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News Release: Kids on Mowers? logo: University of Tennessee




Timothy G. Prather
University of Tennessee

How often do you see small children riding as passengers on lawn mowers and tractors? Have you ever considered the risks those children are facing?

A fall from the mower might result in the child being crushed or mutilated. Many children are seriously injured or killed each year in incidents of this type.

Less obvious hazards include eye injuries and hearing damage. All engine-powered mowers produce noise levels that can lead to cumulative hearing loss which may not be evident for years. Also, objects thrown by mower blades can cause eye injuries.

Finally, a passenger on the mower has no place to sit and no foot rests, so the operator must hold the passenger. That means the operator has only one hand on the controls, and the passenger interferes with necessary control movements. What happens? The interference may result in loss of control.

Protect your kids and yourself. Keep extra riders off mowers and tractors.

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NASD Review: 04/2002

This news release was distributed by the University of Tennessee Agricultural Extension Service, Knoxville, Tennessee 37901. Publication date: May 1993.

Timothy G. Prather, Agricultural Safety Specialist, Agricultural Engineering Department, University of Tennessee Agricultural Extension Service, Knoxville, Tennessee 37901.