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Nationwide Rivers Inventory


Section 5.(d) of the National Wild and Scenic Rivers Act (16 U.S.C. 1271-1287) requires that "In all planning for the use and development of water and related land resources, consideration shall be given by all Federal agencies involved to potential national wild, scenic and recreational river areas." It further requires that "the Secretary of the Interior shall make specific studies and investigations to determine which additional wild, scenic and recreational river areas.....shall be evaluated in planning reports by all Federal agencies as potential alternative uses of water and related land resources involved."

The Nationwide Rivers Inventory- In partial fulfillment of the Section 5(d) requirements, the National Park Service has compiled and maintains a Nationwide Rivers Inventory (NRI), a register of river segments that potentially qualify as national wild, scenic or recreational river areas. The NRI qualifies as a comprehensive plan under Section 10(a)(2)(A) of the Federal Power Act.

Presidential Directive- A presidential directive requires each federal agency, as part of its normal planning and environmental review processes, to take care to avoid or mitigate adverse effects on rivers identified in the Nationwide Rivers Inventory compiled by NPS. Further, all agencies are required to consult with the National Park Service prior to taking actions which could effectively foreclose wild, scenic or recreational status for rivers on the inventory.

Statewide River Assessments & Inventories- Pursuant to Section 11 of the Wild and Scenic Rivers Act, NPS has been providing technical assistance to states in the conduct of statewide river assessments and inventories. These efforts provide a source for potential future additions to the Nationwide Rivers Inventory and the National Wild and Scenic Rivers System especially as State administered components.

Public Law 88-29 - Outdoor Recreation Act of 1963 authorizes the Secretary of the Interior to: prepare and maintain a continuing inventory and evaluation of outdoor recreation needs and resources including rivers; provide technical assistance; encourage interstate and regional cooperation in the planning, acquisition and development of outdoor recreation resources; sponsor and engage in research and education; cooperate with and provide technical assistance to Federal departments and agencies; and promote coordination of Federal plans and activities generally relating to outdoor recreation resources including rivers and associated trail corridors. These responsibilities are also assigned to the National Center for Recreation and Conservation of the National Park Service.

The NRI is managed by the Rivers, Trails, & Conservation Assistance Program.
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