Table B1
Distribution of Pension Plans
by number of participants, 1995

Table B2
Distribution of Pension Plans
by amount of assets, 1995

Table B3
Distribution of Pension Plans
by industry, 1995

Table B4
Distribution of Participants
by number of participants, 1995

Table B5
Distribution of Participants
by amount of assets, 1995

Table B6
Distribution of Participants
by industry, 1995

Table B7
Distribution of Active Participants
by type of plan, 1995

Table B8
Number of Plans
by type of plan and method of funding, 1995

Table B9
Number of Participants
by type of plan and method of funding, 1995

Table B10
Number of Plans
by date of establishment and type of plan, 1995

Table B11
Average Number of Participants in Pension Plans
by date of establishment and type of plan, 1995

Figure B
Plans Established Each Year and Still in Existence in 1995

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