Cas A Chandra VLP Discussion Page

Planning Meeting at NRL (Washington DC)
2004 May 6 & 7:

Meeting Logistics

Meeting Presentations

Proposal Text for Cas A Chandra AO5 VLP

Papers central to the proposal:

Links to other papers:


Email Discussion Archive

Images for Discussion:

Point Source or Not?
Images (Pat Slane) Images (Tracey DeLaney) Images (Jack Hughes)

MS Point Source Spectrum (Pat Slane) gif ps

New Images

BB FITS (above left) Tricolor (above right: red=Si He, green=4-6 keV; blue=Fe K)
Fe L

From Larry Rudnick:

1ms Image for FTP Counterjet Region (5" convolved image 0.3-10 keV)

From Jacco Vink

This document is maintained by Una Hwang (; 301-286-3632)

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    This file was last modified on Wednesday, 09-Jun-2004 10:50:24 EDT
    This file was last modified on Wednesday, 09-Jun-2004 10:50:24 EDT