Systematic Evaluation of Environmental and Economic Results (SEEER) - A New Way to Evaluate Results of ECR Decisions
Wednesday, May 21, 2008, 3:30pm – 5:00pm

William Hall, Ph.D., U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
Andy Rowe, Ph.D., ARCecon
Susan Goodwin, U.S. Department of the Interior, Office of Collaborative Action and Dispute Resolution

Track: Evaluating ECR: What’s in it for me?

SEEER is a unique method to evaluate the results of ECR processes and compare them to those of alternative decision making processes. SEEER evaluates the major environmental effects including direct resource effects, recreational, commercial and tribal resource use and resource management effects. Economic effects measured include social capital, organizational effectiveness, direct financial statement effects and the economic value of changes in resource quantities. SEEER has established its validity and reliability through applications in Oregon and at the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and U.S. Department of the Interior. Panelists will present an overview of the SEEER approach and results from the latest applications.

Primary Target Audience(s): Corporate Entities/Resource Users • ECR Practitioners/Attorney Mediators • Government Staff (Federal, State, Local and Tribal) • Native Americans, Alaska Natives and Native Hawaiians • Non-governmental Organizations

Materials not available.