Talking Book Topics

September-October 1997
Books for Adults--Nonfiction

Books listed in this issue of Talking Book Topics were recently sent to cooperating libraries. The complete collection contains books by many authors on fiction and nonfiction subjects, including biographies, classics, gothics, mysteries, romances, and others. Contact your cooperating library to learn more about the wide range of books available in the collection. Cassette books are labeled with the code RC and play at 15/16 ips. To order books, contact your cooperating library.

Note: For the information of the reader, a notice may appear immediately following the book description to indicate occurrences of strong language, explicit descriptions of sex, or violence. The word "some" before any of these terms indicates an occasional or infrequent occurrence, as in "some strong language."

Arthur Fiedler: Papa, the Pops, and Me RC 39936
by Johanna Fiedler
read by Annie Wauters
2 cassettes
Eldest daughter of the long-term conductor of the Boston Pops Orchestra describes life in the Fiedler household. Into the story Johanna weaves family history, including strained relationships, drinking problems, and the glamour and shortcomings of having a celebrity in the family. She also covers private details about her father, such as his chagrin over the lack of respect given him. 1994.

Pet Sitting for Profit: A Complete Manual for Professional Success RC 40914
by Patti J. Moran
read by Carol Dines
1 cassette
The author, who started her pet-sitting business in 1983, is now a national spokesperson for this service industry. She provides information on setting up an office, advertising, selecting and training employees, and avoiding possible problems. 1991.

Splashes of Joy in the Cesspools of Life RC 40940
by Barbara Johnson
read by Kimberly Schraf
2 cassettes
Humorist and inspirational speaker tells of the tragedies in her life and the role humor and religion played in overcoming them. She advises readers to smile because it kills time between disasters and reminds them that pessimists may be proven right in the long run, but optimists have a better time on the trip. Other topics include dieting, aging, and raising children. 1992.

The Artist's Way: A Spiritual Path to Higher Creativity RC 41149
by Julia Cameron
read by Martha Harmon Pardee
2 cassettes
Screenwriter Cameron, who teaches workshops on freeing creativity, outlines twelve weeks of exercises and tasks to free us from our own internalized perfectionist, or censor. Cameron's primary tool for creative recovery is to fill three pages each morning with stream-of-consciousness writing in which nothing is too petty, silly, stupid, or weird to include. Bestseller 1992.

The Oxford Companion to the English Language RC 41212
edited by Tom McArthur
read by various narrators
25 cassettes
The English Today journal editor incorporates the contributions of some ninety-five experts into a dictionary-like compendium. Each section begins with a description and history of a letter of the alphabet. Other entries include the names of people, places, and events and terms pertaining to the language. Cross references direct readers to related items. 1992.

Eamon De Valera: The Man Who Was Ireland RC 41269
by Tim Pat Coogan
read by Michael Consoli
7 cassettes
A prominent Irish author offers a detailed account of the man who shaped the country from the 1920s through the 1960s. Proposing to show De Valera as neither a "demon" nor a "saint," Coogan tells how the governor maintained his power--for good and ill--using the Catholic Church, Irish Americans, and his own political genius. 1993.

Richard Wright: Later Works RC 41553
by Richard Wright
read by L.J. Ganser
6 cassettes
Presents Wright's complete autobiography for the first time, combining his childhood in the South (Black Boy) with his life as an adult in the North (American Hunger). Also contains his 1953 novel (The Outsider), a literary chronology, and extensive notes. Sequel to Richard Wright: Early Works (RC 41552). Violence, some strong language, and some descriptions of sex. 1991.

Diary of a Survivor: Nineteen Years in a Cuban Women's Prison RC 41777
by Ana Rodr¡guez and Glenn Garvin
read by Gabriella Cavallero
3 cassettes
The author recounts her continued fight, at all costs, against injustice in her native Cuba, from opposing Batista to opposing Castro. In prison, she protested the inhumane treatment she and other women received, and eventually won improved conditions and her release. Strong language and violence. 1995.

Essential Exercises for the Childbearing Year: A Guide to Health and Comfort before and after Your Baby Is Born RC 41887
by Elizabeth Noble
read by Jill Fox
2 cassettes
Physical therapist Noble stresses the importance of exercise both in preparing for childbirth and in helping postpartum recovery. Provides exercises for muscles of the pelvic floor and the abdomen and gives advice on breathing, posture, positions, and relaxation. 1995.

The Consumer Bible: 1001 Ways to Shop Smart RC 42036
by Mark Green
read by Dave Jackson
6 cassettes
Former New York City consumer affairs commissioner believes that being a smart consumer in today's economy can be a "daunting challenge." He provides tips on shopping intelligently for food, clothing, housing, child care, insurance, financial advice, health products, diet aids, cars, telephones, travel, and much more. 1995.

Benjamin Britten: A Biography RC 42089
by Humphrey Carpenter
read by Peter Gil
5 cassettes
Twentieth-century British composer whose name dominated the music world for decades. Using lay language, Carpenter examines what influenced such familiar works as The Young Person's Guide to the Orchestra and Peter Grimes. In addition to outlining Britten's creative growth, the author focuses on his complex personal relationships, including a homosexual "marriage" to Peter Pears. 1992.

The Spirit of St. Louis RC 42159
by Charles A. Lindbergh
read by Bruce Huntey
4 cassettes (Reissue)
Personal account of the famous first solo nonstop flight to Paris. The saga begins in 1926 when Lindbergh was a pilot on the St. Louis-Chicago mail route, traces his struggle to get financial backers and to acquire the plane of his dreams, and details the historic nearly thirty-four-hour flight in the Spirit of St. Louis. 1953.

Closest Companion: The Unknown Story of the Intimate Friendship between Franklin Roosevelt and Margaret Suckley RC 42168
edited by Geoffrey C. Ward
read by Janis Gray
4 cassettes
Margaret Suckley was a sixth cousin to Franklin D. Roosevelt and ten years his junior. When she died at ninety-nine in 1991, Suckley left diaries and correspondence describing their close relationship. This volume contains Suckley's letters to Roosevelt, his to her, and excerpts from her papers from 1933-1945. 1995.

A Prophet with Honor: The Billy Graham Story RC 42182
by William Martin
read by Lou Harpenau
6 cassettes
In this authorized biography, Martin first takes a brief look at 350 years of evangelism and then shows how far Graham's influences have reached in his various crusades. Graham is portrayed as a man who is more interested in theology than in administrative duties and as a man who has been a presence in the lives of presidents and political leaders around the world. 1991.

The Bible according to Mark Twain: Writings on Heaven, Eden, and the Flood RC 42188
edited by Howard G. Baetzhold and Joseph B. McCullough
read by David Palmer
4 cassettes
Collected works written by Twain between 1871 and 1910 that express his views on human nature, God, and religion. Replete with the wit, insight, and humor that characterize Twain's opus, these writings range from a portrayal of God as an absentminded scientist to advice on how to dress and tip properly in Heaven. Includes appendixes and editors' prefaces. 1995.

The Five Books of Moses: Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, Deuteronomy; the Schocken Bible, Volume 1 RC 42213
translated by Everett Fox
read by Gordon Gould
8 cassettes
In this first volume of a new translation, Fox uses as his base the German translation done by Martin Buber and Franz Rosenzweig between 1925 and 1962. Guided by the principle that the Hebrew Bible was meant to be read aloud, Fox renders a poetic version with careful attention to rhythm and sound. Includes commentaries and notes. 1995.

