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PSA Radio Script: Drunk Driving Dialogue logo: University of California




versión en español

University of California Agricultural Health and Safety Center

Male: Its hot! Let's stop and get a few before we go home..

Female: More beer?! Haven't you learned?! It hasn't been 6 months ago that you crashed your car because you "had a few."

Male: Oh, give me a break! I'm not going to drink that much.

Female: You're right because we're not stopping. Hand over the keys.

Male: You think I can't drive?! I drive better after a few!

Female: Yeah right, like you did six months ago. ...The keys please!

Male: OK, fine go ahead and drive. I'll just sit back and finish my beer.

Female: No way! I could be pulled over and cited because you're drinking. Now, throw that bottle away. I'll be the designated driver because I haven't been drinking.

Male: Ok, so long as we get home safely.

This message is brought to you by the Agricultural Health and Safety Center of Applied Behavioral Sciences of the University of California at Davis.

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NASD Review: 04/2002

This radio public service announcement was produced by the Agricultural Health and Safety Center, Applied Behavioral Sciences of the University of California at Davis. For further information contact Jenny Rodriguez, UCCE, Ag. Bldg., County Civic Center, Visalia, CA 93291-4584, (209) 733-6491.