th century (10)
- 2000 (1)
- A.T. Massey Coal Company (1)
- Abandoned mine lands (1)
- Absentee land owners (1)
- Absentee ownership (1)
- Abshire Hollow (2)
- Access to cemeteries (2)
- Accord, Dean (1)
- Acid mine drainage: definition of (1)
- Acid mine drainage (4)
- Acid rain (3)
- Acorns (Quercus sp.) (3)
- Adams, Virgil (1)
- Adzes (1)
- AFAP Report (1)
- Airport (2)
- Alabama (1)
- Allegheny plateau (1)
- Almost level, West Virginia (1)
- Ameagle, WV (20)
- Ameagle (21)
- American chestnut (Castanea dentata): for split rails (1)
- American chestnut (Castanea dentata): rot-resistant character of (1)
- American chestnut (Castanea dentata): uses of (1)
- American chestnut (Castanea dentata) (2)
- American Rivers Council (1)
- Ancestors (2)
- Andrew's (Sycamore Creek) (2)
- Andy Daniels rock (1)
- Anecdote (1)
- Anemones (1)
- Angus: difficult disposition of (1)
- Animal husbandry (5)
- Ansted, D.T. (6)
- Appalachia Forest Action Project (AFAP) monitoring (1)
- Appalachia Forest Action Project (AFAP) plots (1)
- Appalachia Forest Action Project (AFAP) (11)
- Appalachia Forest Action Project (11)
- Appalachia Science in the Public Interest (1)
- Appalachian Folklife Center (9)
- Appalachian hardwoods (2)
- Appalachian voices (1)
- Apple butter (3)
- Apple Orchard Hollow (1)
- Apple orchards in woods (1)
- Apple orchards (7)
- Apple trees (1)
- Apples, varieties of: Aunt Liz (1)
- Apples, varieties of: Dwarf Wolf Rivers (1)
- Apples, varieties of: Wealthy (1)
- Apples, varieties of: Yellow Delicious (1)
- Apples: varieties of (4)
- Apples (11)
- Approximate original contour (1)
- April (260)
- Aquatic life (2)
- Architecture (61)
- Armco Steel (4)
- Armed services (1)
- Arnett Chapel (1)
- Arnett, WV (40)
- Arnett (41)
- Artie, WV (12)
- Artifacts (12)
- Arts and crafts (20)
- Asbury Cemetery (8)
- Ash (Fraxinus sp.): for hoe handles (1)
- Ash (Fraxinus sp.) (5)
- Ash (Sorbus sp.) (1)
- Ash, white (Fraxinus americana) (1)
- Ashford Holler (1)
- Assembly Church of God (8)
- Athens, Greece (1)