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Soldiers Meadow Dam

Soldier's Meadow Dam, Idaho (Click to Enlarge)



  • Region (Map) : .................. Pacific Northwest
  • State (Map) ........................ Idaho
  • County ................................ Nez Perce
  • Project: ................................ Lewiston Orchards
  • Dam type: ........................... Earthfill
  • Location: ............................ 6 mi SE of Waha
  • Watercourse: ..................... Webb Creek
  • Reservoir: ........................... Soldiers Meadow
  • Construction Date: ........... 1923-1923
  • National ID Number .......... ID10002
  • Hydrologic Unit Code .....



  • Normal Water Surface Elev: ............... 4517.9 ft
  • Hydraulic Height: .................................... 52.9 ft
  • Service Spillway Type:
  •    Uncontrolled  Crest    ............................... Yes
  •    Morning-Glory ............................................ No
  •    Crest Length    ....................................... 85.0 ft
  •    Gated      ....................................................... No
  •    Capacity at Elev: 4526.0  ft,  ............ 7,040 cfs
  • Auxiliary Spillway .......................................... No
  •     Capacity at Elev.   ..................................... NA
  • Outlet Works Capacity at
  •     Elevation  4517.9 ft.,  .......................... 112 cfs


  • Drainage Area: .................................... 7.2 sq mi
  • Hydrometeorological Report(HMR):  HMR 57
  • Flood Type: ...................... Thunderstorm PMF
  • Storm Duration: .......................................... 6 hrs
  • Probable Maximum Flood (PMF) Report:
  •   Peak Inflow: ..................................... 15,100 cfs
  •   Inflow Volume: ............................ 2,990 acre-ft
  •   Flow Duration: ....................................... 24 hrs
  •   PMF Routing MWS Elev.: ....................... NA
  •   Initial Routing Elev: .......................... 4517.9 ft
  •   Study Date: .............................. February 1995

Power Generation



Soldiers Meadow Dam is situated on the northeastern edge of the Columbia Plateau, a complex structural basin, several miles deep, lying between the Idaho Batholith on the east and the Cascade Ridge on the west.  The basin grades into the Basin and Range Province to the south and is bounded by the older rocks of the Northern Rocky Mountains to the north.  The Columbia Basin is characterized by the great accumulation of lave flows and volcanic debris.  The lava flows in aggregate are over a mile in thickness and are reported to have a volume that may be as large as 100,000 cubic miles.  The basaltic lavas erupted quietly along fissures and spread for great distances from their source.  Down warping and filling of the basin probably began in Eocene time, continued through Oligocene, Miocene, Pliocene and may still be in progress.


 | Recreation |

 | Dams Located by State | USBR Idaho Dams | Pacific Northwest Region Dams |

 | Owner:  Bureau of Reclamation, Snake River Area Office - West,
                   230 Collins Road, Boise, ID 83703, (208) 383-2200

 | Operator:  Lewiston Orchards Irrigation District,
                       1520 Powers Ave, Lewiston, ID  83501-5899, (208) 746-8235


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