Pack Up Your Gloomees in a Great Big Box, Then Sit on the Lid and Laugh RC 42215
by Barbara Johnson
read by Dani Carr
2 cassettes
The author of Splashes of Joy in the Cesspools of Life (RC 40940) offers more insights into using belief in God and humor to cope with the difficult times. Questions raised by her readers, often parents, are thoughtfully answered with wisdom and a deep Christian faith strengthened by her own experiences with pain. 1993.

Autopsy on an Empire: The American Ambassador's Account of the Collapse of the Soviet Union RC 42226
by Jack F. Matlock
read by Ken Kliban
6 cassettes
A detailed, personal narrative by the diplomat who worked most of his life in the USSR and was ambassador from 1987 to 1991. Matlock also offers analysis and interpretation based on his own insights and on subsequent happenings. An epilogue outlines the status of post-Soviet Union independent states. 1995.

Our Times: America at the Birth of the Twentieth Century RC 42243
by Mark Sullivan
read by Robert Blumenfeld
5 cassettes
An abridgment of reporter Sullivan's history of America from 1900 to 1925, first published in six volumes from 1926 to 1933. The author draws from his memories and from many fields of writing to present a general overview and specific details of the period. Includes World War I, the administration of Theodore Roosevelt, and changes in the 1920s. Edited with material by television journalist Dan Rather. 1996.

Breaking Free: A Memoir of Love and Revolution RC 42250
by Susan Eisenhower
read by Gerry Kasarda
2 cassettes
Susan Eisenhower, granddaughter of President Eisenhower and public affairs manager for the Eisenhower World Affairs Institute, tells of meeting Roald Sagdeev, the Soviet Union's top space scientist, at a conference in 1987. As Eisenhower describes the blossoming of their relationship, she portrays the improved attitudes between the United States and the dissolving Soviet Union that made the marriage possible. 1995.

The Knight in History RC 42254
by Frances Gies
read by Gerry Kasarda
2 cassettes
A history of knighthood from its beginnings in the ninth and tenth centuries, to the flowering of the institution in the eleventh through thirteenth centuries, and up to its waning in the fourteenth century. With historical knights as examples, the author looks at knighthood from social, military, and economic viewpoints and discusses the knightly orders, the chivalric tradition, and the role of knights in battle and in the Crusades. 1984.

Millennium: A History of the Last Thousand Years RC 42255
by Felipe Fern ndez-Armesto
read by Terence Aselford
5 cassettes
A history of the last ten centuries from a global, non-Eurocentric perspective. The Oxford historian describes the civilizations and empires that have existed since the year 1000, ranging from Ming Dynasty China to twentieth-century America. The author also illustrates the character of each civilization through historical anecdotes and discusses the continually shifting ascendancy of East and West. 1995.

The Mexican Shock: Its Meaning for the United States RC 42257
by Jorge G. Casta¤eda
read by Ilona Dulaski
2 cassettes
The author, columnist, and professor of political science at the National Autonomous University of Mexico brings together essays written at different times to explain how U.S. policies affect Mexico. He argues that his country is less democratic and prosperous than is thought and addresses migration, the North American Free Trade Agreement, and the 1994 Zapatista revolt. Some violence. 1995.

Pope John Paul II: The Biography RC 42260
by Tad Szulc
read by Margaret Strom
4 cassettes
Szulc believes that to understand the pope, one must understand his Polishness--the "essential trait of his personality." The first half of the book covers Karol Wojtyla's life up to his election as pope. Szulc sees him as a man of great intellect but also as a man of contradictions. The author covers the pope's conservative stand on subjects such as birth control and celibacy as well as his more liberal stand on human rights and social justice. 1995.

Shostakovich: A Life Remembered RC 42263
by Elizabeth Wilson
read by Faith Potts
5 cassettes
A documentary biography of the great twentieth-century Russian composer. Presents reminiscences of some seventy contemporaries arranged chronologically and supplemented with research. Focuses on the social and political circumstances behind the creation and performance of Shostakovich's works. Recounts the Stalinist purges of 1936 and 1948, when artists were censured and arrested. 1994.

The Quark and the Jaguar: Adventures in the Simple and the Complex RC 42284
by Murray Gell-Mann
read by Butch Hoover
3 cassettes
Winner of the 1969 Nobel Prize in physics and founder of the Santa Fe Institute, where scientists study adaptive systems, Gell-Mann sets forth his views on the behavior and makeup of the natural world and advocates changes that would improve and sustain the environment. He addresses quantum mechanics, biological selection, adaptive systems, and creative thinking. 1994.

Emerson: The Mind on Fire RC 42285
by Robert D. Richardson
read by James DeLotel
5 cassettes
Traces the life and intellectual odyssey of Ralph Waldo Emerson, the nineteenth-century writer, poet, and essayist. Discusses Emerson's development of the principles of individualism, self-reliance, and transcendentalism that have influenced American letters and intellectual thought. Richardson chronicles Emerson's life as student, minister, traveler, speaker, social activist, good friend, and loyal family man. 1995.

How Many Years RC 42290
by Marguerite Yourcenar
read by Mitzi Friedlander
3 cassettes
This book complements Dear Departed (RC 35480), in which the well-known French author presents her maternal ancestors. Here Yourcenar, who died in 1987, tells of her father's people, beginning with prehistory and ending with detailed pictures of her father and grandfather. She traces genealogy, realizes events, and ponders the human condition. Translated from French by Maria Louise Ascher. Some violence. 1995.

The Neandertal Enigma: Solving the Mystery of Modern Human Origins RC 42292
by James Shreeve
read by Lou Harpenau
3 cassettes
Science writer Shreeve surveys evidence and theories on the origins of modern humankind. Drawing upon his travels to sites where the oldest human remains have been found, his interviews with foremost anthropologists, and a weighing of discoveries, Shreeve points to Neandertals as the central mystery of human evolution. Did our species evolve from, interbreed with, or replace Neandertals? 1995.

The Pushcart Prize XX: Best of the Small Presses RC 42294
edited by Bill Henderson
read by Roy Avers and Madelyn Buzzard
4 cassettes
Sixty selections of short fiction, essays, and poetry published first by noncommercial presses and magazines. This twentieth-anniversary edition features up-and-coming authors as well as such literary figures as John Updike and Joyce Carol Oates. Selections include a canto from Robert Pinsky's translation of Dante's Inferno and Eileen Pollack's "Milk." Descriptions of sex and some strong language. 1995.

Thunder Below! The USS Barb Revolutionizes Submarine Warfare in World War II RC 42300
by Eugene B. Fluckey
read by Art Metzler
4 cassettes
The retired rear admiral and winner of the Medal of Honor relates the story of the submarine USS Barb, which he commanded in World War II. Drawing from his own memories--as well as from logs, letters, interviews, official reports, and diaries--Fluckey reconstructs the daring missions of the ship and crew that sank more enemy tonnage than any other submarine during the war. 1992.

Baseball: A History of America's Game RC 42304
by Benjamin G. Rader
read by Ray Foushee
2 cassettes
A history of baseball and of baseball's effect on the history of America. Traces the sport from its pre-Civil War roots through the late-1980s "demise of the dynasties." In addition to telling the legends, the author shows how the growth of baseball reflected urban growth; helped to define cities' identities; and reduced the social strife from racial, religious, and class divisions. Some strong language. 1992.

