United States Department of Agriculture
Natural Resources Conservation Service
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                                                                                       Contact:  Tim Emenheiser – 717-237-2218

Harrisburg, Sept. 13, 2007- The Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) in Pennsylvania is encouraging agricultural producers to develop comprehensive conservation plans. Beginning October 1st, USDA program priority status will be given to those producers who have current conservation plans.

 “It is imperative that planning services be provided in a proactive way to prepare our clients for successful participation in NRCS conservation programs,” said Craig Derickson, NRCS State Conservationist. “Our ability to develop and implement program contracts in a timely and efficient way will be greatly enhanced by starting now to develop action oriented conservation plans.”

A Conservation Plan is a written record of management decisions and the conservation practices and systems a producer plans to use and maintain on his/her farm. Conservation plans combine farming skills with the science-based knowledge and tools of the conservation planner. The plan is the starting point for managing the natural resources on a farm while maintaining productive capacity and meeting individual goals and objectives.

Conservation plans are developed by NRCS employees who utilize state of the art technology and scientifically based expertise. If you are interested in developing a conservation plan, please contact your local USDA service center or visit us on the web at www.pa.nrcs.usda.gov.




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