National Parent Town Hall in Cleveland, Ohio
September 19, 2007

Secretary Spellings kicked-off a three-day No Child Left Behind bus tour by hosting a National Parent Town Hall with parents in Cleveland and across the U.S. via webcast. She discussed NCLB and answered participants' questions.

Below are highlights. The full webcast is available, as are the Secretary's travel log, a press release, and photos.

Secretary Spellings explains that under NCLB for the first time in the history of our country, "We really mean every kid matters. We're going to hold ourselves accountable, and we're going to get there...every child on grade level by 2014."
Link to play video described on the left
Secretary Spellings answers a question from a Cleveland student about the purpose of No Child Left Behind—what the law is intended to accomplish and how it is designed to work.
Link to play video described on the left
Secretary Spellings answers questions from the president of the Cleveland School Board about how to strengthen the impact of supplemental educational services under NCLB.
Link to play video described on the left
In response to a reporter's question about funding for NCLB, Secretary Spellings points out that federal funding for education has increased since President Bush took office and that he has called for more than $1 billion in new money as part of the reauthorization of NCLB.
Link to play video described on the left
"We have fostered a conversation as never before in the history of our country at a time when it matters more than ever before," Secretary Spellings explains. "And that is: How are we going to educate every child to high levels so they can live their dreams."
Link to play video described on the left

Last Modified: 10/16/2007