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Cabinet Communications

James R. "Duke" Aiona, Jr.
Lt. Governor, State of Hawai`i                                                                

Revenue is no reason to curb alcohol reform
March 10, 2005

Eliminating underage drinking on UH campus
is a community responsibility

March 18, 2005

Linda Smith                                                   
Senior Policy Advisor                                                                               

Affordable housing: Action needed now to stem housing crisis
April 25, 2005

Beverage law can work if fixed
February 4, 2005

Georgina Kawamura
Director, Department of Budget and Finance                                        

Ending the practice of borrowing to pay salaries
March 15, 2005

Peter Young                                                  
Department of Land and Natural Resources                                       

Fish for the Future
March 1, 2005

March 16, 2005

Rod Haraga
Department of Transportation

Stronger laws needed to protect pedestrians and motorists
March 23, 2005

Nelson Befitel
Department of Labor and Industrial Relations

Reforming Hawai`i's ailing workers compensation system
March 11, 2005

March 2005

 Kurt Kawafuchi                
 Department of Taxation

Tax relief for Hawaii’s most needy the right thing to do this session
 March 2005

The proposed Hawai`i earned income tax is wanting; raising the standard deduction would benefit more of Hawai`i needy families
April 2005

 Lillian Koller
 Department of Human Services            

Kids' safety takes priority
May1, 2005

State’s creative use of federal funds improves lives in Hawai`i
 February 17, 2005

Mark Bennett
State Attorney General                                                                             

Letter to the Editor: Hawai`i's Bribery Law
March 4, 2005

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