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Sample News Release: Home Heating Safety ogo: New York Center for Agriculture, Medicine, & Health




New York Center for Agricultural Medicine and Health

In our efforts to stay warm this winter, it's important to remember that heating equipment is the number one cause of home fires in the United States. To ensure your safety, you should follow these fire safety tips provided by the National Fire Protection Association:

  • If you have a fireplace, make sure you have your chimney inspected by a professional every winter and cleaned if necessary. A chemical substance called Creosote forms when wood burns and can build up in a chimney and cause a fire if not properly cleaned.
  • Protect your home and family by always using a sturdy screen when burning wood.
  • Remember to burn wood only. Never burn paper or pine boughs because they can float out of the chimney and ignite your roof or that of a neighboring house.
  • If you purchase a factory-built fireplace, select one listed by an independent testing laboratory. If you own a wood stove, be sure to inspect chimney connections and chimney flues at the beginning of each heating season. They should also be cleaned periodically.
  • Follow the same safety rules for wood stoves as you would for space heaters. Burn wood only and be sure the wood stove is placed on an approved stove board to protect your floor from heat and hot coals. Be sure to check with your local fire department and check local codes before having your wood stove installed.
  • Remember: SAFETY should be your first consideration when heating your home.

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NASD Review: 04/2002

This public service announcement was produced by the New York Center for Agricultural Medicine and Health (NYCAMH). Publication date: 1994.