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Health Effects Division (HED) Contacts

HED is responsible for reviewing and validating data on properties and effects of pesticides, as well as, characterizing and assessing exposure and risks to humans and domestic animals.

Name E-Mail Phone Area of Responsibility
Immediate Office
Fax: 703-308-3099
Tina E. Levine levine.tina@epa.gov 703-308-3099 Director
Jack Housenger housenger.jack@epa.gov 703-308-8163 Associate Director
George "Jeff" Herndon herndon.george@epa.gov 703-305-6362 Deputy Director
Hamaad Syed syed.hamaad@epa.gov 703-305-0502 Communications Officer
Inez Powers powers.inez@epa.gov 703-308-8076 NOWCC, Secretary
Susan Lee lee.susan@epa.gov 703-603-0679 NOWCC, Secretary
Steve Funk funk.steve@epa.gov 703-305-5430 Chemist, Chairman, Joint Meeting on Pesticide Residues, (JMPR); International Activities
Amy Rispin rispin.amy@epa.gov 703-305-5989 Sr. Science Advisor, Domestic and International Guidelines; Interagency Coordinating Committee on the Validation of Alternative Methods (ICCVAM)
Registration Branch 1
Dana Vogel vogel.dana@epa.gov 703-305-0874 Branch Chief
Registration Branch 2
Christina Swartz swartz.christina@epa.gov 703-305-5877 Branch Chief
Registration Branch 3
Fax: 703-305-5147
Paula Deshamp deschamp.paula@epa.gov 703-305-6227 Branch Chief
Reregistration Branch 1
Fax: 703-350-5147
Michael Metzger metzger.michael@epa.gov 703-305-5883 Branch Chief, Reregistration Activities; Fumigants
Reregistration Branch 2
Felecia Fort fort.felecia@epa.gov 703-305-7478 Branch Chief
Reregistration Branch 3
Catherine Eiden eiden.catherine@epa.gov 703-305-7887 Branch Chief
Reregistration Branch 4
Raymond "Ray" Kent kent.ray@epa.gov 703-703-0135 Branch Chief, Reregistration Activities; Rep, Human Studies Review Board
Toxicology and Epidemiology Branch
Complex toxicological assessments, such as cumulative assessments, BMD modeling, genotoxicity, carcinogenicity, inhalation and immunotoxicity expertise. In addition, human data including incident and epidemiology data are evaluated and reviewed by Public Health Experts and Epidemiologists.
Mary Manibusan manibusan.mary@epa.gov 703-308-0025 Branch Chief
Chemistry and Exposure Branch
Dietary Exposure; Occupational & Residential Exposure; Aggregate & Cumulative Risk Assessment; HED Exposure Modeling & Software (DEEM, Lifeline, CARES); Epidemiology & Incident Reports
David J. Miller miller.davidj@epa.gov 703-305-5352 Branch Chief
Science Information Management Branch
Peer Review support; Scientific Database Development and Information Management; and Science Policy, Guidance & SOP Development and Facilitation.
Jesudoss "Jess" Rowland rowland.jess@epa.gov 703-308-2719 Branch Chief
Information Management and Contract Support Branch
Peer Review support; Scientific Database Development and Information Management; and Science Policy, Guidance & SOP Development and Facilitation.
Douglas Sellers sellers.doug@epa.gov 703-308-8159 Branch Chief
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