[Code of Federal Regulations]
[Title 19, Volume 3]
[Revised as of January 1, 2003]
From the U.S. Government Printing Office via GPO Access
[CITE: 19CFR351.310]

[Page 253]
                        TITLE 19--CUSTOMS DUTIES
                         DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE
                   Subpart C--Information and Argument
Sec.  351.310  Hearings.

    (a) Introduction. This section sets forth the procedures for 
requesting a hearing, indicates that the Secretary may consolidate 
hearings, and explains when the Secretary may hold closed hearing 
    (b) Pre-hearing conference. The Secretary may conduct a telephone 
pre-hearing conference with representatives of interested parties to 
facilitate the conduct of the hearing.
    (c) Request for hearing. Any interested party may request that the 
Secretary hold a public hearing on arguments to be raised in case or 
rebuttal briefs within 30 days after the date of publication of the 
preliminary determination or preliminary results of review, unless the 
Secretary alters this time limit, or in a proceeding where the Secretary 
will not issue a preliminary determination, not later than a date 
specified by the Secretary. To the extent practicable, a party 
requesting a hearing must identify arguments to be raised at the 
hearing. At the hearing, an interested party may make an affirmative 
presentation only on arguments included in that party's case brief and 
may make a rebuttal presentation only on arguments included in that 
party's rebuttal brief.
    (d) Hearings in general. (1) If an interested party submits a 
request under paragraph (c) of this section, the Secretary will hold a 
public hearing on the date stated in the notice of the Secretary's 
preliminary determination or preliminary results of administrative 
review (or otherwise specified by the Secretary in an expedited 
antidumping review), unless the Secretary alters the date. Ordinarily, 
the hearing will be held two days after the scheduled date for 
submission of rebuttal briefs.
    (2) The hearing is not subject to 5 U.S.C. Sec. Sec.  551-559, and 
Sec.  702 (Administrative Procedure Act). Witness testimony, if any, 
will not be under oath or subject to cross-examination by another 
interested party or witness. During the hearing, the chair may question 
any person or witness and may request persons to present additional 
written argument.
    (e) Consolidated hearings. At the Secretary's discretion, the 
Secretary may consolidate hearings in two or more cases.
    (f) Closed hearing sessions. An interested party may request a 
closed session of the hearing no later than the date the case briefs are 
due in order to address limited issues during the course of the hearing. 
The requesting party must identify the subjects to be discussed, specify 
the amount of time requested, and justify the need for a closed session 
with respect to each subject. If the Secretary approves the request for 
a closed session, only authorized applicants and other persons 
authorized by the regulations may be present for the closed session (see 
Sec.  351.305).
    (g) Transcript of hearing. The Secretary will place a verbatim 
transcript of the hearing in the public and official records of the 
proceeding and will announce at the hearing how interested parties may 
obtain copies of the transcript.