Remarks at the National Press Club, Washington, D.C.
January 10, 2008

In an address to the National Press Club on January 10, Secretary Spellings marked the sixth anniversary of the signing of the No Child Left Behind Act with an update on our nation's progress under the law and outlined her priorities for K-12 schools in 2008.

Secretary Spellings talks about the urgency of NCLB's goal of having all students being able to read and do math on grade level by 2014.
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Secretary Spellings discusses the profound impact of NCLB on our national conversation about education.
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For the first time, NCLB is enabling us to take an "honest look at our schools" says Secretary Spellings.
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Secretary Spellings describes NCLB's core principles.
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Today's economy demands improvements in our education system now, Secretary Spellings explains.
Link to play video described on the left

Last Modified: 01/18/2008