Teacher-to-Teacher Initiative
December 2007
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"Highly skilled teachers are the key to closing the achievement gap and leaving no child behind. The U.S. Department of Education's Teacher-to-Teacher Initiative is helping teachers strengthen their skills by increasing their opportunities to engage in frequent professional development."
— U.S. Secretary of Education Margaret Spellings

The Teacher-to-Teacher Initiative helps teachers to improve student achievement by supporting their professional development.

  • Research confirms that teachers are the single most important factor in raising student achievement. Highly qualified teachers can maximize every child's potential to meet high academic standards. Good teachers are essential to closing the achievement gap and ensuring that no child is left behind.

  • The Teacher-to-Teacher Initiative was created by teachers for teachers. It provides support for teachers, including convenient access to free professional development activities. It keeps teachers informed in areas of vital importance and honors teachers for their hard work and dedication.

  • The Initiative reaches out to States and school districts so that teachers will have the opportunity to receive credit toward professional development requirements.

  • The Initiative offers help anytime, anywhere through email updates, website resources and popular Teacher-to-Teacher workshops held in cities from coast to coast.

  • The Initiative honors teachers for their hard work and dedication through the American Stars of Teaching award.

The Teacher-to-Teacher Initiative has helped more than 300,000 teachers learn effective strategies for raising student achievement—and is expected to reach the teachers of more than one million students this year.

  • Today, all 50 states and the District of Columbia grant professional development credit for Teacher-to-Teacher participation.
  • The Initiative offered 19 free summer workshops for teachers in all content areas in cities across the country during summer 2007.
  • Teacher-to-Teacher is collaborating with TechNet, a group of technology companies, to create urban teacher workshops focusing on math, science and technology.
  • Target and Motorola have also supported teacher workshops. Other government agencies providing support include NASA and the National Park Service.

The Teacher-to-Teacher Initiative is engaging the nation's best teachers and principals to share strategies for raising student achievement.

  • Teacher Training Corps: The Corps is made up of classroom teachers and practitioners from across the country experienced in scientifically based instruction. Corps members host regional workshops and provide onsite on-site technical assistance, e-mail mentoring, webcasts and personal follow-up visits to other educators sharing the strategies that have worked in their own classrooms and schools.

  • Teacher Updates: Teachers may receive electronic updates from the U.S. Department of Education by signing up at www.ed.gov/teacherinitiative. These short "e-bytes" address topics including federal policy and also provide links to classroom teaching and learning aides.

  • Teacher Roundtables: The Department has hosted teacher roundtables on various topics so Department officials could interact with teachers and listen to their concerns.

  • American Stars of Teaching: American Stars of Teaching honors teachers who are improving student achievement, using innovative strategies to reach students and making a difference in their lives. Candidates may be nominated by anyone—parents, principals, school officials or former students. Nearly 4,000 nominations were received this year and the 2007 awardees will be honored with surprise events this fall.

  • "Teachers Ask the Secretary": This easy-to-use interactive feature allows teachers to ask questions of the Secretary of Education and learn answers on a wide range of issues: teacher quality, professional development, state academic standards and more. The page will be regularly updated to include as many topics as possible.

  • Tribal Teacher Workshop featuring: Beginning in the Fall of 2007, these online workshops will provide resources for teachers of Native American and Alaska Native Students.

  • Doing What Works for Teachers: Research based effective practices will be highlighted on this website. Resources will include current topics of research, practice guides, digital learning, lessons, strategies, and implementation support.

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Last Modified: 12/11/2007