John C. Calhoun: A Biography RC 42306
by Irving H. Bartlett
read by Butch Hoover
3 cassettes
Bartlett's portrait of Calhoun (1782-1850) dwells mainly on his career as a statesman, showing that he was greatly influenced by his upbringing in the South Carolina wilderness and the limitations of that culture. He covers Calhoun's career as a war hawk in Congress, as secretary of war, as vice president under John Quincy Adams and Andrew Jackson, and as the senator who created the concept of nullification after the Tariff Crisis of 1824. 1993.

Kiplinger's Invest Your Way to Wealth RC 42308
by Theodore J. Miller
read by Ray Foushee
3 cassettes
A how-to guide for building a diversified investment portfolio to fit your financial goals. Presents the "five keys to investment success" and counsels on strategies for short-, medium-, and long-term investors. A comprehensive source for both amateur and experienced investors. 1995.

The Prostate: A Guide for Men and the Women Who Love Them RC 42309
by Patrick C. Walsh and Janet Farrar Worthington
read by Kerry Cundiff
3 cassettes
Noted urologist Walsh and science writer Worthington describe the pros and cons of treatment options for prostate cancer, including a detailed description of the nerve-sparing radical prostatectomy that Walsh is known for. They also explain benign prostatic hyperplasia (enlargement) and prostatitis (infection) and how they may be treated. Includes glossary. 1995.

UNIX for Dummies RC 42312
by John R. Levine and Margaret Levine Young
read by Butch Hoover
3 cassettes
A nonspecialist's guide to UNIX, a multiuser, multitasking computer operating system. Tells how to get started, log in, type commands, manage files, and ask for help. Provides extensive indexes to UNIX commands and computer terms. 1995.

Between Friends: The Correspondence of Hannah Arendt and Mary McCarthy 1949-1975 RC 42325
edited by Carol Brightman
read by Jill Ferris
4 cassettes
Collection of letters between two twentieth-century intellectual women, discussing politics, literature, and life. Arendt, who escaped to the United States from Nazi Germany, is the author of books on political science and philosophy. McCarthy is an essayist and novelist, whose works include The Group (RC 10307) and Cannibals and Missionaries (RC 17815). 1995.

Selling God: American Religion in the Marketplace of Culture RC 42347
by R. Laurence Moore
read by John Richardson
3 cassettes
The Cornell history professor argues that by preventing the establishment of a state religion, the First Amendment obliges churches to "sell" themselves commercially. He chronicles this marketing, adducing evangelists' use of TV spectacles, the Chautauqua Association's promotion of the religious vacation, and other examples. Some violence and some strong language. 1994.

The Fields of Home RC 42354
by Ralph Moody
read by Brian Conn
2 cassettes (Reissue)
In 1912, after the death of his father, the author and his family move from Colorado to Massachusetts. Not used to life in town, fourteen-year-old Ralph somehow finds himself catching trouble at every turn and is sent to live on his grandfather's farm in Maine. The old man is stubborn and crotchety, and Ralph cannot wait to leave. But his satisfaction in meeting the needs of the farm and his grandfather helps Ralph find a wonderful life. 1953.

Justice William J. Brennan Jr.: Freedom First RC 42355
by Roger Goldman
read by Art Metzler
3 cassettes
William Brennan had served on the United States Supreme Court for more than thirty years when he retired in 1990. During his tenure, he established himself as a champion of civil rights and liberties. Divided into three sections, this look at Brennan's work by a St. Louis University law professor contains comments on the man himself, discussion of his decisions, and the text of twelve of his most influential cases. 1994.

Albert Speer: His Battle with Truth RC 42357
by Gitta Sereny
read by Mitzi Friedlander
7 cassettes
Biography of Hitler's architect and minister of war production, who, after the Nuremberg trials, spent twenty years in Spandau prison and was released in 1966. Biographer Sereny, who came to know Speer well, delves into the life and psychology of the only one of Hitler's inner circle who repented his role as a Nazi and grappled with his personal responsibility for crimes of the Holocaust. 1995.

Fear of Wine: An Introductory Guide to the Grape RC 42360
by Leslie Brenner
read by Mitzi Friedlander
2 cassettes
Humorous lessons on wine by a food and wine writer. Brenner gives an overview of the wine-making process, tells which grapes yield certain flavors, and explains the information on the bottle. She describes how to taste, smell, and swirl wine and which wines complement particular foods. Gives tips on selecting a bottle for a dinner party and compiling a small domestic or international wine cellar. 1995.

Leader of the Band: The Life of Woody Herman RC 42362
by Gene Lees
read by Randy Atcher
4 cassettes
Renowned author of books on jazz examines the life of jazz great Woody Herman, who died in 1987 at seventy-four. A clarinet-playing bandleader for a fifty-year span that included the big-band era, Herman was well liked by the musicians he directed. Discusses his tours, noted members of his band, his personal life, and the financial problems that plagued his final years. 1995.

The Beauty of the Beastly: New Views on the Nature of Life RC 42365
by Natalie Angier
read by Kerry Cundiff
2 cassettes
Pulitzer Prize-winning science writer for the New York Times offers her essays on the beauty of organisms usually considered beastly, and the beastliness behind conventional icons of beauty in the natural world. Admitting she "anthropomorphizes shamelessly," she humorously discusses commonalities that humans share with other species. Topics include loving, adapting, healing, creating, and dying. 1995.

Firebrand: The Life of Horace Liveright RC 42367
by Tom Dardis
read by Roy Avers
2 cassettes
An English professor and author chronicles the life of the innovative, unorthodox 1920s publisher who successfully marketed controversial writers of the time: John Reed, Eugene O'Neill, Upton Sinclair, Theodore Dreiser, Ezra Pound, T.S. Eliot, and others. Liveright's profligate lifestyle and alcoholism, however, cost him his marriage, his business, and his life. 1995.

Priest of Music: The Life of Dimitri Mitropoulos RC 42371
by William R. Trotter
read by James DeLotel
4 cassettes
A biography of the renowned Greek conductor, who worked in the United States for much of his professional life. Trotter shows that Mitropoulos brought an ascetic and self-denying fervor to his work. Though he was gifted musically, Mitropoulos's tenure with the New York Philharmonic was troubled. Trotter suggests adverse criticism and an unhealthful lifestyle led to the artist's death in 1960. 1995.

Young@Heart: Computing for Seniors RC 42378
by Mary Furlong and Stefan B. Lipson
read by David Munro
3 cassettes
A guide to computer technology for older adults. Covers the basics of getting started, selecting equipment and software, integrating applications into one's life, and reaching out online. Presents profiles of successful senior computer users. 1996.

Harm de Blij's Geography Book: A Leading Geographer's Fresh Look at Our Changing World RC 42385
by Harm de Blij
read by Ralph Lowenstein
3 cassettes
The geography editor of the Good Morning America show offers a survey of geography basics. De Blij interweaves aspects of maps, weather, nations, and cities to demonstrate their effects on history, economics, politics, and our daily lives. 1995.

The Diaries of Dawn Powell, 1931-1965 RC 42386
by Dawn Powell
read by Barbara Caruso
4 cassettes
The Ohio-born author of My Home Is Far Away (RC 42319) documents her life in New York City. Unlike the brief journals she kept earlier, these are more serious diaries that explore the contemporary New York literary scene and Powell's own curious lack of acclaim. The diaries also reveal her complex and often difficult life. Introduction by Washington Post music critic Tim Page, who compiled and edited the diaries. 1995.

