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United States Department of Agriculture Agricultural Research Service
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2004 Annual Report

1.What major problem or issue is being resolved and how are you resolving it (summarize project aims and objectives)? How serious is the problem? What does it matter?
Portions of this project were included in CRIS Project 6435-22000-009-00D that was subjected to an ad-hoc OSQR review in 2003 as part of National Program 304. Congressionally-mandated expansion of the research in FY 2004 in areas covered by National Program 305 justified the creation of as independent CRIS project. An OSQR review of National Program 305 is scheduled for 2007. To date, this project has not been scheduled for ad-hoc review under the OSQR process.

In recent years, Louisiana sugarcane producers have faced increased economic pressure. The combined effects of increased input costs, variable sugar prices and the potential implementation of production quotas have compelled growers to find ways to decrease costs and maximize profits and sustainability. In addition, the industry's continued use of burning as a tool to remove extraneous leaf material to increase harvesting efficiency and sugar recovery and to reduce the impact of the plant residue generated at harvest on subsequent crops (ratoons) is in jeopardy due to environmental concerns. New cultural practices must be developed if the industry is to overcome these challenges. Adoption of precision agriculture and reduced tillage techniques offer the greatest promise to achieve these goals.

The overall goal of this research is to develop new and improved sugarcane cultural practices that increase efficiency and sustainability and minimize adverse environmental impacts in both the crop and fallowed fields. The specific objectives are to:.
1)investigate the utility of precision agricultural techniques, including soil grid sampling, crop yield mapping, and variable lime application;.
2)to develop new systems to manage post-harvest residues, which may include mechanical, chemical or biological removal techniques;.
3)to characterize sugarcane cultivars and germplasm developed through conventional breeding and genetic transformation for sustainability in integrated systems that contain post-harvest residues; and.
4)to develop new or improved cultural practices that maximize the efficiency and productivity of reduced tillage systems and sugarcane planting systems that utilize billets (8 to 10 inch cane pieces generated by chopper harvesters).

The research to be undertaken in this project falls under National Program 305 - Crop Production and addresses Component I. Integrated Production Systems, Subsection C. Sustainable Cropping Systems as described in the National Program Action Plan. The project also includes elements of components X.A (Cultural and mechanical control) of National Program 304.

The research and the recommendations developed will lower production costs while insuring yield sustainability. Research on post-harvest residue management and the use of precision agriculture methods will have general applicability to the growers and millers of the Florida and Texas cane sugar industries. The research, aimed at making the culture of sugarcane more environmentally friendly, will be useful to the Cooperative Extension Services of the three states, the USDA National Resource Conservation Service, and various National Estuary Programs, as they develop Best Management Practices (BMPs) for sugarcane. This is especially important because sugarcane is grown near some of the largest and most important estuary systems in the southern U.S. Finally, American consumers will benefit by obtaining a dependable supply of high quality domestic sugar.

2.List the milestones (indicators of progress) from your Project Plan.
Year 1 (FY 2004)

Objective 1. Complete studies to quantify the extent of variability present with respect to soil chemical properties and cane and sugar yields in commercial sugarcane fields. Continue studies to evaluate the potential profitability and environmental sustainability of variable rate lime application methods versus conventional application methods.

Objective 2. Initiate studies to quantify the yield loss associated with the retention of post-harvest residues generated during the harvest of green cane with chopper harvesters in light and heavy soils for first, second and third ratoon crops.

Objective 3. Initiate studies designed to evaluate varietal differences in their abilities to emerge and develop under the adverse conditions associated with post-harvest residue blankets in the late winter. Continue screening and selection of potential varieties that are self-stripping and hence would be easier to clean with chopper harvesters. Continue screening and selection of potential varieties that emerges early in the spring under heavy-residue conditions.

Objective 4. Continue studies to quantify the effect of planting rate and position in the planting furrow on sugarcane yield in billet planting systems. Initiate studies to quantify the effect of planting depth and pre-emergence herbicide on sugarcane yield in billet planting systems. In a plant-cane crop, initiate studies designed to compare conventional tillage to minimum tillage systems as influenced by the presence of post-harvest residues generated during the harvesting of green cane with chopper harvesters.

