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PSA Radio Script: Back Safety Dialogue logo: University of California




versión en español

University of California Agricultural Health and Safety Center

F#1: Rosa!, how many times have I told you to not lift the boxes that way?!

F#2: OH! I know, its just that it seems faster this way. What's wrong with that?

F#1: You could hurt your back that way. Didn't you hear what happened to Lourdes? She didn't take back safety seriously and about a year ago she hurt her back. She still complains about back pain. This kind of work is too hard on her back so she had to take time off work in order to recuperate. She had time to relax but she also lost that salary. Its just been causing her too many problems.

F#2: But I have to work fast so I can get paid more.

F#1: Yes, but what good will that do you if your back gives out. You'll just have more problems.

F#2: OK then, what do you think I should do

F#1: Look, in order to avoid problems its better to bend your knees and use your legs, lifting the object slowly. Don't twist your back rapidly- this could be harmful. If the load is too heavy, ask for help or use some sort of mechanical devise. Its better to make more trips than to regret it later.

F#1: You're right, it would be worse if I hurt my back. I'm better off taking your advice and putting it into practice in order to avoid problems or regretting it when I feel the pain.

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NASD Review: 04/2002

This radio public service announcement was produced by the Agricultural Health and Safety Center, Applied Behavioral Sciences of the University of California at Davis. For further information contact Jenny Rodriguez, UCCE, Ag. Bldg., County Civic Center, Visalia, CA 93291-4584, (209) 733-6491.