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Chippewa's Shingobee Recreation Area Celebrates National Trails Days

posted Thursday, September 9, 2008 by Melissa Rickers

A Group of Volunteers Work on the North Country Trail

Saturday, June 7th, 25 volunteers gathered at the Chippewa National Forests Shingobee Recreation Area to Celebrate National Trails Day.

Saturday, June 7th, 25 volunteers gathered at the Chippewa National Forests Shingobee Recreation Area to Celebrate National Trails Day. Volunteers came out to enjoy a beautiful summer day and to participate in a variety of trail maintenance projects on the Shingobee Trail System and the North Country National Scenic Trail. Volunteers from the Itasca Moraine Chapter and the North Star Chapter of the North Country Trail Association (NCTA), Boy Scouts of America Troop 25 from Bemidji and U.S. Forest Service employees from the Walker Ranger District joined together to complete approximately seven miles of trail brushing, blazing and signing.

The day began with registration and fellowship enjoying coffee, juice and rolls provided by the Itasca Moraine Chapter of the NCTA. That was followed by a brief welcome from Carolyn Upton, Walker District Ranger. Chippewa's Forestry Technician Jon Hanson provided a review of potential safety hazards. Public Services Team Leader Mitch Bouchonville distributed door prizes to all volunteers present followed by Jerry Trout of the Itasca Moraine chapter of the NCTA who divided the volunteers into work groups, assigned work leaders and work areas, and provided specific instruction on proper trail blazing techniques. The groups then made up lunches to be enjoyed on the trail which were provided by Carter and Flo Hedeen of the Itasca Moraine Chapter of the NCTA. Then it was off to work at the various work areas.

At 3:00 P.M. the volunteers re-convened at Shingobee to join Beth Trout on a guided wildflower hike along the Shingobee Trail System. Over 30 different wildflowers were identified along the trail, including Wild Sarsaparilla, Wood Anemone, Downy Blue & Dog Violets, Early Meadow Pussy Toes, White Pea/Pale Vetching, Wild Columbine, Hoary Puccoon, Beach Plum, June Berry/Service Berry, Yarrow, Yellow Corydalis, Snake Grass, Prickly Gooseberry, Downy Yellow Violet, Cow Parsnip, Bracken, Sensitive, Interrupted, Cinnamon, and Northern Maidenhair Ferns, Small-flowered Crowfoot/ aborted Buttercup, Bellwort, Bird on the Wing/Gaywing/ Fringed Polygala, Wild Lily of the Valley, Wild Oats, Anice Root/Sweet Cicely, Blueberry, Wood/Common Strawberry, Marsh Marigold, Bastard Toadflax, Hoary Alyssum, Smooth Solomon's Seal, Wood Betony/Lousewort, Elder Berry, Blue Bead Lily/Clintonia, Lyre-leaved Rock Cress, and Grove Sandwort.

A special thank you goes out to the Itasca Moraine Chapter of the North Country Trail Association, The American Hiking Society, North Star Chapter of the North Country Trail Association and the Chippewa National Forest for a memorable day celebrating your National Trails!!!