Americas: The Changing Face of Latin America and the Caribbean RC 42387
by Peter Winn
read by Ralph Lowenstein
5 cassettes
An introduction to contemporary Latin America and the Caribbean focusing on cultural and political changes since the 1960s. Analyzes the role of women, the influence of the Catholic Church, and political revolutions. Accompanies the public television series of the same title. 1992.

Victims of Memory: Incest Accusations and Shattered Lives RC 42392
by Mark Pendergrast
read by John Stratton
5 cassettes
The author, who has been accused by his own daughters of sexual abuse, looks at the controversial problem of remembered abuse and the effect accusations have on individuals. He presents views by the therapists, the survivors, the accused, and the retractors--those who have since taken back their accusations. He concludes with a letter to his daughters. For senior high and older readers. 1995.

A Testament of Hope: The Essential Writings and Speeches of Martin Luther King Jr. RC 42395
by Martin Luther King Jr.
read by Bob Moore
6 cassettes
Collects documents generally recognized as composed or presented by the 1960s American civil rights leader, who championed nonviolent tactics. Entries are grouped by genre: philosophy, sermons and public addresses, essays, interviews, and books. The table of contents gives the date of each entry. Editor James M. Washington provides a general introduction and notes. 1986.

The Bearded Lion Who Roars: "Simba Mandefu Mabe" RC 42399
by Elise Dallemagne-Cookson
read by Suzanne Toren
2 cassettes
The American wife of a Belgian colonist recounts the first days of independence in Zaire in 1960. She details the gradual change in relationships between the Belgians and their native servants and neighbors, and tells how she and her husband had to flee the vengeful troops of the new regime. 1995.

Race, Gender, and Power in America: The Legacy of the Hill-Thomas Hearings RC 42406
edited by Anita Faye Hill and Emma Coleman Jordan
read by Catherine Byers
3 cassettes
Contributions by lawyers and scholars to a conference one year after the confirmation hearings of Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas. The essays discuss the impact of the hearings in the context of race and gender issues in the political culture. Editor Hill also contributes an essay about African American women and patronage and marriage. 1995.

Four Centuries of Jewish Women's Spirituality: A Sourcebook RC 42407
edited by Ellen M. Umansky and Dianne Ashton
read by Suzanne Toren
3 cassettes
Collection of spiritual writings reflecting the religious self-identity of Jewish women between 1560 and 1990. The authors include works from the four major movements--Orthodoxy, Conservatism, Reform, and Reconstructionism--and encompass works by North American, European, and Israeli women. Includes sermons, blessings, letters, poetry, and essays. 1992.

Washington Online: How to Access the Government's Electronic Bulletin Boards RC 42416
by Bruce Maxwell
read by Dave Jackson
2 cassettes
A guide to more than two hundred federal government bulletin-board systems (BBSs), covering topics from presidential speeches to federal job openings. Describes contents of the various BBSs and tells how to reach and navigate them using a computer and modem. 1995.

The Search for Justice: A Defense Attorney's Brief on the O.J. Simpson Case RC 42418
by Robert L. Shapiro
read by David Hartley-Margolin
3 cassettes
The architect of the defense strategy speaks to questions of fact, law, and ethics in the 1994-1995 O.J. Simpson murder trial. Shapiro argues that the only possible verdict was the conclusion of "reasonable doubt" reached by the jury. Bestseller 1996.

Where White Men Fear to Tread: The Autobiography of Russell Means RC 42425
by Russell Means
read by Jake Williams
5 cassettes
Means recounts his uncompromising and often perilous life's work as a twentieth-century Native American activist. He describes his transformation from hustler to cultural defender. As leader of the militant American Indian Movement in the 1970s, Means challenged the federal government in Washington, D.C., at Mount Rushmore, and--most dramatically--at Wounded Knee. Violence and some strong language. 1995.

Self-Inflicted Wounds: From LBJ's Guns and Butter to Reagan's Voodoo Economics RC 42435
by Hobart Rowen
read by John Rayburn
4 cassettes
The Washington Post economics columnist criticizes policies of administrations from Lyndon Johnson through George Bush. He argues that all blundered, leading to a decline in national self-esteem and to an erosion of the U.S. economy. 1994.

Bury Me Standing: The Gypsies and Their Journey RC 42444
by Isabel Fonseca
read by Ken Kliban
3 cassettes
The former assistant editor at the Times Literary Supplement reports on Gypsies in East Central Europe, basing her account on research and on visits between 1991 and 1995. She describes the Gypsies' lifestyle and documents their history, including enslavement from the 1300s into the 1800s, genocide by the Nazis, and racist persecution in postcommunist countries. Some violence. 1995.

The Pillars of Hercules: A Grand Tour of the Mediterranean RC 42445
by Paul Theroux
read by Ted Stoddard
4 cassettes
Although the Pillars of Hercules are only fifteen miles apart, it took Theroux approximately eighteen months to travel between them--he took the long way, the old Grand Tour route. Theroux visits places such as Barcelona, Nice, Istanbul, Corsica, Sardinia, Sicily, Albania, Greece, and Morocco by car, boat, train, and foot. 1995.

The Father: A Life of Henry James Sr. RC 42450
by Alfred Habegger
read by Annie Wauters
5 cassettes
Biography of the father of psychologist William James and novelist Henry James Jr., based on letters and the man's many writings. Henry Sr.'s youth--if not his life--was overshadowed by the loss of a leg to gangrene. As an adult, he devoted himself to thinking and writing, seeking in one theory after another the meaning of life, science, and religion. 1994.

History of the Peloponnesian War RC 42452
by Thucydides
read by Gary Telles
4 cassettes
Written in the fifth century B.C. by an Athenian commander, this is a history of the twenty-seven-year conflict between Athens, a democratic state and sea power, and the states of the Peloponnese headed by Sparta, a conservative power with an efficient military force. 1993.

The City of Florence: Historical Vistas and Personal Sightings RC 42457
by R.W.B. Lewis
read by Peter Gil
3 cassettes
The American author of the Pulitzer Prize-winning biography Edith Wharton (RC 9775), who spent about half his life in Florence, provides a historical portrait of the country he has come to love since his first visit to Italy as a child and his initial venture into the Tuscany area during World War II. Includes some of his favorite spots--the Arno, the Duomo, the Ponte Vecchio, and Santa Croce. 1995.

How to Talk So Kids Can Learn--at Home and in School RC 42459
by Adele Faber and Elaine Mazlish
read by Kimberly Schraf
2 cassettes
Known for their works about communicating with children, the authors, at the request of educators, apply their techniques to the classroom. Addressing this book to both parents and instructors, the authors, with two teachers, provide examples of good and bad communication skills. They urge brainstorming sessions with the child and using descriptive rather than evaluative praise. 1995.

Sydney RC 42469
by Jan Morris
read by Corrie James
2 cassettes
Welsh travel writer Morris explores this brash Australian city through its history and culture. She describes it not as the most beautiful city founded in the British Empire, "but the most hyperbolic, the youngest in heart, the shiniest." Sydney boasts its harbor and opera house and holds attitudes influenced by its penal colony beginnings. Some strong language. 1992.

My Soul Looks Back, 'Less I Forget: A Collection of Quotations by People of Color RC 42473
edited by Dorothy Winbush Riley
read by Bob Moore
6 cassettes
More than seven thousand short quotations, mainly from members of the African diaspora, originally compiled to help middle-school students complete their African American History Month projects. The quotations are arranged alphabetically by topic: "ability" through "youth." They are listed chronologically within topics, and each is dated. 1993.

