Table E1
Number of Pension Plans
by type of plan, 1975-95

Table E2
Number of Pension Plans with Fewer than 100 Participants
by type of plan, 1975-95

Table E3
Number of Pension Plans with 100 or More Participants
by type of plan, 1975-95

Table E4
Estimated Private Wage and Salary Worker Participation Rates Under Primary and Supplemental Pension Plans 1975-95

Table E5
Number of Participants in Pension Plans
by type of plan, 1975-95

Table E6
Number of Participants in Pension Plans with Fewer than 100 Participants
by type of plan, 1975-95

Table E7
Number of Participants in Pension Plans with 100 or More Participants
by type of plan, 1975-95

Table E8
Number of Active Participants in Pension Plans
by type of plan, 1975-95

Table E9
Number of Active Participants in Pension Plans with Fewer than 100 Participants
by type of plan, 1975-95

Table E10
Number of Active Participants in Pension Plans with 100 or more Participants
by type of plan, 1975-95

Table E11
Pension Plan Assets
by type of plan, 1975-95

Table E12
Pension Plan Assets of Plans with Fewer than 100 Participants
by type of plan, 1975-95

Table E13
Pension Plan Assets of Plans with 100 or More Participants
by type of plan, 1975-95

Table E14
Pension Plan Contributions
by type of plan, 1975-95

Table E15
Pension Plan Contributions of Plans with Fewer than 100 Participants
by type of plan, 1975-95

Table E16
Pension Plan Contributions of Plans with 100 or More Participants
by type of plan, 1975-95

Table E17
Pension Plan Benefits Disbursed
by type of plan, 1975-95

Table E18
Pension Plan Benefits Disbursed from Plans with Fewer than 100 Participants
by type of plan, 1975-95

Table E19
Pension Plan Benefits Disbursed from Plans with 100 or More Participants
by type of plan, 1975-95

Table E20
Percentage Distribution of Active Participants in Plans with 100 or More Participants
by vesting status, 1975-95

Table E21
Percentage Distribution of Active Participants in Single Employer Plans with 100 or More Participants
by vesting status, 1975-95

Table E22
Percentage Distribution of Active Participants in Multiemployer Plans with 100 or More Participants
by vesting status, 1975-95

Table E23
Number of 401(k) Type Plans, Participants, Assets, Contributions, and Benefit Payments 1984-95

Table E24
Aggregate Rates of Return Earned by Private Pension Plans with 100 or More Participants 1985-95

Table E25
Aggregate Investment Performance of Private Pension Plans with 100 or More Participants 1985-95

Table E26
Aggregate Rates of Return Earned by Employee Stock Ownership Plans (ESOPs) and 401(k) Plans with 100 or More Participants 1990-95

Figure E1
Number of Pension Plans 1975-95

Figure E2
Pension Plan Active Participants 1975-95

Figure E3
Pension Coverage of Wage and Salary Workers 1975-95

Figure E4
Pension Plan Assets 1975-95

Figure E5
Pension Plan Contributions and Benefits 1975-95

Figure E6
Rates of Return
by type of plan, 1985-95

Figure E7
Rates of Return for Single and Multiemployer Plans 1985-95

Figure E8
Rates of Return for 401(k) Type Plans 1990-95

Figure E9
Rates of Return for ESOPs 1990-95

Figure E10
Assets Per Participant
by type of plan, 1975-95

Figure E11
Participants Per Plan
by type of plan, 1975-95

Figure E12
Distribution of Pension Plans, Participants, and Assets
by plan size, 1995

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