Image Caption Page for The Northern Great Plains, 1880-1920


1. In the good old days, when owning a pair of shoes was a great luxury (pioneer North Dakota family beside their sod home, early 1900s). [Fred Hultstrand History in Pictures Collection, NDIRS-NDSU, Fargo.]

2. Oxen pulling a grain drill in pioneer days; a welcome break in a long day, stopping for lunch and a chat with mom and the youngsters (early 1900s). [Fred Hultstrand History in Pictures Collection, NDIRS-NDSU, Fargo.]

3. 1908 Peerless steam lift plow, Pazandak Farm, Fullerton, N.Dak. (pulled by Geiser steam engine, ca. 1908). [Milton R. Young Photograph Collection, NDIRS-NDSU, Fargo]

line Northern Great Plains: Photographs from the Fred Hultstrand and F.A. Pazandak Collections