[Code of Federal Regulations]
[Title 19, Volume 3]
[Revised as of January 1, 2003]
From the U.S. Government Printing Office via GPO Access
[CITE: 19CFR351.402]

[Page 256-257]
                        TITLE 19--CUSTOMS DUTIES
                         DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE
 Subpart D--Calculation of Export Price, Constructed Export Price, Fair 
                         Value, and Normal Value
Sec.  351.402  Calculation of export price and constructed export price; reimbursement of antidumping and countervailing duties.

    (a) Introduction. In order to establish export price, constructed 
export price, and normal value, the Secretary must make certain 
adjustments to the price to the unaffiliated purchaser (often called the 
``starting price'') in both the United States and foreign markets. This 
regulation clarifies how the Secretary will make certain of the 
adjustments to the starting price in the United States that are required 
by section 772 of the Act.
    (b) Additional adjustments to constructed export price. In 
establishing constructed export price under section 772(d) of the Act, 
the Secretary will make adjustments for expenses associated with 
commercial activities in the United States that relate to the sale to an 
unaffiliated purchaser, no matter where or when paid. The Secretary will 
not make an adjustment for any expense that is related solely to the 
sale to an affiliated importer in the United States, although the 
Secretary may make an adjustment to normal value for such expenses under 
section 773(a)(6)(C)(iii) of the Act.
    (c) Special rule for merchandise with value added after 
importation--(1) Merchandise imported by affiliated persons. In applying 
section 772(e) of the Act, merchandise imported by and value added by a 
person affiliated with the exporter or producer includes merchandise 
imported and value added for the account of such an affiliated person.
    (2) Estimation of value added. The Secretary normally will determine 
that the value added in the United States by the affiliated person is 
likely to exceed substantially the value of the subject merchandise if 
the Secretary estimates the value added to be at least 65 percent of the 
price charged to the first unaffiliated purchaser for the merchandise as 
sold in the United States. The Secretary normally will estimate the 
value added based on the difference between the price charged to the 
first unaffiliated purchaser for the merchandise as sold in the United 
States and the price paid for the subject merchandise by the affiliated 
person. The Secretary normally will base this determination on averages 
of the prices and the value added to the subject merchandise.
    (3) Determining dumping margins. For purposes of determining dumping 
margins under paragraphs (1) and (2) of section 772(e) of the Act, the 
Secretary may use the weighted-average dumping margins calculated on 
sales of identical or other subject merchandise sold to unaffiliated 
    (d) Special rule for determining profit. This paragraph sets forth 
rules for calculating profit in establishing constructed export price 
under section 772(f) of the Act.
    (1) Basis for total expenses and total actual profit. In calculating 
total expenses and total actual profit, the Secretary normally will use 
the aggregate of expenses and profit for all subject merchandise sold in 
the United States and all foreign like products sold in the exporting 
country, including sales that have been disregarded as being below the 
cost of production. (See section 773(b) of the Act (sales at less than 
cost of production).)
    (2) Use of financial reports. For purposes of determining profit 
under section 772(d)(3) of the Act, the Secretary may rely on any 
appropriate financial reports, including public, audited financial 
statements, or equivalent financial reports, and internal financial 
reports prepared in the ordinary course of business.
    (3) Voluntary reporting of costs of production. The Secretary will 
not require the reporting of costs of production solely for purposes of 
determining the amount of profit to be deducted from the constructed 
export price. The Secretary will base the calculation of profit on costs 
of production if such costs are reported voluntarily by the date 
established by the Secretary, and provided that it is practicable to do 
so and the costs of production are verifiable.
    (e) Treatment of payments between affiliated persons. Where a person 
affiliated with the exporter or producer incurs any of the expenses 
deducted from constructed export price under section 772(d) of the Act 
and is reimbursed for such expenses by the exporter, producer or other 
affiliate, the Secretary normally will make an adjustment

[[Page 257]]

based on the actual cost to the affiliated person. If the Secretary is 
satisfied that information regarding the actual cost to the affiliated 
person is unavailable to the exporter or producer, the Secretary may 
determine the amount of the adjustment on any other reasonable basis, 
including the amount of the reimbursement to the affiliated person if 
the Secretary is satisfied that such amount reflects the amount usually 
paid in the market under consideration.
    (f) Reimbursement of antidumping duties and countervailing duties--
(1) In general. (i) In calculating the export price (or the constructed 
export price), the Secretary will deduct the amount of any antidumping 
duty or countervailing duty which the exporter or producer:
    (A) Paid directly on behalf of the importer; or
    (B) Reimbursed to the importer.
    (ii) The Secretary will not deduct the amount of any antidumping 
duty or countervailing duty paid or reimbursed if the exporter or 
producer granted to the importer before initiation of the antidumping 
investigation in question a warranty of nonapplicability of antidumping 
duties or countervailing duties with respect to subject merchandise 
which was:
    (A) Sold before the date of publication of the Secretary's order 
applicable to the merchandise in question; and
    (B) Exported before the date of publication of the Secretary's final 
antidumping determination.
    (iii) Ordinarily, under paragraph (f)(1)(i) of this section, the 
Secretary will deduct the amount reimbursed only once in the calculation 
of the export price (or constructed export price).
    (2) Certificate. The importer must file prior to liquidation a 
certificate in the following form with the appropriate District Director 
of Customs:

I hereby certify that I (have) (have not) entered into any agreement or 
understanding for the payment or for the refunding to me, by the 
manufacturer, producer, seller, or exporter, of all or any part of the 
antidumping duties or countervailing duties assessed upon the following 
importations of (commodity) from (country): (List entry numbers) which 
have been purchased on or after (date of publication of antidumping 
notice suspending liquidation in the Federal Register) or purchased 
before (same date) but exported on or after (date of final determination 
of sales at less than fair value).

    (3) Presumption. The Secretary may presume from an importer's 
failure to file the certificate required in paragraph (f)(2) of this 
section that the exporter or producer paid or reimbursed the antidumping 
duties or countervailing duties.