In Confidence: Moscow's Ambassador to America's Six Cold War Presidents (1962-1986) RC 42484
by Anatoly Dobrynin
read by Frank Coffee
6 cassettes
Dobrynin says that as a young engineer he was not happy to learn that he was to become a Soviet Union diplomat, but he went on to serve as ambassador to the United States for a quarter century. He describes his role in the complex period of Soviet-American rivalry during the presidencies of Kennedy, Johnson, Nixon, Ford, Carter, and Reagan. Bestseller 1995.

Clinging to the Wreckage: A Part of Life RC 42488
by John Mortimer
read by John Horton
2 cassettes
The English lawyer, writer, and creator of the Rumpole of the Bailey television series reflects on his upbringing as the only child of a divorce lawyer who became blind when his son was thirteen. Mortimer discusses his various careers and reminisces about celebrities he has known. Prequel to Murderers and Other Friends (RC 42489). 1982.

Senator for Sale: An Unauthorized Biography of Senator Bob Dole RC 42491
by Stanley G. Hilton
read by Ralph Lowenstein
3 cassettes
A critical, unflattering portrait of Bob Dole by a former Senate counsel and Dole aide. Recounts the hardships of Dole's childhood, the anguish of his war injury, and his successful political career. Describes Dole as a cynical, vindictive, unprincipled politician who disdains the needy and caters to moneyed special interests. Speculates on what a Dole presidency would look like. 1995.

Robert Graves: Life on the Edge RC 42498
by Miranda Seymour
read by Vanessa Maroney
4 cassettes
Recounts the unorthodox life and career of the twentieth-century British poet and novelist. Known for an account of his World War I experience in Goodbye to All That (RC 26218), several historical novels, and a book on his theories of poetic inspiration, Graves himself was inspired by a series of young women he called "muses." 1995.

Paul Revere's Ride RC 42502
by David Hackett Fischer
read by Ted Stoddard
4 cassettes
The author debunks some of the myths surrounding Paul Revere's midnight ride. Fischer shows the American Revolution as a series of contingent events, some of which Revere played a role in. Revere did not hold high office or write great papers, but he did belong to several groups that, through individual choice and collective effort, laid plans for the American Revolution. Fischer also discusses the role of British General Gage. 1994.

Pavarotti: My World RC 42508
by Luciano Pavarotti and William Wright
read by Michael Consoli
2 cassettes
A memoir of the opera singer that tells of his family, health, friends, and social life. Describes his love of horses and the jumper show he sponsors, as well as the international vocal competition he founded. 1995.

Bulfinch's Mythology: The Age of Chivalry and Legends of Charlemagne; or, Romance in the Middle Ages RC 42510
by Thomas Bulfinch
read by Mary Kane
4 cassettes
Retells notable European legends, many based on actual events. Includes tales of King Arthur, Charlemagne, and Robin Hood, and the Welsh Mabinogion stories. 1995.

The Best American Sports Writing, 1995 RC 42512
edited by Dan Jenkins
read by Michael Consoli
2 cassettes
Twenty-eight articles from 1994--a difficult year for sports. Includes pieces about the baseball strike, the attack on skater Nancy Kerrigan, and the arrest of O.J. Simpson. Other aspects of the sporting world, such as golf, tennis, fishing, and horseracing, are also covered. Some strong language. 1995.

When the Air Hits Your Brain: Tales of Neurosurgery RC 42516
by Frank T. Vertosick
read by Christopher Walker
2 cassettes
Pittsburgh neurosurgeon describes cases he has encountered during his training and career and discusses behind-the-scenes attitudes of his colleagues. The title comes from one of the secret rules of neurosurgery: "You ain't never the same when the air hits your brain." Strong language. 1996.

Hot Air: All Talk, All the Time RC 42518
by Howard Kurtz
read by Christopher Walker
3 cassettes
An assessment of the talk show format on radio and television by a Washington Post media reporter. Includes portraits of media personalities such as John McLaughlin, Larry King, Geraldo Rivera, Ted Koppel, and Howard Stern. Some strong language and some descriptions of sex. 1996.

Fulbright: A Biography RC 42520
by Randall Bennett Woods
read by Robert Sams
6 cassettes
A portrait of the long-time chair of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, who opposed the U.S. war in Vietnam. Traces his early life in Arkansas, his academic years, and his political career, during which he greatly influenced American foreign policy in the 1960s and 1970s. 1995.

Le Cordon Bleu Classic French Cookbook RC 42522
edited by Julia Alcock
read by Peter Gil
2 cassettes
One hundred classic recipes to celebrate the cooking school's centenary. Includes first courses, such as vichyssoise; main courses, such as duck breasts with pistachios; and desserts, such as chocolate and Cointreau gateau. A section on techniques provides the beginner with the basics for becoming a successful cook. 1994.

V-Bombs and Weathermaps: Reminiscences of World War II RC 42525
by Brock McElheran
read by Robert Sams
2 cassettes
A Royal Canadian Navy officer describes the suffering and gallantry of the British through the German V-1 and V-2 air attacks in 1944. Recounts the author's own serious injury by a V-1 and the ordeal of his recovery. 1995.

Integrity RC 42528
by Stephen L. Carter
read by Norman Fitz
3 cassettes
For Yale University law professor Carter, integrity involves discerning right from wrong, then openly doing what is right. He offers anecdotal examples from law, politics, academia, business, and sports to demonstrate contemporary morality shortages and plead for integrity as a practical public necessity. 1996.

The Womanly Art of Breastfeeding: Thirty-fifth Anniversary Edition; Revised and Updated RC 42529
by La Leche League International
read by Barbara Pinolini
3 cassettes
Fifth edition of the La Leche League's classic book covering all aspects of breastfeeding, including health issues and family dynamics. Information for fathers and working mothers has been added to this revision. 1991.

Perfect Villains, Imperfect Heroes: Robert F. Kennedy's War against Organized Crime RC 42531
by Ronald Goldfarb
read by Gregory Gorton
3 cassettes
A prosecutor in Robert Kennedy's Justice Department uses reports he and others prepared, interviews, and memoirs to detail Kennedy's "hands-on" war on the Mafia. Goldfarb probes the incongruity between that fight and the alleged use of the Mafia by the Kennedys to win the presidency and to try to kill Fidel Castro. He also sees possible mob connections to President John F. Kennedy's death. 1995.

The Complete Kwanzaa: Celebrating Our Cultural Harvest RC 42533
by Dorothy Winbush Riley
read by Camille McCurty Ali
3 cassettes
An anthology of essays, folktales, poems, personal profiles, and recipes on the African American festival of Kwanzaa. The selections serve to illuminate the seven principles of the event and to guide in its celebration. For senior high and older readers. 1995.

KidShapes: A Guide to Helping Your Kids Control Their Weight RC 42561
by Laura Walther Nathanson
read by Kerry Cundiff
2 cassettes
A pediatrician discusses methods of ensuring children maintain healthy weights without becoming preoccupied with calories, feeling deprived, or feeling different. She gives nutritional information for ages newborn to puberty. 1995.