Year 2 (FY 2005)

Objective 1. Complete studies evaluating the potential profitability and environmental sustainability of variable rate lime application methods versus conventional application methods and prepare report. Initiate studies to determine the utility of sugarcane harvester yield monitors for load monitoring and construction of yield maps to be used in precision applications. Initiate studies to evaluate variable rate fertilizer and herbicide application versus conventional application methods. Initiate studies to determine the utility of remote aerial and ground imagery as potential indicators of sugarcane yield, health, and quality.

Objective 2. Continue studies to quantify the yield loss associated with the retention of post-harvest residues generated during the harvest of green cane with chopper harvesters in light and heavy soils for first, second and third ratoon crops. Initiate cooperative studies to evaluate the utility of collecting and baling post-harvest residues for use as wind and water erosion barriers on vulnerable coastal and offshore beaches. Report on the physiological reason for the loss associated with residue retention and develop protocols for germplasm screening.

Objective 3. Utilize plant breeding techniques to develop new varieties that have residue tolerant lines and current near commercial (elite) germplasm as parental material. Perform similar studies with self-stripping lines and current elite germplasm as parental material.

Objective 4. Complete studies to quantify the effect of planting rate and position in the planting furrow on sugarcane yield in billet planting systems and prepare report. Continue studies to quantify the effect of planting depth and pre-emergence herbicide on sugarcane yield in billet planting systems. Continue studies in the first-ratoon crop comparing conventional tillage to minimum tillage systems as influenced by the presence of post-harvest residues generated during the harvesting of green cane with chopper harvesters.

An extension of the CRIS Project termination date is requested from 12/31/04 to 09/30/08. Portions of this project were included in CRIS Project 6435-22000-009-00D which was subjected to an ad-hoc panel OSQR review in 2003 as part of National Program 304. Congressionally-mandated expansion of the research in FY 2004 in areas covered by National Program 205 justified the creation of an independent CRIS Project (6435-21000-011-00D). An OSQR review of National Program 305 is scheduled in 2007.

Year 3 (FY 2006)

Objective 1. Complete studies to evaluate variable rate fertilizer and herbicide application versus conventional application methods and prepare report. Continue studies to determine the utility of sugarcane harvester yield monitors for load monitoring and construction of yield maps in precision agriculture type applications. Continue studies to determine the utility of remote sensing as an indicator of sugarcane yield, health, and quality.

Objective 2. Complete studies to quantify the yield loss associated with the retention of post-harvest residues generated during the harvest of green cane with chopper harvesters in light and heavy soils for first, second and third ratoon crops and prepare report. Continue cooperative studies to evaluate the utility of collecting and baling post-harvest residues as wind and water erosion barriers on vulnerable coastal and offshore beaches and marshes.

Objective 3. Evaluate progeny developed from specific crosses for their ability to emerge and develop in the late winter under a post-harvest residue blanket and/or for their ability to prematurely shed older leaves during the maturation process. Utilize promising lines as parental material in the commercial sugarcane breeding program.

Objective 4. Complete studies to quantify the effect of planting depth and pre-emergence herbicide on sugarcane yield in billet planting systems and prepare report. Report on cane yield and profits under various tillage situations.

A. List the milestones (from the list in Question #2) that were scheduled to be addressed in FY 2004. How many milestones did you fully or substantially meet in FY 2004 and indicate which ones were not fully or substantially met, briefly explain why not, and your plans to do so.

The following goals were scheduled to be initiated, partially completed or completed by FY 2004. Progress in each is outlined below.

Objective 1. Complete studies to quantify the extent of variability present in yield and quality of commercially produced sugarcane. This goal was completed in FY 2004 with three years of data.

Complete studies to quantify the extent of variability of soil chemical properties in commercial sugarcane fields. This goal was completed in FY 2004 with three years of data.

Continue studies to evaluate the potential profitability and environmental sustainability of variable rate lime application methods versus conventional application methods. This goal was partially completed in FY 2004 with collection of two years of data. Yield data from the second-ratoon crop will be collected in FY 2005 to complete this study.

