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Cabinet Members Lecture at Harvard University

Two of Governor Lingle's Cabinet members involved with the State's $2.3 billion Airports Modernization Plan have been invited by the Harvard University Graduate School of Design to be instructors at the school's executive education program.

As part of the program, entitled "Airport Development for the Next 50 Years: Planning and Design of World-Class Airports and Passenger Terminals," State Budget and Finance director Georgina Kawamura and Department of Transportation deputy director of Airports Brian Sekiguchi shared their experiences and knowledge in the planning, budgeting, design, development and implementation of Hawai`i's Airports Modernization Plan.

The program, held August 6-8, was designed to help participants assess the critical tasks required to guide airport development over the next 50 years in order to meet world standards and travel demands. Participants will include airport administrators, operators, airlines, architects, engineers, planners, concessionaires, airport developers, and investors involved in aviation in North America.

"Georgina and Brian have worked tirelessly and skillfully in their respective roles to ensure that we have the needed resources to modernize our airports," said Governor Lingle. "Their participation in this prestigious Harvard executive education program is a testament to their expertise, and to the success of the State of Hawai`i and its partners in the development and ongoing implementation of this ambitious 12-year plan."

"This is also an ideal opportunity for Hawai`i to gain additional knowledge from program participants and fellow instructors from around the nation to further improve Hawai`i's airport facilities and enhance passenger service as we continue to move forward on our Airports Modernization Plan," the Governor added.


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