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2006 Legislative Session Thoughts


Now that the 2006 state legislative session is over, my Administration continues to carefully analyze the 300+ bills approved by the House and Senate to determine if they are beneficial or detrimental to the people of Hawai`i.  I have until July 11, 2006 to either sign the bills into law, let them become law without my signature or veto them. 

Overall, I am very pleased with the legislative session. I believe it was the best session of my Administration.  There was more bipartisan cooperation, and concentrated focus on the major issues of the day.  The House and Senate worked collaboratively with our Administration to make significant progress in energy self-sufficiency, disaster preparedness, public safety, homelessness and affordable housing, education, healthcare and human services, and protecting consumers against identity theft.

A major disappointment, however, was the legislature’s failure to enact substantial and long-overdue tax relief, especially for our lowest wage earners. This year, with strong economic indicators and a $600+ million surplus, we had an opportunity to pass meaningful tax relief for taxpayers struggling under rising housing costs, property taxes, gasoline prices, water bills, etc.  I had proposed a maximum of $285 million and a minimum of $120 million in relief.  The Legislature only passed $50 million, and delayed the tax relief for one year. 

It fell far short of what we had asked, and leaves Hawai`i with the dubious distinction of being one of the “meanest” states in the nation in terms of taxing the poor. Let’s hope the Legislature will take bolder action on this vital issue next year.

Thank you for visiting my Web site and learning more about the important issues facing our state. I encourage you to sign up for my electronic newsletter at this site so you will receive weekly updates on how our Administration is working to make Hawai`i an even better place to live, work and raise a family.

I look forward to hearing your comments, so please send me an e-mail at

Mahalo nui loa!

Linda Lingle, Governor


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