Objective 2. Initiate studies to quantify the yield loss associated with the retention of post-harvest residues generated during the harvest of green cane with chopper harvesters in light and heavy soils. These studies were initiated in FY 2004 in first, second and third ratoon crops. These will be harvested in FY 2005 and then repeated and harvested in FY 2006.

Objective 3. Initiate screening of potential varieties that are capable of emerging and developing under the adverse conditions associated with post-harvest residue blankets in the late winter. These trials were initiated in FY 2004.

Continue screening and selection of potential varieties that are self-stripping and hence would be easier to clean with chopper harvesters. Continue screening and selection of potential varieties that emerge early in the spring under heavy-residue conditions. This goal was partially completed with the selection of some material from the second line trials in FY 2004.

Objective 4. Continue studies to quantify the effect of planting rate and position on sugarcane yield in billet planting systems. This goal was partially completed in FY 2004 with collection of two years of data. Yield data from the second-ratoon crop will be collected in FY 2005.

3B. List the milestones that you expect to address over the next three years (FY 2005, 2006 & 2007). What do you expect to accomplish year by year, over the next three years under each milestone?

Year 1 (FY 2005)

Objective 1. Complete studies evaluating the potential profitability and environmental sustainability of variable rate lime application methods versus conventional application methods and prepare report. Initiate studies to determine the utility of sugarcane harvester yield monitors for load monitoring and construction of yield maps in precision agriculture applications. Initiate studies to determine the utility of remote sensing as an indicator of sugarcane yield, health, and quality. Initiate studies to evaluate variable rate fertilizer and herbicide application versus conventional application methods.

Objective 2. Continue studies in first-ratoon crops to quantify the yield loss associated with the retention of post-harvest residues generated during the harvest of green cane with chopper harvesters in light and heavy soils in first, second and third ratoon crops. Initiate cooperative studies to evaluate the utility of collecting and baling post-harvest residues for use as wind and water erosion barriers on vulnerable coastal and offshore beaches and marshes. Report on the physiological reason for the loss associated with residue retention and develop protocols for germplasm screening.

Objective 3. Make crosses with residue tolerant lines and current elite germplasm. Make crosses with self-stripping lines and current elite germplasm.

Objective 4. Complete studies to quantify the effect of planting rate and position within the planting furrow on sugarcane yield in billet planting systems and prepare report. Continue studies to quantify the effect of planting depth and pre-emergence herbicide on sugarcane yield in billet planting systems.

Year 2 (FY 2006)

Objective 1. Complete studies to evaluate variable rate fertilizer and herbicide application versus conventional application methods and prepare report. Continue studies to determine the utility of sugarcane harvester yield monitors for load monitoring and construction of yield maps in precision agriculture applications. Continue studies to determine the utility of remote sensing as an indicator of sugarcane yield, health, and quality.

Objective 2. Complete studies to quantify the yield loss associated with the retention of post-harvest residues generated during the harvest of green cane with chopper harvesters in light and heavy soils and prepare report. Continue cooperative studies to evaluate the utility of collecting and baling post-harvest residues as wind and water erosion barriers on vulnerable coastal and offshore beaches and marshes.

Objective 3. Release germplasm that can emerge and grow during the late-winter under the cool and wet soil conditions typically found under post-harvest residue blankets and germplasm that characteristically loses its older leaves prior to harvesting.

Objective 4. Complete studies to quantify the effect of planting depth and pre-emergence herbicide on sugarcane yield in billet planting systems and prepare report. Report on cane yield and profits under various tillage situations over a complete cane cycle.

4.What were the most significant accomplishments this past year?
A. Single most significant accomplishment during FY 2004 (one per Research Project)

Previous research has demonstrated that maintaining the post-harvest residue blanket generated during the chopper harvesting of green cane on the soil surface will result in a yield decrease in the subsequent ratoon crop. A three year study was conducted to determine the influence of the residues on soil temperature and moisture levels in both the winter and spring. Treatments included: complete removal by burning, partial removal from the row top by brushing, and no-removal. Hourly soil temperature and moisture data was recorded using an automated data logging system through canopy closure and manual soil temperature and moisture samples were taken on a weekly basis, staring in January for confirmatory purposes. The results of these studies indicate that a 2 to 3 degree (F) decrease in spring soil temperature occurs in those plots where the residue was not removed compared to plots where the residue was removed by burning. The plots with residue also had soil moisture levels that were 3-5% greater than the complete removal treatment. The combined effects of a lower temperature and higher moisture may slow germination of below-ground buds on the sugarcane stubble in the late-winter to a sufficient extent that yield is adversely effected. The results of these studies have allowed SRU personnel to provide residue removal guidelines to Louisiana sugarcane producers to avoid these negative effects.