Words Still Count with Me: A Chronicle of Literary Conversations RC 42562
by Herbert Mitgang
read by John Richardson
2 cassettes
A series of impressionistic portraits drawn from interviews with more than sixty of the twentieth century's great authors, including E.B. White, Rebecca West, and Norman Mailer. Gives insights into their personalities and creative lives. 1995.

Parental Divorce RC 42569
by Debra Goldentyer
read by Lisa Kiava
1 cassette
Discusses issues faced by children whose parents are divorcing, with a view to helping teens understand their own emotions and what is happening in their family. Information is presented in a question-and-answer format. Covers the reasons for divorce, legal rights, new roles, and parental dating and remarriage. For junior and senior high readers. 1995.

The World in 2020: Power, Culture, and Prosperity RC 42589
by Hamish McRae
read by Art Metzler
3 cassettes
Starting with an analysis of the economic world of the 1990s, McRae examines various forces for change and tries to judge their effects. By the year 2020, he believes, all developed nations will have embraced market capitalism and will be engaged in Darwinian global economic competition. McRae argues that nations able to balance creativity with social responsibility will have the advantage. 1994.

Another Turn of the Crank: Essays RC 42596
by Wendell Berry
read by Randy Atcher
1 cassette
A series of provocative essays espousing the importance of strong communities and local economies. Berry laments the adverse effects on community life of such forces as centralized government and the global economy. He offers suggestions for returning to simpler ways. 1995.

Brainscapes: An Introduction to What Neuroscience Has Learned about the Structure, Function, and Abilities of the Brain RC 42597
by Richard M. Restak
read by Butch Hoover
1 cassette
The neurologist, author of The Brain Has a Mind of Its Own (RC 35295), explains chemical and genetic influences on thought, emotions, and behavior. For the lay reader. 1995.

Poison Mind RC 42601
by Jeffrey Good and Susan Goreck
read by Ray Foushee
2 cassettes
In 1988, Florida waitress Peggy Carr was hospitalized. Soon others in her family fell ill, and Peggy lapsed into a coma. Investigators determined the family had been poisoned by a tampered-with carton of Coke. They suspected next-door neighbor George Trepal, a Mensa member who knew chemistry. Coauthor Goreck, an undercover cop, befriended Trepal to find evidence to convict him. Some strong language. 1995.

Managing in a Time of Great Change RC 42608
by Peter F. Drucker
read by Gary Tipton
2 cassettes
A collection of articles for executives in light of "changes that have already happened" in the worlds of business, government, society, and the economy. Themes include the executive's changing job, the emergence of information as the key resource, and the suitability of team organization to the new business environment. Executives are exhorted to help "make the future" in a changing world. 1995.

Outrage: The Five Reasons Why O.J. Simpson Got Away with Murder RC 42643
by Vincent Bugliosi
read by John Rayburn
3 cassettes
Bugliosi, former prosecutor for Los Angeles County and renowned for winning a murder conviction against Charles Manson, analyzes the evidence in O.J. Simpson's murder trial. The author argues that Simpson did commit the grisly double murder of his ex-wife and her friend Ronald Goldman. Some strong language. Bestseller 1996.

New and Selected Poems, 1923-1985 RC 42648
by Robert Penn Warren
read by Jim Zeiger
2 cassettes
This collection, published for the author's eightieth birthday, reflects his artistic ripening through the years. The newest offerings, covering 1980-1984, deal with issues of aging, immortality, and nature, especially in the West and Midwest. Also includes selections from his two earlier Pulitzer Prize-winning collections. 1985.

Downcanyon: A Naturalist Explores the Colorado River through the Grand Canyon RC 42651
by Ann Haymond Zwinger
read by Jill Ferris
2 cassettes
To write this book, Zwinger joined a variety of research and other group trips down the Grand Canyon portion of the Colorado River. Her experiences on the river every month of the year flavor her detailed discussion of its natural history. 1995.

Those Who Love the Game: Glenn "Doc" Rivers on Life in the NBA and Elsewhere RC 42656
by Glenn Rivers and Bruce Brooks
read by Jake Williams
1 cassette
A collaborative biography of the New York Knicks guard, relating his experiences growing up and in professional basketball. Provides insights into the game and notable players such as Dr. J, Michael Jordan, and Magic Johnson. For junior and senior high readers. 1993.

Maida Heatter's Brand-New Book of Great Cookies RC 42658
by Maida Heatter
read by Jill Ferris
2 cassettes
More than eighty cookie recipes and general tips on cookie making from an award-winning dessert-book author. Her selections include bar, drop, icebox, and rolling-pin cookies and biscotti. 1995.

Sparring with Hemingway and Other Legends of the Fight Game RC 42666
by Budd Schulberg
read by Jake Williams
2 cassettes
Collection of boxing essays from Sports Illustrated's first boxing editor. Schulberg provides an overview of the sport's forty years from Benny Leonard to Rocky Marciano to Muhammad Ali. Schulberg's portraits of the "sweet science" describe many of the classic bouts as well as the seamy side of the business. 1995.

Negotiating for Your Life: New Success Strategies for Women RC 42668
by Nicole Schapiro
read by Jill Ferris
2 cassettes
A manual for women that outlines strategies and tactics for handling the intricacies of negotiation. Schapiro discusses how to identify and work around certain personality types, such as the "datacrat" and the "steamroller." Divided into three parts--"Understanding Negotiation," "Strategies for Preparation," and "Negotiation in Action"--this book includes exercises and sample dialogues. 1993.

A Guide to Independence for the Visually Impaired and Their Families RC 42674
by Vivian Younger and Jill Sardegna
read by Jill Ferris
2 cassettes
Written for persons with no vision or low vision and their families and friends, this guide provides instructions on "how to perform basic tasks of daily living, how to address new and puzzling feelings and fears, how to respond to embarrassing situations," and more. Includes journal notes, organizational checklists, and a resource directory. 1994.

Green Was the Earth on the Seventh Day RC 42675
by Thor Heyerdahl
read by Bill Wallace
3 cassettes
Autobiographical and philosophical musings by the author regarding his stay, with his wife, Liv, on the South Pacific island of Fatu-Hiva. Their year-long adventure in the late 1930s led to Heyerdahl's later oceanic explorations, one of which is chronicled in Kon-Tiki (RC 22841). 1996.

The Dog Who Loved Too Much: Tales, Treatments, and the Psychology of Dogs RC 42680
by Nicholas H. Dodman
read by Jamie Horton
2 cassettes
An animal behavior book by the veterinarian-director of a clinic for problem dogs. Dodman describes dogs with aggression, fear, and compulsive behavior. Treatments include changes in diet, exercise, and environment; obedience training and behavior modification; and drug therapy. 1996.

A Schoolteacher in Old Alaska: The Story of Hannah Breece RC 42681
edited by Jane Jacobs
read by Yvonne Fair Tessler
2 cassettes
Memoirs of Hannah Breece, an itinerant schoolteacher who taught in remote Alaskan settlements in the early 1900s. Employed by the U.S. Department of Interior in 1904 at the age of forty-five, Breece requested placement in Alaska, which had been purchased from Russia only thirty-seven years earlier. Braving storms, forest fires, bears, and wild dogs, Breece earned respect from her students and their families. 1995.

The Goshawk RC 42687
by T.H. White
read by Bill Wallace
1 cassette
Chronicles the two-month battle of wills between the author, a novice falconer, and the hawk he is trying to tame and train for hunting. Provides daily accounts of progress, mistakes, and setbacks as well as insights and self-discoveries. 1979.

