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Children and Television PDF Version logo: Learning for Better Living




versión en español

University of California's Spanish Broadcast and Media Services

 Today's children spend more time in front of the TV than in school. Children learn by watching. For many children TV has become the most important teacher. That could be dangerous. Studies show that TV viewing may be bad for children. For example:

  • Children who watch too much violence on TV might think violence is O.K.
  • Children study and read less and their school grades may suffer.

  • Select TV programs and set a limited time for watching them.
  • Use TV as a learning tool or as family entertainment. But do not use it as a baby-sitter for your children!
  • Whenever possible, watch TV with them. Explain to them what they do not understand.

But not everything shown on TV is bad! Some shows are entertaining and useful for the children and other members of the family. As a parent, use TV wisely in your home.

Find out what your children like to watch on TV. And choose what you think is good for them.

Instead of watching TV, offer alternatives for entertainment:

  • A good book or magazine that appeals to your children.
  • Games or crafts that involve the whole family.
  • Singing or playing a musical instrument.
  • A family conversation.

Do not let television rob your children from those precious family times.

Know when to turn off the TV!

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NASD Review: 04/2002

This material is based upon work supported by the Extension Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture, under special project number 91-ESPN-1-5169.

Produced by the University of California’s Spanish Broadcast and Media Services, Division of Agriculture and Natural Resources, Myriam Grajales-Hall, coordinator.