B. Other Significant Accomplishment(s), if any.

Sugarcane producers in south Louisiana have faced increased economic pressure and must find ways to decrease costs, while still maintaining yields and avoiding negative environmental impacts. The methods of precision agriculture, specifically variable-rate (VR) application of lime and fertilizers, may allow producers to accomplish this task. In VR application systems the rates of soil nutrients are carefully adjusted and targeted to each area of the field to avoid over or under applications. A study was initiated in 2002 in a 49-acre field to determine the utility of this system. In this study, a conventional (uniform rate) lime application method was compared to a VR application method and a no lime control. Prior to lime application, soil samples (0-8 in) were taken from each site on a 1-acre grid. A random soil sample was also collected from each field to determine the lime rate, based on current extension recommendations for the conventional treatment. Gross cane and sugar yield results from the 2002 plant-cane crop demonstrated an advantage to both VR and conventional lime application methods as compared to the no-lime control. There was no significant difference observed in theoretically recoverable sugar (TRS) in 2002. Results from the conventional application method were also significantly greater than the VR method in both sugar and tonnage yield in the plant-cane crop. A similar trend in both gross cane and sugar yield was observed in the first-ratoon crop in 2003 with the following exceptions. The VR lime treatment yielded a significantly higher TRS than the conventional or no lime treatments and the difference in sugar yields between the conventional and VR treatments decreased significantly to 440 lb sugar/acre. Although, there was a significant difference between the conventional and VR treatments at the 5% significance level, there was not a difference at the 10% level. This would indicate that the VR method is achieving statistically equivalent yields, as compared to the conventional uniform method, while applying less than half of the lime. These combined results are promising, because if similar yields can be obtained with the VR system, while actually applying fewer inputs, then an overall increase in profitability will be observed in addition to improving sustainability and minimizing adverse environmental impacts.

C. Significant activities that support special target populations. None

D. Progress Report.

This project is the parent project for additional research conducted under Reimbursable Agreements between the Agricultural Research Service's, Sugarcane Research Unit and the Barataria Terrebonne National Estuary Program and between SRU and Nicholls State University. Additional details of the research progress can be found in the reports for the subordinate project 6435-22000-011-01R, "New and Improved Cultural Practices for Sustainable Sugarcane Production and Environmental Protection," and 6435-22000-009-02S, "Microbial Decomposition of Post-Harvest Sugarcane Residues as a Replacement for Burning."

5.Describe the major accomplishments over the life of the project, including their predicted or actual impact.
Precision agricultural techniques, specifically variable rate application, may help sugarcane growers save fertilizer and lime costs while minimizing negative environmental impacts. A prerequisite for these methods is that sufficient variability exists in crop yield to justify their adoption by the industry. Agricultural Research Service (ARS) scientists at the Sugarcane Research Unit (SRU) have conducted field tests to evaluate the spatial variability of sugarcane yield in relation to soil variability. In these tests, cane and sugar yields were monitored in 9 to 10 acre fields that had been divided into 0.04 acre quadrants. Cane yields were found to vary from 15 to 60 tons per acre within fields. Sugar yields and TRS levels in the same field varied from 3,000 to 13,000 pounds per acre and from 130 to 250 pounds per ton, respectively. When the yield data was analyzed with geostatistical methods the sugar yields were found to be spatially correlated with a range of 278 feet. Soil samples taken from these plots also exhibited spatial correlation with soil pH showing a similar range of 278 feet. Identification of this variability and its correlation with soil properties will allow ARS scientists to conduct further experiments to determine the feasibility of using precision agriculture management techniques, such as the variable rate application of lime to increase grower profitability. These techniques will allow producers to reduce the overall input of soil nutrients while maintaining yields and insuring environmental sustainability.