A Good Year to Die: The Story of the Great Sioux War RC 42703
by Charles M. Robinson
read by L.J. Ganser
3 cassettes
Narrative history of the Great Sioux War of 1876, focusing on the efforts of the United States Army, led by George Crook, Alfred Terry, George Armstrong Custer, and Ranald Mackenzie, to conquer the western Native American tribes led by Sitting Bull and Crazy Horse. Robinson uses accounts from diaries, manuscripts, and newspapers to document the battles, rivalries, and competing cultures. Violence. 1995.

In Good Hands: The Keeping of a Family Farm RC 42730
by Charles Fish
read by Gary Telles
2 cassettes
Account of six generations on a Vermont family farm by a "vagrant scion" who spent his boyhood summers there. Fish recounts the arduous and complex tasks of farm routine and tells of a close family dedicated to land, duty, and the virtuous life. He evokes an era when the family farm was central to the national experience. 1995.

The Maximum Wage: A Common-Sense Prescription for Revitalizing America--by Taxing the Very Rich RC 42732
by Sam Pizzigati
read by Michael Consoli
1 cassette
The author argues that "the rich are sapping the strength of America . . . corrupting our democracy and strangling our economy." He proposes a "Ten Times Rule" that would cut taxes for all Americans, except the very rich. 1992.

The Message of the Sphinx: A Quest for the Hidden Legacy of Mankind RC 42744
by Graham Hancock and Robert Bauval
read by Lou Harpenau
2 cassettes
Hancock and Bauval attempt to decipher the mysteries of the Great Sphinx of Egypt, which they claim is eight thousand years older than formerly believed. The authors use computer simulations of ancient skies to support their theories as to the origin and meaning of the Great Sphinx and also the three pyramids of Giza. Bestseller 1996.

Escape Velocity: Cyberculture at the End of the Century RC 42746
by Mark Dery
read by Barry Bernson
3 cassettes
Escape velocity is the speed that it takes for a body to pull away from the earth. Dery suggests that computer culture is reaching "escape velocity" from history and tradition. This overview looks at junkyard robot makers who stage mechanical performances and others who use technology to extend their physical and mental abilities. Some strong language. 1996.

Drinking: A Love Story RC 42791
by Caroline Knapp
read by Annie Wauters
2 cassettes
One woman's struggle to overcome twenty years of "high-functioning" alcoholism. She examines how drinking contributed to her difficulty in dealing with her parents' deaths and with the discovery of her father's alcoholism. Includes information about alcohol abuse and an alcoholism questionnaire. Some strong language. Bestseller 1996.

No Shirt, No Shoes, No Problem! RC 42792
by Jeff Foxworthy
read by Gregory Gorton
2 cassettes
The comedian known for his television sitcom, his comedy albums, and his books continues to joke about his southern roots and redneck ways. Some strong language and some descriptions of sex. Bestseller 1996.

Knee Deep in Paradise RC 42798
by Brett Butler
read by Dani Carr
2 cassettes
Comedian known for her starring role in the sitcom Grace under Fire takes a serious look at her past. Abandoned by her father at an early age, Butler later faced her mother's depression, her own alcoholism, and an abusive first husband. Strong language, violence, and some descriptions of sex. Bestseller 1996.

Angela's Ashes: A Memoir RC 42805
by Frank McCourt
read by Patrick Horgan
3 cassettes
Frank McCourt recollects his "miserable Irish Catholic childhood" in the squalor of Limerick. Absent any support from his glib, but shiftless, alcoholic father, the family suffered hunger, cruelty, disease, and the death of children. McCourt recounts his story without rancor. Strong language. 1996.

Jack and Jackie: Portrait of an American Marriage RC 42809
by Christopher Andersen
read by Ralph Lowenstein
3 cassettes
Andersen examines the relationship between John Fitzgerald Kennedy and Jacqueline Lee Bouvier, revealing details about their courtship, Jackie's difficult pregnancies, John's rumored liaisons with numerous celebrities, and the impact of children on their marriage. Some strong language and some descriptions of sex. Bestseller 1996.

The Re-Enchantment of Everyday Life RC 42813
by Thomas Moore
read by Gordon Gould
3 cassettes
Moore avers that a spiritual, enchanted engagement with life is not a childish thing to be put away with adulthood but a necessity for personal and collective survival. Describes how such ordinary aspects of life as gardens, food, and language can take on a new sense of wonder and beauty. Bestseller 1996.

A Man's World: How Real Is Male Privilege--and How High Is Its Price? RC 42820
by Ellis Cose
read by Jake Williams
2 cassettes
A contributing editor of Newsweek magazine and author of The Rage of a Privileged Class (RC 38582) examines men's "sense of dissatisfaction." He explores men's confusion over changing roles in the workplace and in the home and over issues of sexual harassment and battery. Cose maintains that men are not as privileged as feminists suppose. 1995.

Red Earth, White Lies: Native Americans and the Myth of Scientific Fact RC 42828
by Vine Deloria
read by Bill Wallace
2 cassettes
A professor of history, law, and religious studies attacks scientific doctrines as he understands them from "reading scholarly articles and popular writers." He questions ideas of evolution and migration via the Bering Strait in favor of Native American scenarios of prehistory. Some strong language. 1995.

Arguing about Slavery: The Great Battle in the United States Congress RC 42844
by William Lee Miller
read by John Rayburn
5 cassettes
Recounts the controversy in the U.S. Congress from 1835 to 1845 over the right of women and slaves to petition for ending the slave trade in the U.S. capital. Describes John Quincy Adams's long effort to repeal a gag rule that barred such petitions and the significance of his action in the ultimate abolition of slavery. 1995.

The Eagle and the Rose: A Remarkable True Story RC 42849
by Rosemary Altea
read by Mary Woods
2 cassettes
Life of an English clairvoyant and medium. Altea describes the hardship of growing up in an abusive family, forced to conceal her psychic abilities. As an adult, Altea is befriended by a healer, who helps her develop her psychic gifts, and by Grey Eagle, a Native American spirit guide. 1995.

Emergency! True Stories from the Nation's ERs RC 42853
compiled by Mark Brown
read by David Hartley-Margolin
2 cassettes
An emergency room doctor has compiled stories from his colleagues in hospitals throughout the country. Doctors and nurses describe emergency cases during their careers that have stayed with them in vivid detail. The brief stories range from heartbreaking to humorous and encompass a wide variety of health conditions. Includes a glossary of ER terms. Some strong language and some violence. 1996.

Citizen Koch: An Autobiography RC 42886
by Edward I. Koch
read by Richard Davidson
2 cassettes
Memoirs of the former mayor of New York City, whose political career included stints as a councilman and as a United States congressman. Koch reminisces about his public life, depicts the struggles of his Polish-Jewish immigrant family during the depression, describes his World War II service, and boasts about his outspokenness and how it affected his job performance. Some strong language. 1992.

Speed Tribes: Days and Nights with Japan's Next Generation RC 42888
by Karl Taro Greenfeld
read by Robert Blumenfeld
2 cassettes
Describes Japan's little-known youth subculture that emerged as a result of the "bubble economy," expanding prosperity in the late 1980s. Greenfeld covers the sordid side of Tokyo's urban society, including organized crime, nightclubs, motorcycle gangs, and the porn industry. Strong language. 1994.

