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14-Day Free Trial


Online, on-demand entertainment and more

Best RealPlayer Ever  

Best RealPlayer Ever
Download Web videos with one click, transfer them to your iPod®, burn your favorites to DVD and more.*

Full-length Movies  

Full-length Movies
Watch your favorite feature, classic and indie films. Plus, get 30 new titles every week.

Online TV and Video  

Reality and Online TV
Watch outrageous reality TV, BBC’s “The Office,” classic TV, original programming, comedy and more.


Get $10 worth of music downloads every month and tune in 3,200+ stations (100+ ad-free) worldwide.


Master a new, pre-selected game every month. It's yours to keep.

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SuperPass gives you access to all this and more

Master a new game monthly Master a new game monthly View full-length movies Watch full-length movies Get $10 worth of music Download $10 of music Check out reality & online TV Get online TV & video

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14-Day Free Trial

*RealPlayer Plus supports video transfer to video-capable iPod Nano and iPod Classic devices. RealPlayer Plus features are only available on Windows.