Events and updates

Community Action Plan

  • Provide training and technical assistance on REACH Model to clinics, community based agencies, faith settings, and small businesses

  • Promote health via primary prevention activities, including physical activity, nutrition and stress management.

  • Impact the social & physical determinants that bring about these disparities through advocacy and collaborations

  • Collaborate with King County Equity & Social Justice Initiative, KCFFI, and Steps to promote policy changes beyond organizational systems


Coalition Meeting

REACH Coalition meeting are held quarterly beginning in October on the fourth Thursday of the month from 3:00-5:00 pm. Please contact the REACH Program Manager at 206-263-8192 for a location of coalition meetings.

Advocacy Committee meeting

Advocacy committee meetings are held bimonthly on fourth Thursday of the month. For more information, please contact the REACH Program Manager at 206-263-8192 or the Co-Chairs Antoinette Angulo at or Abbie Zahler at

REACH Advocacy Committee

Background – The REACH Coalition of King County is a partnership of public, private, and community entities working together to reduce health disparities by: 1. providing effective and culturally relevant diabetes services for specific racial and ethnic groups and 2. impacting the social determinants that bring about these health disparities through advocacy and collaborations.

Goal – The REACH Advocacy committee works to support and create legislation/policies and resource changes that prevent diabetes, eliminate health disparities and achieve health equity.

Advocacy priorities:

  1. Community activation – To build capacity among our community members and partners so that they are able to advocate for themselves and their community.

  2. Health care – To impact access to and availability of appropriate services and advocate for payment reform (i.e., out-of-pocket costs to care so that people with diabetes and delivery systems receive fair compensation for self-management tools, education, and other support services).

  3. Sustainable funding for chronic care at the county level – The REACH Coalition supports a mandate for chronic care service delivery at the county level.

  4. Health equity impact assessments for addressing social determinants of health – Join with Place Matters and other state stakeholders in advocating for health equity impact assessments prior to the implementation of changes in policies/systems in Washington State.

Legislative priorities:

To support legislation/policies that will:

  • Improve health and the delivery of healthcare to our target populations
  • Improve the determinants of health for our target communities
  • Increase communities’ access to healthy foods and physical activity (diabetes prevention)

To get involved, contact Public Health at 206-263-8192 or the committee co-chairs: Antoinette Angulo at or Abbie Zahler at