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PSA Radio Script: Dust Storms logo: University of California




versión en español

University of California Agricultural Health and Safety Center

SEVERE wind noises...

That's the sound of an unpredictable and dangerous dust storm. Many lives have been lost on California's highways and roads when dust storms reduce visibility to zero.

Remember the following tips when driving through a dust storm area:

Avoid driving at all if a storm is predicted in your area.

When driving, be alert for dust blowing across the fields and highways. Listen for your visibility will be dramatically reduced.

Pull off the road as far as possible - and stop.... with your lights off. Never stop on the roadway!

Set the emergency brake and take your foot off the brake pedal to make sure the tail lights are not lit.

If you can't pull off the road, reduce your speed with headlights on using the center line to guide you. Sound your horn occasionally, Your ears, and those of other become your eyes.

Always find out weather conditions of your travel area.

This message is brought to you by the Agricultural Health and Safety Center, Department of Applied Behavioral Sciences of the University of California at Davis.

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NASD Review: 04/2002

This radio public service announcement was produced by the Agricultural Health and Safety Center, Applied Behavioral Sciences of the University of California at Davis. For further information contact Jenny Rodriguez, UCCE, Ag. Bldg., County Civic Center, Visalia, CA 93291-4584, (209) 733-6491.