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Birds of a Feather Flock to the Hoosier

posted Tuesday, June 6, 2008 by Cynthia Sandeno

Two Brothers Dissect an Owl Pellet at IMBD.

The Hoosier National Forest hosted its 6th annual International Migratory Bird Day Celebration.

This year's International Migratory Bird Day (IMBD) celebration, "Habitats on the Hoosier," was a huge success with over 20 partners helping us to connect more than 150 citizens to the land. International Migratory Bird Day is an annual celebration of one of the most important events in the life of a migratory bird- the journey between its summer and winter homes. This important day was created to focus public attention on the need to conserve migratory birds and their habitats through celebrations and education programs. Perhaps most importantly, IMBD is about making connections between people, birds, and the natural world.

The Hoosier's day-long event began with guided bird hikes at 7:30 and 8:30. Over thirty people arrived early to participate in these hikes, and they were rewarded with views of pileated woodpeckers, white-breasted nuthatches, red-eyed vireos, a scarlet tanager, and many others. Public Affairs Officer, Frank Lograsso, was present to welcome the early birds and to kick off the days activities. Guest speakers presented workshops throughout the day on topics such as a mist-netting demonstration, landscaping for wildlife, sharing the wonder of birds with children, and much more.

The event was centered around a "Round Robin" - craft and game booths designed to provide children (as well as adults) with an enjoyable learning experience. Participants had the opportunity to build bird houses, create a variety of bird feeders, identify birds from a birding blind, learn how to make their backyards more appealing to birds, participate in a variety of games, and win great prizes. In addition, children 16 and under were able to decorate banners and to enter them into the Hoosier's downtown bird banner competition. Winning banners are currently on display in downtown Mitchell, Indiana for a month. "Art gives children a way to experience nature," said Cindy Sandeno, Wildlife Biologist on the Hoosier National Forest. "I think everyone will enjoy seeing the connection these children have made to the natural world."

"Habitats on the Hoosier" is designed to motivate people of all ages to get outdoors to learn about birds. The Hoosier National Forest feels that we have an important role in environmental education and in providing a healthy place for children to experience nature. American children now have fewer unstructured outdoor activities than previous generations, especially urban families who often lack opportunities, experiences, and the knowledge to allow them to participate in outdoor activities. For this reason, this year's IMBD celebration was expanded to include elementary students from "high needs" schools within the Hoosier's largest communities - Bedford and Bloomington. Transportation for these students and their families was provided to the event.

Several attendees of this year's event remarked on how much they learned during the IMBD celebration, and they thanked the Hoosier's personnel for putting together such a great event. "I am extremely grateful to the many Forest Service employees who were willing to donate their Saturday to this important event. Their energy and enthusiasm made learning about birds fun as well as educational," said Cindy Sandeno.

The celebration would not have been complete without the numerous partners that staffed booths and gave presentations. Cornell Lab of Ornithology - Celebrate Urban Birds, Delta Waterfowl, Ducks Unlimited, Indiana Bluebird Society, Indiana Department of Natural Resources, Indiana University, Manchester College, Monroe County Parks and Recreation, Sassafras Audubon Society, Sycamore Land Trust, and Wild Turkey Federation were all represented at this event. Many other sponsors donated prizes, food, and beverages to assist with the event, and Bloomington Boy Scout Troop 136 cooked hotdogs and wonderful Dutch oven cobblers.