[Code of Federal Regulations]
[Title 19, Volume 3]
[Revised as of January 1, 2003]
From the U.S. Government Printing Office via GPO Access
[CITE: 19CFR205.6]

[Page 69-70]
                        TITLE 19--CUSTOMS DUTIES
                            TRADE COMMISSION
Subpart B--Investigations Concerning the Probable Impact on the Economy 
Sec.  205.6  Investigations under section 301(e)(3) of the Trade Act of 1974.

    (a) Purpose of investigation. The purpose of an investigation by the 
Commission is to provide the President

[[Page 70]]

with its views pursuant to section 301(e)(3) as to the probable impact 
on the economy of the United States of imposing retaliatory restrictions 
on imports into the United States from countries or foreign 
instrumentalities which maintain restrictions against U.S. exports.
    (b) Institution and notice of investigation. An investigation to 
which this subpart B relates will be instituted promptly after the 
receipt from the President of a request for the views of the Commission 
with regard to the matters indicated in paragraph (a) of this section.
    (c) Public hearings. If, in the judgment of the Commission, there is 
good and sufficient reason therefor, the Commission, in the course of 
its investigation, will hold a public hearing and afford interested 
parties opportunity to appear and be heard at such hearing. If no notice 
of public hearing issues concurrently with a notice of investigation, 
any interested party who believes that a public hearing should be held 
may, within thirty (30) days after the date of publication in the 
Federal Register of the notice of investigation, submit a request in 
writing to the Secretary of the Commission that a public hearing be 
held, stating the reasons for such request.
    (d) Written statements. Any interested party may submit to the 
Commission a written statement of information pertinent to the subject 
matter of such investigation not later than thirty (30) days after a 
notice of investigation under paragraph (b) of this section is published 
in the Federal Register. If a public hearing is held in the 
investigation, a statement may be received in lieu of or in addition to 
appearance at the hearing. Statements shall conform with the 
requirements for documents set forth in Sec. Sec.  201.6 and 201.8 of 
this chapter.
    (e) Report to the President. After the completion of its 
investigation, the Commission will incorporate its views in a report 
which will be transmitted promptly to the President.