The Louisiana Sugarcane industry's continued use of burning as a tool to remove extraneous leaf material to increase harvesting efficiency and sugar recovery and to reduce the impact of the post-harvest residues on the subsequent ratoon crop is in jeopardy due to environmental concerns. ARS scientists at the SRU assessed the impact of these residues on yields of ratoon crops of sugarcane during the 2002-2004 growing seasons in field experiments throughout the Louisiana industry. They demonstrated that the presence of the blanket of residue at the start of the subsequent ratoon crop's production year slowed the development of the crop from underground buds and that the slowdown was exacerbated by cold soil temperatures and high rainfall during the winter months and the use of the chemical sugarcane ripener glyphosate in the residue-generating crop. The results continue to suggest that the residue must be removed at least from the row top as soon after harvest as possible to insure optimum yields the following year in the ratoon crop. Results indicate that the method of removal is of less importance with essentially equal yields obtained with a variety of mechanical removal techniques. If the residue is to be removed from a field by burning, this should be done soon after harvest to prevent damage to the re-emerging crop. These results provide management guidelines to sugarcane producers that will prevent yield reductions in sugarcane ratoon crops.

6.What science and/or technologies have been transferred and to whom? When is the science and/or technology likely to become available to the end-user (industry, farmer, other scientists)? What are the constraints, if known, to the adoption and durability of the technology products?
Significant interaction with customer groups occurred at the following meetings in which ARS researchers volunteered or were invited to speak: International Society of Sugarcane Technologists Ag Mechanization Workshop in Thibodaux, LA, (attended by over 50 international researchers) (4). American Society of Sugar Cane Technologists Louisiana-Florida Division in Saint Pete Beach, FL, (attended by over 200 growers, researchers, and processors) (2); American Sugarcane League Contact Committee Meeting (1): Louisiana Cooperative Extension Service-sponsored Research Extension planning meetings (3) and spring (January/February) parish grower meetings (1) and summer (July/August) parish field days (8). Research results were also discussed during meetings of the Bayouland Young Farmers Association (1) and the Louisiana Ag Consultants Association (1), and at raw sugar factory-sponsored pre-harvest grower meetings (2).

7.List your most important publications in the popular press and presentations to organizations and articles written about your work.
Viator, R.P. E. Richard, Jr., B. Viator, W. Jackson, H. Waguespack, and H. Birkett. 2004. Can high quality cane be delivered to the mill economically? Sugar Bulletin 82:8-9.

Review Publications
Johnson, R.M., Richard Jr, E.P. 2003. Machinery advances for post-harvest residue management in Louisiana [abstract]. International Society of Sugar Cane Technologists'Agricultural Engineering Workshop - Abstracts of Commmunications. Available: http://issct.intnet.mu.

Johnson, R.M., Richard Jr, E.P. 2004. A survey of temporal and spatial variability in Louisiana sugarcane production systems [abstract]. Journal of the American Society of Sugar Cane Technologists. 24:113.

Johnson, R.M., Richard Jr, E.P. 2003. Precision agricultural applications in Louisiana sugarcane production systems [abstract]. Sugar Journal. 66(1):27-28.

Johnson, R.M., Richard Jr, E.P. 2004. A comparison of conventional and variable rate lime application methods in South Louisiana sugarcane fields [abstract]. 7th International Conference of Precision Agriculture Abstracts. p. 173.

Viator, R.P., Richard Jr, E.P., Viator, B.J., Jackson, W., Waguespack, H., Birkett, H. 2004. Combine fan speed and ground speed effects on cane quality, yield, losses, and economic returns [abstract]. Journal of the American Society of Sugar Cane Technologists. 24:125.

Johnson, R.M., Richard Jr, E.P. 2003. Evaluation of crop and soil spatial variability in Louisiana sugarcane production systems. Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Precision Agriculture. ASA-CSSA-SSSA, Madison, Wisconsin. 2003 CDROM.


Project Team
Johnson, Richard
Richard, Edward
Viator, Ryan
Project Annual Reports
  FY 2007
  FY 2006
  FY 2005
  FY 2004
Related National Programs
  Crop Production (305)
Last Modified: 10/14/2008
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