7 Years On: Lessons and Reflections on Use of Evaluation Findings
Wednesday, May 21, 2008, 10:30am – 12:00pm

Andy Rowe, Ph.D. (Moderator) - ARCecon
Elena Gonzalez – Director, Office of Collaborative Action and Dispute Resolution, U.S. Department of the Interior
Robert Jones, J.D. - Florida Conflict Resolution Consortium
Patricia Orr, U.S. Institute for Environmental Conflict Resolution

Track: Evaluating ECR: What’s in it for me?

This panel will represent agencies using the ECR process evaluation system and will provide a brief description of their evaluation efforts since 2000. The panel will discuss the following four questions: 1) What has the evaluation information been used for and what difference has that use made? 2) What are the factors that have affected use? 3) Have the benefits warranted the investments to date? 4) What changes will enhance the benefit vs. cost balance? This session will include presentation of a study of evaluation utilization focusing on the ECR evaluation system. The session will then conclude with discussant comments and facilitated audience discussion.

Primary Target Audience(s): ECR Practitioners/Attorney Mediators • Government Staff (Federal, State, Local and Tribal)

Florida Conflict Resolution Consortium Project Quality Report