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Draft Standards
(this page was last changed on 12/02/2008)

Download Standards - Please read information below before downloading draft standards

General Comments

 Draft copies of Virginia Standards and Specifications are being placed on the Virginia NRCS Web Site as they are completed. Constructive comments are welcome. The standards are posted in Microsoft Word format and may be downloaded and saved to your hard drive and opened in MS Word. The documents have been formatted so you can make your comments, deletions, and additions using Microsoft Word without overwriting the original text. Instructions are given under Tracking Changes.

The name and e-mail address is given for the author of each standard. Clicking on the name will open an e-mail composition window. After making comments or changes and saving the word file, e-mail the reviewed standard to the author as an attachment. Instructions are given under E-mail Attachments

Tracking Changes

Additions, deletions, or comments may be made directly in the draft standard and specification. The standards have been formatted so that the original text remains as edits are made. Proposed deletions are shown in red, while proposed additions are shown in blue. If you need to remove an edit you have made place the cursor over the text and right click the mouse, then left click on "reject change". In most cases if you backspace over an edit you have made the edit will be deleted. Save the file and the edits are also saved.

E-mail Attachments

When you click on the author's name an e-mail composition window will appear with the author's e-mail address. To attach the reviewed standard left click on the "attach" button on the tool bar. A directory window will appear. You will need to navigate to the the directory where the reviewed standard was saved on your hard drive. Highlight the standard and either double click on the file or click on "open". The composition window will appear again and you may send the e-mail with the attached file.

Date Posted

Download Draft Standard and Specification

Author / E-Mail
 The following documents require Microsoft Word
12/02/08 316 Animal Standard Alica Ketchem
12/02/08 317 Composting Facility Alica Ketchem
12/02/08 591 Waste Treatment- Standard Amendments Alica Ketchem
12/02/08 629 Waste Treatment Alica Ketchem
12/02/08 632 Solid Liquid Waste Separation Facility Alica Ketchem

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