"I Am Who I Am": Speaking Out about Multiracial Identity RC 42890
by Kathlyn Gay
read by Catherine Byers
1 cassette
An overview of the cultural, historical, and political aspects of the American mixed-race experience. Gay examines the role of prejudice and racism in the difficulties faced by children of multiracial heritage, as well as negative media images and stereotypes. Includes a directory of interracial support groups. For junior and senior high and older readers. 1995.

Bare Knuckles and Back Rooms: My Life in American Politics RC 42900
by Ed Rollins
read by Michael Consoli
3 cassettes
A candid account of Washington politics by a veteran campaign strategist. Traces his blue-collar youth, his years as a championship amateur boxer, and his controversial thirty-year career as a political adviser to presidents and other major candidates. Strong language. Bestseller 1996.

Privileged Hands: A Scientific Life RC 42911
by Geerat Vermeij
read by Ed Blake
2 cassettes
An esteemed evolutionary biologist and paleontologist, who has been blind since the age of four, describes his childhood and his career. Born in the Netherlands, Vermeij faced learning both a new language and contracted braille when he began third grade in the United States. But he brought with him a love of seashells, which became his life's work. 1997.

The Road to San Giovanni RC 42916
by Italo Calvino
read by Robert Blumenfeld
1 cassette
Five autobiographical essays or "memory exercises." The title work depicts Calvino as a child accompanying his father to market. "A Cinema-Goer's Autobiography" reveals how the movies reinforced Calvino's imagination. "Memories of a Battle" is a reflection on fighting the Fascists. "La Poubelle Agr,,e" is a satire on taking out the garbage. And "From the Opaque" collects Calvino's thoughts on writing. 1990.

The Complete Collected Poems of Maya Angelou RC 42918
by Maya Angelou
read by Gail Nelson
1 cassette
In this collection of more than 150 poems, Angelou celebrates the lives of black people, though many of her poems are universal in their appeal. She uses the speech patterns of southern blacks and of the streetwise hip, the currents of blues and jazz, and the rhythm of rap. The collection includes "Still I Rise" and "On the Pulse of Morning." 1994.

Reviving the Spirit: A Generation of African Americans Goes Home to Church RC 42924
by Beverly Hall Lawrence
read by Robin Miles
1 cassette
A journalist born in Georgia and living in New York City draws on personal experience to show that African Americans are turning to churches for affirmation and a sense of racial pride. She focuses on the Bethel African Methodist Episcopal Church in Baltimore, Maryland, describing its "dashing" pastor, its involvement in economic development, and its "Mighty Men of God" ministry. 1996.

Beyond the Promised Land: Jews and Arabs on the Hard Road to a New Israel RC 42928
by Glenn Frankel
read by Ralph Lowenstein
4 cassettes
An overview of Israel's economic, social, and political history from 1987 to 1993. The Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist traces his view of Israel's transition from an embattled collectivist state to a pluralistic nation pursuing diplomacy and peace. 1994.

A Shepherd Looks at Psalm 23 RC 42934
by Phillip W. Keller
read by Rick Rohan
1 cassette
The author brings information and insights from his own experience in sheepherding to this meditation on the psalm. For example, he uses the predicament of a "cast" sheep--one that has fallen over on its back and can't get up--to elucidate the phrase "he restoreth my soul." 1970.

Catching My Breath: An Asthmatic Explores His Illness RC 42944
by Tim Brookes
read by Robert Sams
2 cassettes
Journalist and National Public Radio essayist Brookes examines the common but apparently incurable disease he has suffered from since age eleven: asthma. His personal experiences, such as a frightening attack that didn't respond to the usual remedies and landed him in the hospital, are interspersed with information on symptoms and therapies. Brookes's research included watching surgery on a lung. Some strong language. 1994.

Not Entitled: A Memoir RC 42980
by Frank Kermode
read by George Holmes
2 cassettes
Autobiography of a distinguished man of letters. The author recounts the three major phases of his life: his isolated youth on the Isle of Man, his service in the British navy during World War II, and his fifty-year career as a scholar and journalist. 1995.

The Railway Man: A POW's Searing Account of War, Brutality, and Forgiveness RC 42982
by Eric Lomax
read by Graeme Malcolm
2 cassettes
Born in Scotland, where from youth he nurtures an intense interest in trains, Lomax becomes a prisoner when Singapore falls to the Japanese in 1942 and is sent to work on the Burma-Siam railway. When a map he draws is found, he is subjected to torture that cripples him physically and psychologically. After a lifetime of bitterness, he forgives one of his persecutors. Violence. 1995.

Shadowlands RC 42985
by William Nicholson
read by John Horton
1 cassette
This play, based on actual events, explores the social and emotional complications of a late romance between two intellectuals. At fifty-eight, philosopher-author C.S. Lewis meets the married poet Joy Davidson. Davidson divorces, marries Lewis, and soon dies of cancer. The marriage brings Lewis social and family reproach and causes him to question his theology. Winner of the 1990 London Evening Standard Best Play Award. 1990.

A Genius for Living: The Life of Frieda Lawrence RC 42988
by Janet Byrne
read by Suzanne Toren
3 cassettes
Chronicles the tumultuous life of the aristocratic Prussian who abandoned her husband and three children to become the wife, muse, and defender of English novelist D.H. Lawrence. 1995.

A Place in Space: Ethics, Aesthetics, and Watersheds; New and Selected Prose RC 43025
by Gary Snyder
read by Ed Blake
2 cassettes
A collection of essays that are "Buddhist, poetic, and environmental calls to complex moral thought and action." Holds that nature is not something apart from human society, but intrinsic. Urges humans to transcend their differences and find common ground for their own good and nature's. 1995.

The Presidency of George Washington RC 43027
by Forrest McDonald
read by Ralph Lowenstein
2 cassettes (Reissue)
The author explores the reputation of the first president and its role in American history, arguing that the mystique surrounding Washington allowed a divided and contentious young country to trust executive authority and establish the office of president. McDonald also describes Washington's administration and the end of his immunity to public criticism. 1974.

Meadowlands RC 43058
by Louise Glck
read by Mitzi Friedlander
1 cassette
A collection of poems that interweaves vignettes from The Odyssey with the story of a dissolving modern marriage. Uses Homer's characters metaphorically to portray aspects of contemporary family life. Meditates on compulsion and choice and on freedom and restraint. 1996.

Sleeping on a Wire: Conversations with Palestinians in Israel RC 43192
by David Grossman
read by Ken Kliban
2 cassettes
Portrays the lives of the Arab citizens who make up almost one-fifth of Israel's population. Describes the inequities faced by this minority and shows how Israel's Arabs must deal with both Jewish hostility and the suspicions of their fellow Palestinians. 1993.

Farewell to Manzanar: A True Story of Japanese American Experience during and after the World War II Internment RC 43194
by Jeanne Wakatsuki Houston and James D. Houston
read by Catherine Byers
1 cassette (Reissue)
An intimate look at the painful years during World War II when the Wakatsuki family was imprisoned in a California internment camp for Japanese Americans. 1973.

Edgar Cayce on Atlantis RC 43205
by Edgar Evans Cayce
read by Christopher Hurt
1 cassette
The author distills and arranges excerpts about the legendary continent of Atlantis from many psychic readings given by his father, Edgar Cayce, who is called the "Sleeping Prophet." The "life readings" describe the individuals' previous incarnations in an advanced, flourishing civilization that vanished twelve thousand years ago. The author discusses the validation and relevance of the elder Cayce's readings and predictions. 1968.

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